Discipline: Cyber security

Begin by researching & identifying a critical infrastructure sector or component such as power, finance and banking, or municipal services. Perform an analysis of the selected component, identifying its vulnerabilities.Begin by researching & identifying a critical infrastructure sector or component such as power, finance and banking, or municipal services. Perform an analysis of the selected component, identifying its vulnerabilities.

  (there are 18) After conducting your research, either in the Online Library or on the Internet, propose improvements in the protection of that component. Your paper must contain the following elements. An introduction to describe your chosen critical infrastructure sector or component An analysis and assessment of the critical infrastructure importance and vulnerabilities of the […]

How did the Stuxnet malware target vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) to overthrow nuclear enrichment facilities and what can be done to improve the security of vital infrastructure against similar attacks?How did the Stuxnet malware target vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) to overthrow nuclear enrichment facilities and what can be done to improve the security of vital infrastructure against similar attacks?

How did the Stuxnet malware target vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) to overthrow nuclear enrichment facilities and what can be done to improve the security of vital infrastructure against similar attacks? Topic: How Stuxnet Malware Targets Industrial Control Systems and Methods to Improve the Security of Infrastructure  Please only use peer review journals 

After reviewing chapters 1 and 2 of The Master Algorithm, in the essay consider the brain as the master algorithm and define this meaning, elaborate on how research demonstratedAfter reviewing chapters 1 and 2 of The Master Algorithm, in the essay consider the brain as the master algorithm and define this meaning, elaborate on how research demonstrated

After reviewing chapters 1 and 2 of The Master Algorithm, in the essay consider the brain as the master algorithm and define this meaning, elaborate on how research demonstrated this, and how machine learning is developed from the attributes of the brain, Then also consider what it means for the future of society, humanity, and […]

Create your cyber defense paper draft by selecting your trends below and completing a threat model for each trend using what you learned in Stepping Stone One.Create your cyber defense paper draft by selecting your trends below and completing a threat model for each trend using what you learned in Stepping Stone One.

For this final project, put yourself in the role of a security analyst who is performing an audit of your company. Your organization is a mid-sized manufacturing company that released its own smart headset. The headset has the ability to project important documents on an optical screen for the technicians in the field. The documents […]

Review your organization’s BYOD policyAfter reviewing the BYOD policy, write a response in which you describe a possible modification you would make to this policy to reflect the changes in the system from the scenario.Review your organization’s BYOD policyAfter reviewing the BYOD policy, write a response in which you describe a possible modification you would make to this policy to reflect the changes in the system from the scenario.

You are a cybersecurity analyst, and your organization has noticed a new trend. More and more employees are bringing their personal devices to work and connecting them to the company’s Wi-Fi. The security team has recognized this as an issue and has decided to create a new segmented network for employees to use for their […]

Understanding the Dynamics of Cyberbullying: Causes, Impacts, and Prevention StrategiesUnderstanding the Dynamics of Cyberbullying: Causes, Impacts, and Prevention Strategies

I am writing my thesis research paper and having problems with my last discussion and conclusion chapters. My professor’s feedback:  I have looked at your findings. It is missing a few facts. Get it right, scientific research is about facts, facts, and facts. Anything without it is your opinion. This means that any discovery or […]

Discuss the movie “Bourne Supremacy”., in terms of the concepts as described in the course, as relates to the actions of the hackers and tools used in response to the hackerDiscuss the movie “Bourne Supremacy”., in terms of the concepts as described in the course, as relates to the actions of the hackers and tools used in response to the hacker

Ethical Hacking – Situational Analysis Discuss the movie “Bourne Supremacy”., in terms of the concepts as described in the course, as relates to the actions of the hackers and tools used in response to the hacker

Write a policy memorandum to the NSA with a single policy recommendation that you think will address a singular national security challenge for the better.Write a policy memorandum to the NSA with a single policy recommendation that you think will address a singular national security challenge for the better.

Please follow this format: Executive Summary: Summarize everything below in 2-3 paragraphs. Introduction: Why does your challenge matter? Background: Provide scope of the problem. Who, what, when, where. Assessment of current approaches: And why they might be inadequate. Proposed Policy: How are you going to fix the problem? Constituencies, Barriers, Roadblocks: What challenges might your […]

Review the Rules of behavior (PL-4.4) – Currently marked inherited but will be modified to be hybridReview the Rules of behavior (PL-4.4) – Currently marked inherited but will be modified to be hybrid

Review the Rules of behavior (PL-4.4) – Currently marked inherited but will be modified to be  hybrid.  1- Required to be reviewed annually by PMO 2- How do we track these reviews?  3-  Does ISSM sign a page each year stating reviewed and no changes/changes made.   (PL-4.4) 4- This includes the UAR, SAF, what other […]