Discipline: English

“Culture and Society” class and how it applies to your work as a nurse working with diverse, multicultural patient populations“Culture and Society” class and how it applies to your work as a nurse working with diverse, multicultural patient populations

In 2-3 pages, write an essay that uses these headings and provides this information: • Section 1: Health Issue In this section, choose one of the health issues explained in our textbook (chapters 7-8) and explain why you chose this issue: • Life expectancy • Infectious disease risk • Degenerative disease risk • Hunger and […]

The choices made by mothers in these two works are clearly notable. Which of the three, Gertrude, Baby Suggs, or Sethe is faced with the greatest burden of choice? Which pays the greatest price for her choice or choices? What do you conclude from this?The choices made by mothers in these two works are clearly notable. Which of the three, Gertrude, Baby Suggs, or Sethe is faced with the greatest burden of choice? Which pays the greatest price for her choice or choices? What do you conclude from this?

The choices made by mothers in these two works are clearly notable. Which of the three, Gertrude, Baby Suggs, or Sethe is faced with the greatest burden of choice? Which pays the greatest price for her choice or choices? What do you conclude from this? (argumentative essay between the play Hamlet by Shakespeare and Beloved by […]

Step 2: Create an APA reference page based on a list of sources below. Arrange the references in alphabetical order. Double-space the entries. List the entries in hanging style.Step 2: Create an APA reference page based on a list of sources below. Arrange the references in alphabetical order. Double-space the entries. List the entries in hanging style.

Step 2: Create an APA reference page based on a list of sources below. Arrange the references in alphabetical order. Double-space the entries. List the entries in hanging style. See the sample attached: Sample reference page.pdfDownload Sample reference page.pdf Sample reference page.pdf 2.pdfDownload Sample reference page.pdf 2.pdf List of sources A journal article titled “Networking […]

multimodual argument how fast food ruined the food industry because its so fake and not good for youmultimodual argument how fast food ruined the food industry because its so fake and not good for you

  PROMPT: After doing the readings and watching videos on food issues around us, choose a topic that speaks to you most. This could be something from the readings or not. Take a position/stand on the issue and write a multimodal argument (using Google Sites) in which you argue your position and support your reasoning […]

Writing Assessment: Final Essay — Using Cannabis to Save Our Forests . . . and Our LivesWriting Assessment: Final Essay — Using Cannabis to Save Our Forests . . . and Our Lives

We recently screened The True History of Marijuana (Chapter 4), Weed: A Special Investigation, Hempsters, and The Union — films that outline how a crop (industrial hemp), so vital to the founding of the United States as a country, has been demonized only to control the cultivation and distribution of a relative crop (marijuana). We […]

make a close intimate reading of another creative expression while at the same time using it as a spring board into your own writing and creativity- artwork- road side gamblermake a close intimate reading of another creative expression while at the same time using it as a spring board into your own writing and creativity- artwork- road side gambler

12 font, double-spaced, Ariel or Times New Roman letters describe what the artwork looks like not what it means or what Google tells you about it. This is not research paper; it is one of self exploration, intertextuality and creativity. Use the questions on the flipside to help you gather your thoughts for your own […]

Step 1: Practice reflection, try this activity writing about something very important-your education during the pandemic. Be sure to list at least six ways the pandemic impacted your education.Step 1: Practice reflection, try this activity writing about something very important-your education during the pandemic. Be sure to list at least six ways the pandemic impacted your education.

 Step 2: Then, identify 1 or 2 items from your list that you feel impacted your education the most during the pandemic. Spend  another ten minutes free-writing about the memories you have surrounding your learning experience. What makes it so challenging or easy? What relationship did you miss the most? What live circumstances made your […]

Debunking the Single Narrative Fallacy in a Pluralistic World Chimamanda Adichie’s “Danger of a Single Story”Debunking the Single Narrative Fallacy in a Pluralistic World Chimamanda Adichie’s “Danger of a Single Story”

Chimamanda Adichie’s “Danger of a Single Story” forcefully exposes the dangers of reducing complex identities and cultures to singular narratives. Argue for the urgent necessity of combating the prevalence of single stories in contemporary society. Explore how these oversimplified narratives perpetuate prejudice, discrimination, and cultural hegemony. Provide examples from current events, literature, or history to […]


 THE REVIEW ESSAY~ WRITING AN EVALUATION OF A SUBJECT AND USING EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR THINKING In response to one of the assigned prompts, write a review essay that incorporates a summary of the subject. Your essay should be 5 paragraphs in length, about two to three pages: Introduction, Summary of the subject, 1 body […]

Identify a major theme of To Kill A Mockingbird and trace how it is developed throughout the book.Identify a major theme of To Kill A Mockingbird and trace how it is developed throughout the book.

Your paper should be a five-paragraph essay with an introduction, three supporting paragraphs with at least TWO PIECES of evidence per supporting paragraph, and a conclusion. Papers are due Friday, March 29. *Your papers will be graded on the following criteria:Formatting (MLA formatting: Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced, last name and page numbers at […]