Discipline: Education

Primary Education Policy Development and Educational Leadership in China’s Mountainous RegionsPrimary Education Policy Development and Educational Leadership in China’s Mountainous Regions

Choose a topic, ideally one which might be of interest for your dissertation. Your topic should be in the form of a title or question which is related to the field of education and related to your specific programme of study (either MA International Education or MA Educational Leadership). Write a thematic literature review on […]

Explain what is meant by the term ‘pattern of development’ and give some examples to illustrate the stages from birth to 19 years old. .Explain what is meant by the term ‘pattern of development’ and give some examples to illustrate the stages from birth to 19 years old. .

Explain what is meant by the term ‘pattern of development’ and give some examples to illustrate the stages from birth to 19 years old. Ensure you include an explanation of the term and give a brief description of each stage.Ensure you use the development chart available (please add a minimum of 3 points and a […]

Analysis of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) using Utility Index of Assessment. Its pros and cons and suggestion for improvement.Analysis of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) using Utility Index of Assessment. Its pros and cons and suggestion for improvement.

The dean wants you to analyse the current use of DOPS in your program on; 1) the use (what is it, what is it measuring, how the instrument is formatively and summatively used in the program); 2) the strengths and weaknesses of the instrument using the utility model for analyses and improvement suggestions (reliability, validity, […]

The topic of my academic paper is about tackling a problem for educational change and innovation courseThe topic of my academic paper is about tackling a problem for educational change and innovation course

the topic of my academic paper is about tackling a problem for educational change and innovation course 3 written pages, plus 1 for references and one for the title I already have a template of how he wants it to be these are the instructions: Introduce a specific educational change you will tackle;Formulate a problem […]

A letter of recommendation (I already wrote everything but I want someone to expand and make the letter of rec better)A letter of recommendation (I already wrote everything but I want someone to expand and make the letter of rec better)

  my professor asked me if i can write myself a letter of rec then give it to her to edit it. so i can give you an idea about what i did then youou can make it look better. 400 words max I already wrote everything but I want someone to expand in what […]

Children from lower socioeconomic status families are more likely to develop speech and language delays.Children from lower socioeconomic status families are more likely to develop speech and language delays.

Signature Assignment: Determinants of Child Health Paper (ILO #1, #2; PLO #2, #4, #5; SLO #1 – #7) The purpose of this final paper is to integrate everything you have done in previous assignments to develop this paper. In this paper you will comprehensively describe the child health issue organized by the major categories of […]

Common Core: Describe the Common Core is it? What is its purpose? Who supports (pro) the Common Core and who is against (con) against? What is your opinion.Common Core: Describe the Common Core is it? What is its purpose? Who supports (pro) the Common Core and who is against (con) against? What is your opinion.

Choose one topic from the list of “Buzz Words” below and discuss why it is so controversial in the field of early childhood education.  You will find three (3) articles that support/pro for your topic and three (3) articles that disagree/con with the idea. In a six (6) page paper, summarize your findings.  Remember that every argument has two sides.  It is important that you pay adequate attention […]

Wk 4 Summative Assessment: Language Acquisition Elements Plan Wk 4 Summative Assessment: Language Acquisition Elements PlanWk 4 Summative Assessment: Language Acquisition Elements Plan Wk 4 Summative Assessment: Language Acquisition Elements Plan

Imagine you are one of five teachers who teach 1st grade. Your team has recently received an influx of multilingual (EL) learners. As the teacher with the most experience with these types of learners, your principal has asked you to create a plan for helping these learners reach English language proficiency. This plan will involve using […]

Inclusion Strategy or Inclusive Education Book Topic for young kids in classroomInclusion Strategy or Inclusive Education Book Topic for young kids in classroom

Candidates will create a 10-minute presentation about a strategy to use in inclusive education from the textbook. The presentation can be a strategy to work with inclusive students, ways to modify a lesson for special education students, how to differentiate a lesson, etc., but it must be found in the text used for this class. […]

A literature review of the ways education institutions can promote change referring to the models of change.A literature review of the ways education institutions can promote change referring to the models of change.

General Guidance Your assignment should be word processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using time new roman size 12 font, double spaced, with numbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page. The word limits stated for this assignment excludes the reference list at the end of the assignment but includes […]