Discipline: Drama and Theatre

Filming violence – as Harjant Gill has discussed, Punjabi cultural modes are replete with a history of violence (social, state, religious, gendered, sexual, etc.) Discuss how violence has been represented in Punjabi cinemaFilming violence – as Harjant Gill has discussed, Punjabi cultural modes are replete with a history of violence (social, state, religious, gendered, sexual, etc.) Discuss how violence has been represented in Punjabi cinema

On topic No. 2 Filming violence – as Harjant Gill has discussed, Punjabi cultural modes are replete with a history of violence (social, state, religious, gendered, sexual, etc.) Discuss how  violence has been represented in Punjabi cinema.  For an 8-page research paper with film analysis, I would suggest 8-10 sources that can be a mix of […]

1. Exotic films are often harshly criticised for being politically incorrect. Choose TWO of the following films and consider which particular aspects of their exoticism are ‘non-pc’: The Tiger of Eschnapur, Eat Pray Love and Slumdog Millionaire.1. Exotic films are often harshly criticised for being politically incorrect. Choose TWO of the following films and consider which particular aspects of their exoticism are ‘non-pc’: The Tiger of Eschnapur, Eat Pray Love and Slumdog Millionaire.

1.     Exotic films are often harshly criticised for being politically incorrect. Choose TWO of the following films and consider which particular aspects of their exoticism are ‘non-pc’: The Tiger of Eschnapur, Eat Pray Love and Slumdog Millionaire.

Analyzing the play & Draw tree diagram showing the character relationships in this playAnalyzing the play & Draw tree diagram showing the character relationships in this play

1.) Short Writing Assignment (1 1/2-2 pages, double-spaced): In your reading of Tony Kushner’s ANGELS IN AMERICA: MILLENIUM APPROACHES, there are certain characters with whom you may identify more than others. With whom do you identify with the most? The least? Do some of the actions of the characters strike you as particularly mean or […]

Exploring “Teacher in role” drama strategy in education practices in classes for 6-12 years old studentsExploring “Teacher in role” drama strategy in education practices in classes for 6-12 years old students

– Evidence of  secondary reading (and viewing if appropriate) and your use of this reading to explore an appropriate research question. – Use detailed examples from practices and processes to make an overall argument or claim for your essay. – Organise your material in your essay into a clear, logical overall argument or claim. – […]

Does Oedipus have any free will? Support your answer with specific examples from the play. How much free will do you have in your life compared to Oedipus?Does Oedipus have any free will? Support your answer with specific examples from the play. How much free will do you have in your life compared to Oedipus?

https://s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/720/oedipus_full_text_fagles_with_scenes_labeled.pdf using this script answer this question Does Oedipus have any free will? Support your answer with specific examples from the play. How much free will do you have in your life compared to Oedipus? using 3 main pionts with no AI

Transforming Gender Representations in Theatre: A Cultural and Historical AnalysisTransforming Gender Representations in Theatre: A Cultural and Historical Analysis

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to develop your communication skills and create a scholarly response to a class question or dilemma. I encourage you to think “Here’s what in theatre history can speak to us” OR, “Here’s something in my own background or a background that interests me, about theatre histories, how stories […]

Your friend approaches you and tell you about a conflict they have had with a man named Frank. While searching the city, your friend spots Frank and orders you to gun him down. How would you react in this situation?Your friend approaches you and tell you about a conflict they have had with a man named Frank. While searching the city, your friend spots Frank and orders you to gun him down. How would you react in this situation?

Your friend approaches you and tell you about a conflict they have had with a man named Frank. While searching the city, your friend spots Frank and orders you to gun him down. How would you react in this situation?

Rhetorical analysis of the horror movie Us focused on the use of metaphors and what those metaphors critique in society.Rhetorical analysis of the horror movie Us focused on the use of metaphors and what those metaphors critique in society.

Essay requirements: An introduction that introduces the media, your approach to analysis, why it matters (the media and your approach), and a preview statement (introduction should be roughly one-page in length.  The essay needs to include at least 5 scholarly sources that are rhetorical -focused on rhetoric in horror films ( body horror, slasher horror, duality,etc) . […]

“Relevansi Pendekatan Strukturalisme dalam Kajian Naskah Drama: Analisis atas ‘Awal dan Mira: Drama Satu Babak’ serta Implikasinya terhadap Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia”“Relevansi Pendekatan Strukturalisme dalam Kajian Naskah Drama: Analisis atas ‘Awal dan Mira: Drama Satu Babak’ serta Implikasinya terhadap Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia”

Pada esai harus memuat paling tidak mengenai;1) urgensi kajian naskah drama dan alasan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian sastra yang saudara gunakan; 2) isu pendidikan bahasa Indonesia yang secara substansi relevan dengan kajian yang dilakukan saudara; 3) hal ihwal pendekatan penelitian sastra yang saudara gunakan; dan 4) hasil-hasil penelitian orang lain menggunakan pendekatan penelitian sastra yang saudara […]

How does Collins’s use of first-person narration through Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games impact the reader’s perception of the events in chapter 14 and character interactions in chapter 14, particularly in terms of narrator reliability?How does Collins’s use of first-person narration through Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games impact the reader’s perception of the events in chapter 14 and character interactions in chapter 14, particularly in terms of narrator reliability?

How does Collins’s use of first-person narration through Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games impact the reader’s perception of the events in chapter 14 and character interactions in chapter 14,  particularly in terms of narrator reliability?