Discipline: Education

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the preschool learning foundations and how they correlate with Early Care, Education, and Family Studies theories.The purpose of this assignment is to understand the preschool learning foundations and how they correlate with Early Care, Education, and Family Studies theories.

Read the California Pre-School Learning Foundations (pages xi-xvi; 1-5; 21-35; 47-55; 71-89, 103-111 & 137; 143-147; and 160-167). Review all material provided for you regarding the Foundations. In your paper you will summarize all the material. In a concluding paragraph(s), give your personal evaluation of the material, how it affects how we teach children and […]

Contested Definitions of Inclusive Education and the affordances and challenges of practical implication in South Africa.Contested Definitions of Inclusive Education and the affordances and challenges of practical implication in South Africa.

Title: Contested Definitions of Inclusive Education and the affordances and challenges of practical implication in South Africa. Introduction:  Begin with an introductory section which gives an overview of the topic’s significance and the literature, policies, and legislation you aim to address. Body Literature, Policies and Legislation (1 to 2 pages) ·         Select relevant literature, policies, […]

What are the long-term academic outcomes associated with early participation in SEL programs for elementary students?What are the long-term academic outcomes associated with early participation in SEL programs for elementary students?

Research question: What are the long-term academic outcomes associated with early participation in SEL programs for elementary students? Assignment instructions:  The objective of this capstone is to provide you an opportunity to synthesize your CECI experience in a culminating project. The project requires you to conduct a literature review on a topic that is particularly relevant […]

Module 1 Assignment: The Role of Ethics & Governance in Educational OrganizationsModule 1 Assignment: The Role of Ethics & Governance in Educational Organizations

Annotated Bibliography 1Explain what ethics is about and its role in educational organizations in the context of ethical culture and code of conduct. You must locate and summarize 5 articles from scholarly journals published within the past 10 years. Each summary must be at least 250 words. This is a continuous assignment that will extend to […]

Chapter 4: Discussion of Findings (Recommendations to Solve the Problem of Low Mathematics Test Scores at George M. Hampton Middle School in Virginia)Chapter 4: Discussion of Findings (Recommendations to Solve the Problem of Low Mathematics Test Scores at George M. Hampton Middle School in Virginia)

Instructions: Answer all questions on the checklist below. USE THE REFERENCES FROM CHAPTER 2 AND CHAPTER 3 SURVEY AND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS). Individually talk about each data collection method in chapter 4. Provide a synthesis of 4 things: all 3 data collection methods (teacher interviews, surveys, and quantitative document analysis) and the literature review.  Compare what the literature said […]

What factors determine what is taught about gender and sexuality to young people in schools?What factors determine what is taught about gender and sexuality to young people in schools?

Write an academic essay in response to ‘What factors determine what is taught about gender and sexuality to young people in schools’  You are required to:  1.Present an argument in response to this question.  2.Support your argument with evidence drawn from the research literature. 3.Draw on relevant conceptual frameworks and/or theories to develop your argument.  […]

Legislative Events and Current Issues Part 1: SEI Historical and Legal FoundationsLegislative Events and Current Issues Part 1: SEI Historical and Legal Foundations

Having a historical perspective of the court cases, laws, and mandates that have shaped English language instruction policy enables teachers to understand the necessity of addressing the learning needs of English learners (ELs). Complete the “Legislative Events and Current Issues” template to explore the historical and legal foundations of structured English immersion (SEI) in Arizona […]

Article Analysis: Identifying and Teaching Students with Significant Reading ProblemsArticle Analysis: Identifying and Teaching Students with Significant Reading Problems

Read the article Identifying and Teaching Students with Significant Reading Problems by Sharon Vaughn and Jack M. Fletcher ( https://www.aft.org/ae/winter2020-2021/vaughn_fletcher ) After critically reading the article, you will be required to answer a series of questions. What do we mean by “read critically”? Critical reading means more than just skimming the subheadings of a textbook chapter or highlighting […]

Analyze the practice of Inclusion by reading and analyzing the case study “He’s Just a Goofy Guy.Analyze the practice of Inclusion by reading and analyzing the case study “He’s Just a Goofy Guy.

Analyze the practice of Inclusion by reading and analyzing the case study “He’s Just a Goofy Guy.” In your response, answer the questions on page 3 of the handout, and be sure to reference key elements of both the case study and the research notes contained in the document.  This document can be found at http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/IA_He_s_Just_a_Goofy_Guy.pdfLinks […]

Critically reflect on the impact of an aspect of globalisation on either education policy or learning and teaching, leadership and management, teacher identity in a setting of your choice.Critically reflect on the impact of an aspect of globalisation on either education policy or learning and teaching, leadership and management, teacher identity in a setting of your choice.

In your essay, you should cover the following points: State very clearly which aspect of globalisation you will be focusing on and whether you will be discussing its impact on teaching and learning, policy, identity, cultural adaptation, etc. Develop a discussion of globalisation of education – summarise key debates, then choose the definition of globalisation […]