Instructions In this assignment, you are going to be tasked to create a case study regarding a terrorist event that has occurred since 1970. Using the Since 9/11 Website ( to an external site. as a starter, chose a specific event that you want to research. In the paper, you will need to address the following: […]
Discipline: Emergency management
NOTE: Session Long Projects 1 through 4 are concerned with the scenario outlined in the Module 1 SLP. Please review that basic information before proceeding. Each module’s Session Long Project builds upon the previous ones. For the SLPs in this course, your assignments will be based on a scenario in which you have been assigned […]
For this research study, I’ve chosen Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean to help answer my question: can the emergency practices of Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean during a hurricane provide a new model of response for the United States?For this research study, I’ve chosen Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean to help answer my question: can the emergency practices of Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean during a hurricane provide a new model of response for the United States?
This paper is separated into three different segments. The first is a short, completion exercise in week 5 where I want to see what your topic will be for the paper (2 pts – all or none); the second is due the following week (#6) – a 1-page outline/summary of your paper, or, the first draft […]
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Its Impact on Disaster Management in the United StatesThe National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Its Impact on Disaster Management in the United States
Looking for a 10-page paper, 12pt font, double space, APA 7th. Citations must be accesible online with wed address in reference section. At least 10 peer-reviewed sources – additional sources welcome. My research proposal is below. Research Proposal: Title: The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Its Impact on Disaster Management in the United States Abstract: […]
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security proposing changes to the departmentSecretary of the Department of Homeland Security proposing changes to the department
Your memo should include the following: Justification for why the Department of Homeland Security is an evolving concept Changes you would make to the department How your proposed changes would benefit the department
IS-662 Improving Preparedness and Resilience Through Public-Private PartnershipsIS-662 Improving Preparedness and Resilience Through Public-Private Partnerships
please write a 2–3-page paper that: Identifies and explains the steps in establishing public-private partnerships, Explains the method used in communicating with partner stakeholders, Analyzes activities used to sustain existing public-private partnerships, Explains which techniques and tools can be used for improving the management of emergency services. Provide examples to support your position.
Define Communications and its mission in the context of Emergency Management, explain how can social media and “first informers” be put to good use by you during your disaster? how can social media and “first informers” hinder the work ?Define Communications and its mission in the context of Emergency Management, explain how can social media and “first informers” be put to good use by you during your disaster? how can social media and “first informers” hinder the work ?
Not so long ago, during a disaster the public was content to stay home near their tv or radio to catch updates on some unfolding disaster. But these days, many people apparently want to use social media and the internet to inform the whole world of the details of their local disaster. Considering the […]
Domestic Intelligence Efforts to Support Homeland Security: Capabilities, Limitations, and RecommendationsDomestic Intelligence Efforts to Support Homeland Security: Capabilities, Limitations, and Recommendations
Drawing upon resource material provided and that discovered while conducting your own research, answer the following: What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise? Regarding such capabilities, do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate, and actionable domestic intelligence […]
Optimizing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems: A Comprehensive Analysis of Integration, Technology, and Community Engagement” Write a 2-page paper using APA or MLA formatting.Optimizing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems: A Comprehensive Analysis of Integration, Technology, and Community Engagement” Write a 2-page paper using APA or MLA formatting.
This paper delves into the multifaceted realm of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems, exploring key factors that contribute to their effectiveness and efficiency. The study investigates the impact of technological advancements on EMS operations, emphasizing the integration of cutting-edge tools to enhance response times and patient outcomes. Additionally, the paper explores the crucial role of […]
Research Paper on RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation/Indoction) Maryland/National RegistryResearch Paper on RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation/Indoction) Maryland/National Registry
Research report will be required on the assigned topic. Report must be typed, double spaced, Arial font, 12 point type Report must include at least 3 references (not your textbook) published within last 5 years Report must be at least 4 pages Pictures, graphs, diagrams, etc are in addition to the requirements if needed Reference […]