Discipline: Education

Referensi mengenai Konsep Keadilan Sosial dalam Al-Qur’an: Studi Komparatif Kisah Nabi Syuaib AS dan Pemimpin Zaman Modern (surah hud ayat 84-85)Referensi mengenai Konsep Keadilan Sosial dalam Al-Qur’an: Studi Komparatif Kisah Nabi Syuaib AS dan Pemimpin Zaman Modern (surah hud ayat 84-85)

1. Pengantar Ayat dan Kisah Nabi Syuaib AS Perkenalkan konteks Surah Hud: 84-85, yang berfokus pada dakwah Nabi Syuaib AS kepada kaum Madyan. Ayat-ayat ini menyoroti seruan Nabi Syuaib tentang keadilan ekonomi, khususnya terkait perdagangan yang adil dan larangan mengurangi timbangan. Jelaskan kondisi masyarakat Madyan yang korup secara ekonomi, dengan praktik-praktik curang yang menyebabkan ketidakadilan […]

Reform priorities in [Guangxi, China], 1970 – 2020: A comparative education policy analysisReform priorities in [Guangxi, China], 1970 – 2020: A comparative education policy analysis

You should be able to use information gathered and presented in your previous assignments as well as in lab sessions for this assignment. Make sure that your write-up is coherent, that is, don’t just cut/paste from previous assignments but make the text flow. If necessary, look for and insert additional information. Also make sure that […]

Play Experience Plan: Dramatic Play or Music, Social Studies, and Gross Motor/PhysicalPlay Experience Plan: Dramatic Play or Music, Social Studies, and Gross Motor/Physical

  One Play Experience Plan Download Play Experience Plan  (PEP} aligned with your Study Topic (GARDEN) and  based on the subject areas listed below  For each selected subject area, you will provide at least (1) skills, competencies, knowledge from NAEYC Standard 5a pg 20. For each selected subject area, you will provide at least (1) teaching strategies from NAEYC Standard […]

Write small essay about the reliablity and accesiblity of exit slips for a means of review for elementary school kidsWrite small essay about the reliablity and accesiblity of exit slips for a means of review for elementary school kids

.  Explain how to evaluate this assessment practice for reliability.   3.  Explain how to evaluate this assessment practice for accessibility.   a.  Discuss an example of how a specific assessment item could decrease accessibility when using this assessment practice.   4.  Explain how to evaluate this assessment practice for bias.   a.  Discuss an […]

design one exact project or one performance to measure a child’s or classes understanding of a learning outcomedesign one exact project or one performance to measure a child’s or classes understanding of a learning outcome

This is a 14 slide of a student performance or student product. Create it for one student only.  Including the learning objective, 4-6 aims and the aim has to be in a question. And also create a child’s work. It doesn’t have to be a real child’s work. You can make it up. Please see the […]

Review of Guidelines for understanding and proclaiming the Book of Proverbs by Greg W ParsonsReview of Guidelines for understanding and proclaiming the Book of Proverbs by Greg W Parsons

.  Each B.A.R.  student will also write a summary review/critique [a summary of and brief interaction with] the article “Guidelines for Understanding & Proclaiming the Book of Proverbs”  in Bibliotheca Sacra by your professor Greg W. Parsons [See Student Resources ]—about  2  to 3 pages (single-spaced). .  Each B.A.R.  student will also write a summary […]

identifies the political and philosophical assumptions underpinning a dominant political education policy or practice.identifies the political and philosophical assumptions underpinning a dominant political education policy or practice.

I need to produce a 300 words poster  and provide a brief 500 words commentary on how the poster identifies the political and philosophical assumptions underpinning a dominant political education policy or practice.  I added the graphics and tables in the paid item . You can just make a simple graphics and make sure that the […]

Academic Portfolio on the changes in digital technology within educational researchAcademic Portfolio on the changes in digital technology within educational research

You are required to produce an academic portfolio on the changes in technology throughout the years. You must analyse your information that also allows for technology advancement within education from the past and into the present. Your portfolio needs to analyse three technology devices whilst applying legislation and changes within the advancement of technology. 1. Critically evaluate a […]

Reflection and Discussion: Reframing Our Views About Family Engagement…An Integral Part of Literacy AchievementReflection and Discussion: Reframing Our Views About Family Engagement…An Integral Part of Literacy Achievement

Reframing Our Views About Family Engagement…An Integral Part of Literacy Achievement Watch/Explore Course Book: Developing and Administering Early Childhood Education Programs, Chapter 13: “Working with Families, Volunteers, and the Community” Video Clips: Phyllis C. Hunter on Family: An Integral Part of  Literacy Achievement(53min) https://youtu.be/wFVc9QEvjhU Phyllis C. Hunter, President of PCH Consulting,  discusses the importance of […]

Behavioursm (Skinner) vs Constructivism (Papert) in understanding the relationships between Education and TechnologyBehavioursm (Skinner) vs Constructivism (Papert) in understanding the relationships between Education and Technology

A literature review should do the following: (1) critically analyse two  readings (attached) discussing their significance for understanding the relationship between education and technology; and (2) relate the readings to personal experience of education. Regarding (2), the following is good to be reflected:  – “traditional” school experience from the 80-s with lots of instructions and no access […]