Discipline: Education

A Critical Review of How the Promotion of International Education Can Be Facilitated or Hindered within Schools That Operate within National Education Systems.A Critical Review of How the Promotion of International Education Can Be Facilitated or Hindered within Schools That Operate within National Education Systems.

TUTOR’S COMMENTS Strengths in relation to the MA Assessment Elements This assignment contains some good material. The title is appropriate for the EIC unit, and in much of the content you write fluently. You have demonstrated familiarity with a range of literature sources, and it is good to see where you have related discussion of […]

Getting Connected with your Professional Organizations and your Community ToolkitGetting Connected with your Professional Organizations and your Community Toolkit

This assignment is another opportunity to add to or improve your technology skills, and continue to develop your teaching strategies toolkit of information and resources. In this assignment, you are being asked to create a sustainable resource blog that you can add to any time you want. You can use any blog platform as long […]

Exploring the impact of Growth Mindset Training Programs in South Carolina middle schools and a focus on why new trends should lean towards (TSR) Teacher-Student Rapport in support of this.Exploring the impact of Growth Mindset Training Programs in South Carolina middle schools and a focus on why new trends should lean towards (TSR) Teacher-Student Rapport in support of this.

You have helped me before with the dissertation pre-proposal and literature review. After going back and forth a few times, we have finally decided on a more fine tuned topic:Exploring the impact of Growth Mindset Training Programs in South Carolina middle schools and a focus on why new trends should lean towards (TSR) Teacher-Student Rapport […]

Based on the findings from the readings and conducting your own research, analyze the below points for discussion.Based on the findings from the readings and conducting your own research, analyze the below points for discussion.

Based on the findings from the readings and conducting your own research, analyze the below points for discussion. You are required to conduct a virtual classroom session using the cross-curricular approach to learning, What are the potential challenges that the students may face in a virtual classroom? Describe how you will engage your students in […]

Week 4 – Assignment: Formulate Learning Targets and Approach to Summative AssessmentWeek 4 – Assignment: Formulate Learning Targets and Approach to Summative Assessment

This week, you will either begin constructing a new unit of study or evaluating the already designed unit of study you selected during Week 1. (We will be evaluating the already designed unit of study from Week 1) The unit of study you work on will cover a longer period for implementation than you will […]

how educational technology will be used in your classroom to support your teaching and students’ learning.how educational technology will be used in your classroom to support your teaching and students’ learning.

A. Write an article, blog post, or letter to parents that explains how educational technology will be used in your classroom to support your teaching and students’ learning.1. Provide support for your explanation by using technology integration strategies, theories, or philosophical perspectives.2. Use one International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standard for students in […]

The study of secondary level student’s cognitive ability in the context of their adjustment, educational aspirations, and anxietyThe study of secondary level student’s cognitive ability in the context of their adjustment, educational aspirations, and anxiety

1) किरन. 2020. “माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक स्तर की शिक्षा को गुणवत्तापूर्ण बनाने की आवश्यकता.” 8(4):131–36. 2) चौधरीडॉ. आर.के.एस.अरोडा गुलाब. 2023. “डिजिटल कक्षा द्वारा प्रदत्त शिक्षा के प्रति माध्यमिक स्तर के विद्यार्थियों की अभिवृत्ति का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन.” 8(6):414–19. 3) द्विवेदीडॉ. कौशल. 2022. “उच्च माध्यमिक स्तर के छात्रों की शैक्षिक उपलब्धि पर बुद्धि की प्रभावशीलता का […]

Write a 5 page response to the following questions: Can progressive education truly help and benefit all students? How does high stakes testing affect progressive educators? What is a major roadblock that you foresee in your career as a teacher?Write a 5 page response to the following questions: Can progressive education truly help and benefit all students? How does high stakes testing affect progressive educators? What is a major roadblock that you foresee in your career as a teacher?

Write a 5 page response to the following questions: Can progressive education truly help and benefit all students? How does high stakes testing affect progressive educators? What is a major roadblock that you foresee in your career as a teacher? Formatting paper instructions Formatting paper instructionsFormatting for paper The cover page: The cover page can […]

Ценностные вызовы современного российского общества.Ценностные вызовы современного российского общества.

напиши эссе для предмета Основы российской государственности по теме: Ценностные вызовы современного российского общества. Требования: Предполагает использование научной литературы (не менее 3-4 статей) Используй существующие российские статье на эту тему проанализируй их и на основе создай текст Обязательно оставь существующие ссылки на эти источники где ты искал информацию. Объем -10-15 тыс. знаков. Примерный план (в […]

Research Proposal – Benefits of Inclusive Classrooms in Early Childhood EducationResearch Proposal – Benefits of Inclusive Classrooms in Early Childhood Education

The culminating project for the semester (which acts as the final) will be a research proposal on a topic of your choice. The topic should provide generalizable knowledge and fill a “gap” in the literature. At the beginning of the semester, you will select a research question(s) and apply what you learn about research methods […]