Discipline: Education

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: A Literature ReviewThe Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: A Literature Review

I. Introduction (2 pages) A. Background on Cybersecurity Challenges The digital landscape has become increasingly complex, leading to a proliferation of cyber threats. Organizations face numerous challenges, including ransomware attacks, data breaches, and sophisticated phishing schemes. As cybercriminals adopt advanced techniques, traditional cybersecurity measures often fall short. The cost of cybercrime is staggering, with estimates […]

Week 7- Assignment 2: Recommend Dispositions that Support Student and Caregiver CollaborationWeek 7- Assignment 2: Recommend Dispositions that Support Student and Caregiver Collaboration

The second part of this assignment is focused on students and caregivers. For this assignment, use Kaltura to create an audio recording of a mock phone call to a students’ home for the purpose of giving positive feedback about the student. I will complete the phone call myself; however, I still need the printout of […]

Essay dengan tema A. Filsafat sejarah, filsafat sejarah spekulatif, FS kritis, dan teori sejarah. B. Pendapat Anda tentang FS R.G Collingwood. C. Bandingkan FS Positivis dan Idealis dalam menjelaskan peristiwa Sejarah.Essay dengan tema A. Filsafat sejarah, filsafat sejarah spekulatif, FS kritis, dan teori sejarah. B. Pendapat Anda tentang FS R.G Collingwood. C. Bandingkan FS Positivis dan Idealis dalam menjelaskan peristiwa Sejarah.

Buatkan essay dengan tema A. Filsafat sejarah, filsafat sejarah spekulatif, FS kritis, dan teori sejarah. B. Pendapat Anda tentang FS R.G Collingwood. C. Bandingkan FS Positivis dan Idealis dalam menjelaskan peristiwa Sejarah.

Language and Literacy Development in the Early Years: Foundational Skills that Support Emergent ReadersLanguage and Literacy Development in the Early Years: Foundational Skills that Support Emergent Readers

After reading the article for week 2, summarize the ideas of the article and analyze how those ideas apply to why literacy development is important for children in early childhood?  Your respond should be in 700-900 words (2-3pages) essay with. Please make sure to use “Grammarly” to correct your grammar. An APA cover page and […]

Tasks, Organization and Grading Your case study brand for this assessment is Rolex. The work is to be presented as a Word document with images/print screens pasted in specific pages and discussion written as text.Tasks, Organization and Grading Your case study brand for this assessment is Rolex. The work is to be presented as a Word document with images/print screens pasted in specific pages and discussion written as text.

ROLEX SUBMISSION  2 ind pages  What u see and u read about marketing  Make clear were ur sections are  Page 2 value ladder brunos class 100 w  How Rolex is climbing up the marketing ladder  Page 3 brand identity prism 100 w Explain the role : Mention the role how we use prism in Rolex  […]

choose a country which claims a territory or asserts ownership in the west Philippine seachoose a country which claims a territory or asserts ownership in the west Philippine sea

continue the introduction I’ve made. The West Philippine Sea (WPS), a strategically vital maritime region in Southeast Asia, has been a focal point of territorial disputes for decades. Among the claimants, China’s expansive claim, encompassing nearly 90% of the sea, has been particularly contentious. China’s claim is anchored in its historical presence and activities in […]

Absenteeism and its Effects on Career Tech Education Programs (Causes and Solutions)Absenteeism and its Effects on Career Tech Education Programs (Causes and Solutions)

Each student selects a topic related to a current issue in CTE and conducts an  investigation on the topic and writes a short research paper/report. Examples of areas of interest include, but not limited to at-risk youth; authentic assessment;  literacy education; transitions; career academies, articulation agreements, diversity in CTE. Great sources for such ‘hot/current issues’ […]

Week 7 – Assignment 1: Recommend Dispositions that Support Community and Colleague CollaborationWeek 7 – Assignment 1: Recommend Dispositions that Support Community and Colleague Collaboration

Note: This is the first of two assignments for this week. Be sure to address the second assignment. In this first assignment, you will compose two communications (a letter and an email) to stakeholders in which you identify and recommend dispositions that support collaboration. Each communication should provide detailed  strategies for strengthening the dispositional qualities […]

Research Paper Submission: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in FundraisingResearch Paper Submission: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Fundraising

Paper (200 points):  The topic of this paper is diversity equity, inclusion, and belonging within the practice of fundraising.  MUST be all related to nonprofit fundraising. The task of the assignment is to investigate the scholarly (peer-reviewed) and professional literature for their utility in addressing the topic and produce a research paper that synthesizes the […]

Module 10: Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Linoit AssignmentModule 10: Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Linoit Assignment

Module 10: Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disorders Linoit Assignment For this assignment, you will use Linoit to help you review what you are learning about students with intellectual and developmental disorders. In this module are resources on how to create a Linoit. You use either Option One (group with faculty) or Option Two (no […]