Discipline: Education

Reflect and Discuss: What type of Environment Do We Want For Children In Our Community?Reflect and Discuss: What type of Environment Do We Want For Children In Our Community?

Read/Explore Chapter 6 ( I have uploaded images with order): “Developing a Program Facility” Watch How the Industrial Revolution Changed Childhood (12min) Link:https://youtu.be/CA7yEjY5m9Q Certain elements of childhood — school, play,  homework — are often considered universal by  those who live in industrial societies like the  United States. Evolutionary anthropologist Dorsa  Amir draws from her time […]

Write a research proposal on the topic “Using models and real-life objects to engage Basic 7 students in finishes and finishing at Nankese Presby JHS. All three chapters in ten pages. With referencesWrite a research proposal on the topic “Using models and real-life objects to engage Basic 7 students in finishes and finishing at Nankese Presby JHS. All three chapters in ten pages. With references

Research Proposal Title: Using Models and Real-Life Objects to Engage Basic 7 Students in Finishes and Finishing at Nankese Presby JHS Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background The process of finishes and finishing in construction plays a crucial role in the final appearance and durability of structures. However, teaching this concept to Basic 7 students can […]

“Practitioner-doctors should ONLY engage in action research that is pragmatic and applicable to private industry.”“Practitioner-doctors should ONLY engage in action research that is pragmatic and applicable to private industry.”

write an original research report (saved as an MS Word document) following the APA form and style on the statement below. You will need to identify at least three (3) academic/primary resources with original research that support your position. Do not use references we have covered in the course, but review the literature for additional current […]

Reflection on 1st clinical experience and call to professional commitment to future actionReflection on 1st clinical experience and call to professional commitment to future action

please correct the doc named “Reflection on 1st clinical experience and…”. Important: ***My teacher wants that my paper Include information about your “biases, social & cultural experiences, or privileges regarding teaching and learning” examples of taking advantage of resources for professional growth, i.e collaboration with colleagues. examples of your commitment and support of classroom ‘family’ […]

Ability Grouping And Parent and Teacher Perception: A Qualitative Descriptive StudyAbility Grouping And Parent and Teacher Perception: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

The literature review section must be a minimum of 30 pages. The purpose of the minimum number of pages is to ensure that the overall literature review reflects a foundational understanding of the theory or theories, literature and research studies related to the topic. A well-written comprehensive literature review that reflects the current state of […]

Examine two major instructional approaches and compare their strengths as methods in a diverse and inclusive classroom setting.Examine two major instructional approaches and compare their strengths as methods in a diverse and inclusive classroom setting.

Examine two major instructional approaches and compare their strengths as methods in a diverse and inclusive classroom setting. Discuss the characteristics and merits of each instructional approach and their relevance and implications for the inclusive and diverse classroom. Submit a paper which is 2 pages in length, exclusive of the reference and title page, double-spaced […]

Explain why educational leaders should be familiar with the characteristics of culturally responsive teaching practices? Summarize how understanding culturally responsive teaching may impact your classroom and pedagogical practices?Explain why educational leaders should be familiar with the characteristics of culturally responsive teaching practices? Summarize how understanding culturally responsive teaching may impact your classroom and pedagogical practices?

Explain why educational leaders should be familiar with the characteristics of culturally responsive teaching practices?  Summarize how understanding culturally responsive teaching may impact your classroom and pedagogical practices? Readings: 1. Cullen. K.A. (2016, March 21). Culturally responsive disciplinary literacy strategies instruction. In Crandall, B. R., Lewis, E., Stevens, E.Y., Robertson, J. M., O’Toole. J. E., […]

“…As educators, [we] exert a powerful influence over classroom norms, it is important to make explicit those values that are most often implicit and profoundly affect students in our classrooms” (Ginsberg & Wlodkowski, 2009, p. 13).“…As educators, [we] exert a powerful influence over classroom norms, it is important to make explicit those values that are most often implicit and profoundly affect students in our classrooms” (Ginsberg & Wlodkowski, 2009, p. 13).

“…As educators, [we] exert a powerful influence over classroom norms, it is important to make explicit those values that are most often implicit and profoundly affect students in our classrooms” (Ginsberg & Wlodkowski, 2009, p. 13).    consider the quote above and evaluate how (Montesorri)  classrooms you have taught in, observed or participated as a […]

The reading in this unit introduced multiple means and methods that could be incorporated into a classroom that would create a truly inclusive learning atmosphere where all students have equitable access to the learning material.The reading in this unit introduced multiple means and methods that could be incorporated into a classroom that would create a truly inclusive learning atmosphere where all students have equitable access to the learning material.

The reading in this unit introduced multiple means and methods that could be incorporated into a classroom that would create a truly inclusive learning atmosphere where all students have equitable access to the learning material. Select two ways to make sure all students in a classroom could interact with and understand the curriculum. Explain how […]

Compose an essay that critically explores the origins and the disputed interpretations of democracy. (Module: Democracy and Education)Compose an essay that critically explores the origins and the disputed interpretations of democracy. (Module: Democracy and Education)

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The essay writing MUST not regurgitate the readings, an understanding of the readings must be evident.  2. The essay requires you to show that you understand at least three texts on critical democratic theory (see your course outline).   3.  You must also demonstrate that you comprehend the origins of the concept of […]