For this week’s portfolio assignment, it’s time to contribute to your Program Portfolio that spans your entire Master of Education experience here at University . Refer back to the Program Portfolio template and identify the space allocated for EDUC 5220. Then, add a minimum of two artefacts to your portfolio. At least one artefact should […]
Discipline: Education
Multi-Source Argument Essay: “What is wrong with our education system and how could it be fixed?”Multi-Source Argument Essay: “What is wrong with our education system and how could it be fixed?”
For this essay, everyone in the class will have the same topic and the same list of sources to work from, but what areas of the topic you focus on and which sources you choose to use will be up to you and will help make your essay unique. Your essay should answer the following […]
Wk 1 – Summative Assessment: A Study of Theory and Development [due Mon] Wk 1 – Summative Assessment: A Study of Theory and DevelopmentWk 1 – Summative Assessment: A Study of Theory and Development [due Mon] Wk 1 – Summative Assessment: A Study of Theory and Development
The importance of art in a child’s development and education is indisputable. Through the arts, learning can be more exciting and engaging for young children. The arts may promote development in key areas for young children, providing an opportunity for children with delays to make significant growth. As an early childhood educator, it is vital […]
Recommendations to solve the problem of high absenteeism at Logan Ridge Community High SchoolRecommendations to solve the problem of high absenteeism at Logan Ridge Community High School
( Please make corrections where my professor indicates, also please find “PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS”). It is imperative that they are peer reviewed. Also, please adhere to the AR CHECKLIST which is attached) Very important! (Has to have at least 50 sources) Thank you for helping. Below is the email that my professor attached recently to […]
Clinical Field Experience A: Questioning Strategies in the Social Studies ClassroomClinical Field Experience A: Questioning Strategies in the Social Studies Classroom
Building a learning environment in which students use respectful communication skills demonstrates the importance of creating safe, positive spaces inside and outside of the classroom. By modeling these questioning strategies, teachers provide examples of how to communicate in collaborative and social situations. Prior to your field experience, review the requirements of all clinical field experiences […]
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Higher Education Administration AssignmentContemporary Trends and Challenges in Higher Education Administration Assignment
To review the assignment information, click on the document name to view or download the document. Scroll to view or download the embedded rubric. Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Higher Education Administration Assignment Instructions
Maximising Teaching Efficiency Through A Centralised Web Planning Platform for TeachersMaximising Teaching Efficiency Through A Centralised Web Planning Platform for Teachers
To produce a high-quality literature review, follow these guidelines based on the 8.3 Dissertation Rubric for Project-Based Dissertations. Adhering to these instructions will help you achieve an outstanding rating.Your objective is to provide a comprehensive and critical review of existing literature related to your research topic. Cover the main themes and concepts extensively, ensuring thorough […]
Supporting Families with Understanding Developmentally Appropriate use of TechnologySupporting Families with Understanding Developmentally Appropriate use of Technology
Directions For this assignment, you will create an online workshop as a guide for families and technology use in the home. Review: Review the Department of Education’s Guiding Principles for Use of Technology with Early Learners Guiding Principle #1: “Technology – when used appropriately – can be a tool for learning.” Review the Three C’s: […]
Clinical Field Experience B: Developmentally Appropriate Math Strategies InstructionClinical Field Experience B: Developmentally Appropriate Math Strategies Instruction
Using a variety of instructional strategies ensures that students have the opportunity to practice and apply math concepts in various contexts. Presenting the learning in different ways helps support students with varied learning styles. As the math lesson progresses, teachers use questioning and other formative assessment strategies to check for understanding. Allocate at least 5 hours […]
The role of popular culture within the academic and theoretical discourses of international relationsThe role of popular culture within the academic and theoretical discourses of international relations
Short theoretical analysis paper (6 pages) discussing the role of popular culture within the academic and theoretical discourses of international relations. Has to be double spaced, in 12-pt font, and Times New Roman font style. The paper should follow an introduction, a hyphpothesis, and/or research question, focused analysis, a conclusion and a bibliography/works cited list. […]