Discipline: Employee welfare

Review of MOC Workload and Compliance Coordination: A Case for Additional ResourcesReview of MOC Workload and Compliance Coordination: A Case for Additional Resources

I wrote 15 pages for this report already. Don’t want it to sound too scientific. More like it’s coming from an experienced business professional with a college level graduate studies.  I’m open to revisions and better word choices if applicable. This report also includes an outline or table of contents but the numbering is way […]

Employer-employee relationships in cross-cultural contexts promote positive cyclesEmployer-employee relationships in cross-cultural contexts promote positive cycles

This is a master’s degree MRP in Human Resource Management as a thesis, the main problem concerns the discussion of the cross-cultural background of the employer and employee in the labour relationship may exist in the problems and risks for research, Background: high-speed development of the world’s diversified employment relationship is becoming more and more […]

From Policy to Practice: The Evolution of Affirmative Action in the United StatesFrom Policy to Practice: The Evolution of Affirmative Action in the United States

***TITLE AND WORKS CITED PAGE ARE NOT INCLUDED IN WORD COUNT*** ***PLEASE USE AND LOOK AT ATTACHED FILES/LINKS*** – https://www.npr.org/2023/06/29/1181138066/affirmative-action-supreme-court-decision – https://www.insidehighered.com/news/admissions/traditional-age/2023/07/26/would-ending-legacy-admissions-improve-elite-college – https://www.dailyprincetonian.com/article/2023/07/princeton-class-based-affirmative-action-not-progressive ***ALSO, USE THESE BUZZWORDS THROUGHOUT ESSAY*** – Intersectionality Theory, diversity, inclusion, exclusion, welfare as a part of American culture, welfare queen?, inequality, the myth of the absentee black father? Affirmative Action Policies have long been […]

After undertaking your own independent research, explain the legal implications of the term “sham contracting” which is discussed in this article. (20 marks)After undertaking your own independent research, explain the legal implications of the term “sham contracting” which is discussed in this article. (20 marks)

QUESTION:  After undertaking your own independent research, explain the legal implications of the term “sham contracting” which is discussed in this article. (20 marks)  The case study is a take-home assessment task that requires a question to be answered. Students will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate understanding of key concepts and principles, as well as their insights into the relevant law.    The total word length […]

The Role of HR in Employee Rights and Responsibilities and Workplace InvestigationsThe Role of HR in Employee Rights and Responsibilities and Workplace Investigations

NO PLAGIARISM The purpose of this assignment is to discuss how various laws impact business and employees as well as the processes, tools, and role of HR during a workplace investigation.  Utilize the resources provided in the study materials along with individual research to address the following questions in a 1,000-1,200 word paper. Identify a workplace […]