Discipline: Education

Transformative Learning, adults’ experiences, and either Embodied, Spiritual, or Narrative Learning in a lesson or training session (Response post)Transformative Learning, adults’ experiences, and either Embodied, Spiritual, or Narrative Learning in a lesson or training session (Response post)

Must write a respose to 2 seperate posts. Each response post (at least 70-80 words) must be supportive and encouraging. You  can ask a question, ponder an idea they raised, or continue the conversation with a  further thought or idea. 10 pts. Original Discussion Post Question: Discussion Post: In two to three paragraphs, discuss how […]

Week 6 – Assignment: Recommend Best Practices Connecting Research, Practice, and Policy in ECEWeek 6 – Assignment: Recommend Best Practices Connecting Research, Practice, and Policy in ECE

  Instructions Write a white paper on Best Practices in ECE.  See this week’s resources for information on how to write an effective white paper.  Your white paper should clearly connect research, practice, and policy in ECE and will be based on the following scenario:  You are a successful teacher-leader in an urban setting who […]

What are elementary school teachers perceptions on the school district’s implementation of programs to support students who have been exposed to trauma?What are elementary school teachers perceptions on the school district’s implementation of programs to support students who have been exposed to trauma?

I need chapters 1-3 of my disseratation edited and rewritten with some additions made. Ch 2 need 1-13 more pages with 3 references per paragrah and ref in the past 4 years. Ch 3 will be a case study using thematic analysis and the references recommended are Lin, Patton, Braun and Clark. The procedures portion […]

that we should refocus our curriculum on content and not so much on bells and whistles associated with technology, group projects, and an emphasis on student’s perceptions of themselves which are viewed as being so important in our schools.that we should refocus our curriculum on content and not so much on bells and whistles associated with technology, group projects, and an emphasis on student’s perceptions of themselves which are viewed as being so important in our schools.

Discussion Question   Previous Next  Listen Book used with this assignment is Focus Elevating the Essentials Chapter 2  Schmoker (2011 and 2018) describes in Chapter 2 of your text that we should refocus our curriculum on content and not so much on bells and whistles associated with technology, group projects, and an emphasis on student’s perceptions […]

American education is a story about the quest for power, a struggle for cultural, economic, and political freedom and equality.American education is a story about the quest for power, a struggle for cultural, economic, and political freedom and equality.

Educational historian Joel Spring has written that the history of American education is a story about the quest for power, a struggle for cultural, economic, and political freedom and equality. In a well-written, typed paper, explain what Spring means and also explain at least three historical examples that embody this meaning. (Remember: The key word is “struggle,” as it implies […]

Explain your Vision fo the Ideal learning environment for your (me) 12th grade Government ClassExplain your Vision fo the Ideal learning environment for your (me) 12th grade Government Class

 This is the prompt for the paper. Explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper. You must answer the questions below, using a 12 point font and double spaced. Then, complete the behavior management plan that supports your […]

What is the impact of culturally responsive teaching on narrowing the achievement gap for students of colour from diverse backgrounds?What is the impact of culturally responsive teaching on narrowing the achievement gap for students of colour from diverse backgrounds?

Research Focus for my paper: What is the impact of culturally responsive teaching on narrowing the achievement gap for students of colour from diverse backgrounds? A good annotated bibliography should contain: summary of problem, main message of paper, argument (the qualitative/interpretative aspect of your analysis of the article) , methods, key findings, possible quotes, how this will be used […]

A literature review plan for A literature review of the role of leadership in promoting change in educationA literature review plan for A literature review of the role of leadership in promoting change in education

  Guidelines for developing a Plan for the Literature Review Module title: Leading Change Assessment Point: Formative task Assessment task: Plan for the Literature Review Word count limit: 500-750 words Submission deadline: Please consult the VLE. Submission procedure: Please submit via the submission link on the VLE. General Guidance Your plan for Literature Review should […]

Implications of specific theories for the beginning reading programme in mainstream primary classrooms.Implications of specific theories for the beginning reading programme in mainstream primary classrooms.

The full question is – Critically consider the ‘Simple View of Reading’ as proposed by Rose (2006), Frith’s model of reading development and, the ‘Whole Language’ approach to learning to read. Drawing on relevant research and course content discuss the implications of these theories for the beginning reading programme in mainstream primary classrooms.  It is important […]

Establishing a Preliminary Framework for Effective Faculty-to-Faculty MentorshipEstablishing a Preliminary Framework for Effective Faculty-to-Faculty Mentorship

I have also uploaded a rough outline (MethodsFindingsFutureWork.docx) of these sections and need assistance writing out the following sections for the research paper: Methods Findings  Discussions Future Work I have uploaded the a document (Draft 1 WIP.docx) for base of the paper which includes the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Motivation.