Discipline: Education

The journey of Female Artists and Artist Mothers in the perspective of Bangladesh.The journey of Female Artists and Artist Mothers in the perspective of Bangladesh.

Essay Brief Introduction -a brief about the Female artist and artist mothers / women who works outside of the door from the historical aspect. How they’re survived and continued their journey in the patriarchal society, their present situation. What is the current situation of female artists and artist mothers in a country like Bangladesh in […]

Respond To 2 Discussion Post from week 4 qbout the effects of social media on adolescents.Respond To 2 Discussion Post from week 4 qbout the effects of social media on adolescents.

(Natalie) discussion post 1 What do you think is the most significant factor of social media on adolescents? I think the most significant factor that affects adolescents on social media is the violence that they can see in movies, tv shows, video games, or any of the many social media platforms. Broderick and Blewitt write, […]

Recommendations to Solve the Problem of Low-Test Scores on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness for Reading Language Arts at Westview Middle School in Austin, TexasRecommendations to Solve the Problem of Low-Test Scores on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness for Reading Language Arts at Westview Middle School in Austin, Texas

The problem was that 63% of students at Westview Middle School failed to meet satisfactory performance, scoring below grade level in reading on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness test.  I want to solve the problem of Low-Test Scores on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness for Reading Language Arts atWestview Middle School in Texas. I can provide references […]

Article Critiques number 1-Zaner-Bloser Science of Reading Hub: Building a Strong Foundation for Learning to Read. Article Number 2 -Zaner-Bloser Science of Reading Hub: Building the Reading BrainArticle Critiques number 1-Zaner-Bloser Science of Reading Hub: Building a Strong Foundation for Learning to Read. Article Number 2 -Zaner-Bloser Science of Reading Hub: Building the Reading Brain

Read the articles. Critique both.  Include the title, author, a summary, three important ideas discussed, one idea that was new to you, and how you plan to use the information in your teaching. Zaner-Bloser Science of Reading Hub: Building a Strong Foundation for Learning to Read https://www.zaner-bloser.com/research/building-a-strong-foundation-for-learning-to-read.php Links to an external site.   Zaner-Bloser Science […]

using intentional teaching in play based and inquiry based learning in early childhood science teaching, including the role of intentional teaching and ICTusing intentional teaching in play based and inquiry based learning in early childhood science teaching, including the role of intentional teaching and ICT

In the early childhood (EC) curriculum documents (i.e., Kindergarten guidelines, Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), SCSA Curriculum) play based and inquiry-based pedagogies are the recommended ways of teaching science. In your critical analysis on the use of play based and inquiry-based pedagogies when teaching science in the early childhood context you must include the role […]

Personal, family, and societal factors are related to the survival issue of adolescents today.Personal, family, and societal factors are related to the survival issue of adolescents today.

II: Nguyên nhân sống thử Có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn đến sống thử, có thể do sống xa quê hương, không có người thân bên cạnh, thiếu thốn tình cảm. Cũng có thể là do bạn ham chơi, đua đòi có lối sống buông thả, gia đình không hạnh phúc, thường xuyên bị cha mẹ […]

Lesson Plan Focused on Social Media as A Tool in Your Classroom (elementary grade K)Lesson Plan Focused on Social Media as A Tool in Your Classroom (elementary grade K)

Select a social media tool or app that your students use. Examples might include SnapChat, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Analyze the impact of this selected tool or app in the classroom.  How can it assist with teaching your students how to critically think? Brainstorm how you might use that tool or app to engage, enhance or […]

Different policy issues and factors affecting and analyze the effective management skills for change and provide your views in relation to the role of educational leadership in facilitating and enhancing the changeDifferent policy issues and factors affecting and analyze the effective management skills for change and provide your views in relation to the role of educational leadership in facilitating and enhancing the change

Discuss and provide your thoughts on the different policy issues and factors affecting decisions discussed in weeks 1, 2, and 3. Additionally, you need to analyze the effective management skills for change and provide your views in relation to the role of educational leadership in facilitating and enhancing the change process discussed in weeks 5 […]

Write an essay on the importance of numeracy using examples from your local context . Use your cultural and social experience for relate how numeracy skills can help Pacific Islanders meet everyday demands in life.Write an essay on the importance of numeracy using examples from your local context . Use your cultural and social experience for relate how numeracy skills can help Pacific Islanders meet everyday demands in life.

The study of Mathematics gives learners access to vital mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills. Numeracy connects this learning with their personal and work lives. Numeracy enables learners to develop logical thinking and reasoning strategies in their everyday activities. We need numeracy to solve problems and make sense of numbers, time, patterns and shapes for activities like […]