Discipline: Education

Czy celem oraz rezultatem podróży jest przede wszystkim poznanie innych ludzi i miejsc czy korzyść dla psychiki podróżnika?Czy celem oraz rezultatem podróży jest przede wszystkim poznanie innych ludzi i miejsc czy korzyść dla psychiki podróżnika?

TEMAT WYPRACOWANIA: Czy celem oraz rezultatem podróży jest przedewszystkim poznanie innych ludzi i miejsc czy korzyść dla psychiki podróżnika?W wypowiedzi argumentacyjnej rozważ problem podany w temacie.W swoich rozważaniach przedstaw argumenty, odnosząc się do utworówliterackich oraz do wybranych kontekstów (np. historycznoliterackiego,literackiego, biograficznego, kulturowego , artystycznego (malarstwo lub innedziedziny sztuki), religijnego, mitologicznego, biblijnego, historycznego,filozoficznego, egzystencjalnego, politycznego, społecznego) […]

Collaboration of general and special education teachers perspectives and strategiesCollaboration of general and special education teachers perspectives and strategies

Critical Article Analysis  Using the rubric below, read the attached peer-reviewed study related to collaboration in special education and complete a critical analysis of the article by using the questions below as a foundation for the analysis. Do not answer the questions but use the question as the basis to complete the critical analysis.  What […]

The Effect of Overseas Assignments on Degree Completion Among USAF Active Duty PersonnelThe Effect of Overseas Assignments on Degree Completion Among USAF Active Duty Personnel

Find two articles relating to your topic. These can be from popular media or from more research-focused sources such as Research Gate or one of the library’s databases. Write a brief summary of each article. Provide the links to your articles and discuss how each article supports your  topic.  Topic:  The Effect of Overseas Assignments […]

Answer the following questions about Functionalist Theory, Conflict Theory, and the Kathleen Wilcox research on the two elementary school classrooms.Answer the following questions about Functionalist Theory, Conflict Theory, and the Kathleen Wilcox research on the two elementary school classrooms.

Functionalist Theory & Conflict Theory – For each question, your answer should be 3-5 paragraphs.  Discuss four points or ideas the Conflict Theorists use to explain why there is economic inequality in society. If it’s useful, you can discuss these four points or ideas as critiques of Functionalists’ ideas.  Wilcox article – In 3-4 paragraphs, answer the […]

Ghemawat, Sanjay, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung. The Google file system. Vol. 37, no. 5. ACM, 2003.Ghemawat, Sanjay, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung. The Google file system. Vol. 37, no. 5. ACM, 2003.

read this Ghemawat, Sanjay, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung. The Google file system. Vol. 37, no. 5. ACM, 2003. You need to submit a summary of the paper for the reading assignment 2. Please follow the guidelines and requirements listed below to write your summary:   Your summary has to follow the IEEE paper format. The word template is […]

analyse the guiding statement and evaluate the applicability of Feuerstein’s theory within the South African context.analyse the guiding statement and evaluate the applicability of Feuerstein’s theory within the South African context.

Focus Statement to guide your discussion “Feuerstein and his colleagues have carried out pioneering work on the teaching of thinking and reasoning with diverse populations worldwide. Because of the systemic nature of the work, which takes into account all sectors of society, it has relevance for South African society, ranging from underachieving disadvantage. Specific Essay […]

How can the Backwards Design model effectively address the assumption that individual differences in learning affect the learner’s ability to perform learning tasks and accomplish learning outcomes?How can the Backwards Design model effectively address the assumption that individual differences in learning affect the learner’s ability to perform learning tasks and accomplish learning outcomes?

Instructional Design Model Analysis Paper Assignment Instructions In the Chapter Using Technology to Address Individual Differences in Learning in the Bishop et al. text (p. 101 of the PDF), Antonenko et al. list the following “assumptions about differences among individuals and their learning:” 1.     Individual differences in learning show systematic variation in the population. 2.     […]

Pakai bahasa Indonesia, topik “Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka Problem Based Learning atau Pemecahan Masalah di Sekolah Dasar Indonesia saat sekarang”, Daftar pustaka sumber-sumber kemutakhiran referensi 2020-2024Pakai bahasa Indonesia, topik “Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka Problem Based Learning atau Pemecahan Masalah di Sekolah Dasar Indonesia saat sekarang”, Daftar pustaka sumber-sumber kemutakhiran referensi 2020-2024

1. Tulislah teks esai dengan ketentuan: 1) Ditulis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. 2) Maksimal 8 halaman. 3) Pembahasan harus sesuai dengan tema/topik. 4) Melampirkan daftar pustaka. 2. Topik/tema esai Sesuai dengan Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar temanya “Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka Problem Based Learning atau Pemecahan Masalah di Sekolah Dasar Indonesia saat ini” 3. Esai […]

How Would You Define Diversity? What might be a few potential issues arising in a diverse workplace and inclusive university?How Would You Define Diversity? What might be a few potential issues arising in a diverse workplace and inclusive university?

How Would You Define Diversity? What might be a few potential issues arising in a diverse workplace and inclusive university?  Please complete the question above by commenting on the occupation protests by pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University in New York City in April/May 2024. Meaning, when we strive for a diverse and inclusive university how […]

History, predicament, characteristics and enlightenment of science education reform in SingaporeHistory, predicament, characteristics and enlightenment of science education reform in Singapore

1. History of science education reform in Singapore (I) 1960s to 1980s: emphasis on the education of basic scientific knowledge and skills 1990s to 2000s: Promoting STEM education with a focus on practical and interdisciplinary learning 2010s to the present: Emphasis on innovation, creativity and the ability to solve practical problems Ii. The reality dilemma […]