Discipline: English

Write a 6-7 page research essay that argues your position or viewpoint on instituting a required ethnic studies course in California public high schools in accordance with Assembly Bill 101 signed into law in October 2021.Write a 6-7 page research essay that argues your position or viewpoint on instituting a required ethnic studies course in California public high schools in accordance with Assembly Bill 101 signed into law in October 2021.

In the essay, you will want to focus on some compelling reasons to support your viewpoint, which may relate to any of the following: changing students’ self-concepts, changing students’ understanding of other ethnic populations, promoting multiculturalism, influencing student achievement, ensuring inclusion and fair representation of ethnic groups in the model curriculum, providing sufficient teacher training, mandating student […]

My problem i hope to solve is that women should have the reproduction rights such as abortionsMy problem i hope to solve is that women should have the reproduction rights such as abortions

Propose a solution to a problem choose a problem that can be solved provide background information on the problem that you are solving list information in APA format Find sources that provide information that proves your solution is the best solution for the problem and list the source information in APA format Find one source […]

Read Romans 6:6, 8:10-11, and 12:1. (In addition, it is always important to read surrounding verses for context.) In one page, write about what it means to you to be a living sacrifice.Read Romans 6:6, 8:10-11, and 12:1. (In addition, it is always important to read surrounding verses for context.) In one page, write about what it means to you to be a living sacrifice.

Read Romans 6:6, 8:10-11, and 12:1. (In addition, it is always important to read surrounding verses for context.) In one page, write about what it means to you to be a living sacrifice. How do our bodies and our health play into this idea? Do you think being healthy can be considered an act of […]

Write a research paper in which you argue why ‘The Lottery’ by Shirley Jackson was so controversial at the time. Look at Shirley’s reponse of an essay called “biography of a story” and find out more about the initial responses.Write a research paper in which you argue why ‘The Lottery’ by Shirley Jackson was so controversial at the time. Look at Shirley’s reponse of an essay called “biography of a story” and find out more about the initial responses.

 When “The Lottery” (127) first appeared in the New Yorker on June 28, 1948, it was greeted with great consternation. The large number of subscribers that wrote in seeking enlightenment or expressing outrage prompted Shirley Jackson to respond to the deluge of mail with an essay entitled “Biography of a Story.” Find out more about the initial […]

Write a 1-2 page Reading Response based on at least 3 key ideas drawn from the assigned readings and/or assigned video links (in video resources) for the week. Responses should not be simply summaries, but reflect some thoughtful engagementWrite a 1-2 page Reading Response based on at least 3 key ideas drawn from the assigned readings and/or assigned video links (in video resources) for the week. Responses should not be simply summaries, but reflect some thoughtful engagement

use these for sources plz include page number as well  Mulholland, The Deeper Journey, Chapters 3,4,5 (72 pages, regular reading) (CO #1,3,4) Bartholomew & Goheen, Drama of Scripture, Chapter 2 – Act 2 (6 pages, technical reading) (CO #1,3,4) Name of Course Title of Professor and Name of Professor Date Month Year Title Introduction/Description  Introduce the subject […]

What do you think it means to “live fit” rather than “get fit”? Think about your exercise history, do you get to work out as often as you would like to? What do you think are some big obstacles for most people that keep them from working out?What do you think it means to “live fit” rather than “get fit”? Think about your exercise history, do you get to work out as often as you would like to? What do you think are some big obstacles for most people that keep them from working out?

What do you think it means to “live fit” rather than “get fit”? Think about your exercise history, do you get to work out as often as you would like to? What do you think are some big obstacles for most people that keep them from working out? APA formatting (including cover page and 1 […]

Find two distinct editorials/opinion essays which address different and opposing viewpoints on Taylor Swift at the Super BowlFind two distinct editorials/opinion essays which address different and opposing viewpoints on Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl

I am not looking for news, or fact-based discussions of your chosen issue. Instead, choose an opinion or editorial piece both for and against your topic. Do not use the same webpage for both editorials: find two, from different sources. Do not use procon.org as a source. Please provide MLA reference citations for both articles […]

Children Who Age Out of the Foster Care System Have it More Difficult Time Adapting than Those Adopted.Children Who Age Out of the Foster Care System Have it More Difficult Time Adapting than Those Adopted.

i have the sources here and need an annotated bibliography attached as wellplease.  “Apa PsycNet.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological    Association, psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-14222-002. Accessed 10 Nov. 2023.  DR;, Kang-Yi CD;Adams. “Youth with Behavioral Health Disorders Aging out of Foster Care: A Systematic Review and Implications for Policy, Research, and Practice.” The Journal of Behavioral Health […]

The final assignment in this unit is to create an annotated bibliography. Your first step is formulating a research question.The final assignment in this unit is to create an annotated bibliography. Your first step is formulating a research question.

The final assignment in this unit is to create an annotated bibliography. Your first step is formulating a research question. The subject of your question is your own choice, but it must be a serious question that can be properly researched. Create a Word document in MLA8 format which summarizes how your research went. While […]