Discipline: English

Research Question: What is the best way for university administration to address food insecurity and ensure access to nutritious food options for undergraduate students in the US?Research Question: What is the best way for university administration to address food insecurity and ensure access to nutritious food options for undergraduate students in the US?

Based on what you learned in class and from working on the Sample AB analysis, you will develop your AB First Draft for your research project and submit it here by the deadline.   Requirements   You must use the same finalized research topic which you decided during the first week If you submit an […]

Write a one paragraph introduction, including a description of the circumstances of the observation and pertinent information about the child, eg age, gender.Write a one paragraph introduction, including a description of the circumstances of the observation and pertinent information about the child, eg age, gender.

GINSTRUCTIONS:  Students do in-depth observations of diverse groups of children in a public setting. Each student is required to do a minimum of 4 hours of observation (of children), at two or more locations.  At least one of the observations should involve children interacting with adults (minimum of 4 typed pages). Write a one paragraph […]

The Great Wanderings are the adventures that Odysseus recounts in Books 9-12 of The Odyssey. 5. The Laestrygonians, Giants (p. 233)The Great Wanderings are the adventures that Odysseus recounts in Books 9-12 of The Odyssey. 5. The Laestrygonians, Giants (p. 233)

·         Intro and Thesis Statement:  What is the most important lesson or item of information learned in this episode? (This could be something Odysseus learns, or it could be something you and other careful readers will learn.) ·         Paragraph or Part 1: What obstacles does Odysseus face in this episode? What challenges must he overcome?  […]

A process analysis essay about time management/conducting research/meeting deadlines + annotated bibliographyA process analysis essay about time management/conducting research/meeting deadlines + annotated bibliography

Requirements: Use standard MLA formatting (1-inch margins all around, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font). Each page should be numbered and include your last name and the paper needs to include a heading. This paper should be 3 pages long. A PROCESS ANALYSIS essay explains how to do something, how something works, or both. The process analysis essay […]

My research will thoroughly examine how Airbnb and similar services have impacted the housing and rental market in New Orleans, Louisiana. It needs to be an opposing view geared towards lawmakers and policy changersMy research will thoroughly examine how Airbnb and similar services have impacted the housing and rental market in New Orleans, Louisiana. It needs to be an opposing view geared towards lawmakers and policy changers

SUBMISSION:  The research paper must be submitted via Canvas.   I will not accept any paper via email. Any paper not submitted the required way will receive a 0.  Intent: The research paper is not a personal narrative using first person, nor is it a report on your findings about your topic. Instead, it is a piece […]

The economic and socioeconomic effects of Airbnb on the rental and housing marketThe economic and socioeconomic effects of Airbnb on the rental and housing market

Annotated Bibliography Rubric Sample Annotated Bibliography Length Requirement:  600 words. Any paper that falls below the length requirement will lose points.  Format: Paper must be in correct essay format (MLA Style). Any paper that does not follow MLA style will lose points.  The paper must follow the correct format for an annotated bibliography. REFER TO SAMPLE ANNOTATED […]

Writing Assignment on Odysseys-Homer, up to book 6, Marco Polo, different journeys,Writing Assignment on Odysseys-Homer, up to book 6, Marco Polo, different journeys,

For this assignment, please focus on the theme of frontiers and borders. Which frontiersand borders are most at stake in our readings up to this point in the semester? In whatsense are they significant for characters in our stories? How do they change from onecontext to another, or raise questions about travel (and travel writing) […]

Choose one of the previous three stories (“The Lottery” and “Everyday Use” and “The Story of an Hour”) to analyze in terms of symbolism. Find three symbols in the story to discuss. Begin with a thesis.Choose one of the previous three stories (“The Lottery” and “Everyday Use” and “The Story of an Hour”) to analyze in terms of symbolism. Find three symbols in the story to discuss. Begin with a thesis.

Choose one of the previous three stories (“The Lottery” and “Everyday Use” and “The Story of an Hour”) to analyze in terms of symbolism. Find three symbols in the story to discuss. Begin with a thesis. 200 word minimum Use MLA format (Please note that I will deduct 10 points for incorrect MLA format) If […]

argument essay on the article “Never give AI the nuclear codes” by Ross Andersenargument essay on the article “Never give AI the nuclear codes” by Ross Andersen

THIS IS FROM THE TEACHER!!!: MLA FORMAT, number 12 font (Calibri or New Roman Times only) Double spaced throughout the entire paper.  Your essay must contain a full introduction, 4-6 sentences per paragraph, should be 5 total body paragraphs, first three write about why AI shouldn’t have nuclear codes, the 4th should be about the other side of […]