Discipline: English

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? How would you use this superpower to help people? What could be the possible downsides of this superpower?If you could have one superpower, what would it be? How would you use this superpower to help people? What could be the possible downsides of this superpower?

Requirements: Length: The paper should be one full page, excluding the title and Works Cited pages. Format: Submit as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Use Times New Roman, 12-point font. The entire document should be double-spaced. Set 1-inch margins on all sides. Insert page numbers in the footer, formatted as LastName 1. Page orientation should […]

How Happy CAN YOU BE? “Happiness & Genetics ” How Much Of Your Happiness Depends On YOU?”How Happy CAN YOU BE? “Happiness & Genetics ” How Much Of Your Happiness Depends On YOU?”

DIRECTIONS: TOTAL OF 5 Paragraphs! This is a PUBLISHED WRITING PIECE and will be graded as a scholarly response. I will use the rubric titled “published writing rubric”. This rubric is different from the formal essay rubric but all of the rules still apply. You are expected to write and publish as a scholar and […]

The Symbolism of Stars and the Disconnection Between Humans and Nature in Dead StarsThe Symbolism of Stars and the Disconnection Between Humans and Nature in Dead Stars

Writing Requirements: Text Selection: You have chosen Ada Limón’s poem, Dead Stars as the focus of your analysis. Analysis Focus: The essay should offer a detailed analysis of one element from the poem. This could include examining themes, symbolism, tone, diction, or historical context. For Dead Stars, you might focus on the symbolism of the […]

Identify and explain the significance of the revelation Miss McGill has from her dealings with Mr. MifflinIdentify and explain the significance of the revelation Miss McGill has from her dealings with Mr. Mifflin

Read the excerpt from Parnassus on Wheels. Based on the information in the excerpt, write a response to the following: Identify and explain the significance of the revelation Miss McGill has from her dealings with Mr. Mifflin. Write a well-organized informational composition that uses specific evidence from the excerpt to support your answer.  https://apps.dmac-solutions.net/student/Test/Edit/30

argumentative essay that makes a specific claim about some aspect(s) of 2-3 of the literary works assigned in classargumentative essay that makes a specific claim about some aspect(s) of 2-3 of the literary works assigned in class

Your research paper should be an argumentative essay that makes a specific claim about some aspect(s) of 2-3 of the literary works assigned in class. The claim should incorporate some specific school of literary theory discussed in class. Support this claim and argument in a coherent, developed, and organized essay of 1500 words or more and must also successfully […]

2 complete paragraphs Compiling Research on Political Profiles for the Thematic Analysis2 complete paragraphs Compiling Research on Political Profiles for the Thematic Analysis

This assignment will be based on a study conducted by NPR by Jingnan and Bond entitled, “New study shows just how Facebook’s algorithm shapes conservative and liberal bubbles”. This assignment will be written based on your individual evaluation of how political profiles are represented in the social media platform, Facebook addressing the following issue “Is Facebook exacerbating […]

The Oracle’s Daughter.an Afrocentric creative writing a rich cultural heritage draw from Ikare AkokoThe Oracle’s Daughter.an Afrocentric creative writing a rich cultural heritage draw from Ikare Akoko

The Oracle’s Daughter In the ancient kingdom of Ikare Akoko,where the Oka River whispered secrets to the wind,a young name Oluwaseun was born with the mark of the gods.Her eyes shown like the brightest stars on a clear night and her hair flowed like golden honey harvested from the sacred bee. Oluwaseun was the daughter […]

Most people agree that being an adult requires certain academic, social and daily life skills and habits.Most people agree that being an adult requires certain academic, social and daily life skills and habits.

Be sure to also right about this in the essay,  What, in your view, are the habits and skills necessary for someone to be a successful, self-sufficient adult? Why? Do you feel you possess these skills and habits? Why or why not? Be certain to: Double-space and use 12 pt font State your main idea […]

The feminist movement Art as a social protest MLA Research, Visual argument through the Appeals to ReasonThe feminist movement Art as a social protest MLA Research, Visual argument through the Appeals to Reason

Assignment: Pick a piece of artwork of your choice. Feel free to use the artwork that you posted and analyzed for our class art gallery or find another one. Identify the social argument that the artwork is conveying and back up this argument with visual evidence from the artwork through ethos (ethics), pathos (emotion) and […]

This assignment must be submitted on the last day of class (Monday of week 8). Students will reflect on their learning experience in this class.This assignment must be submitted on the last day of class (Monday of week 8). Students will reflect on their learning experience in this class.

This assignment must be submitted on the last day of class (Monday of week 8). Students will reflect on their learning experience in this class.  Post a response to each question. This does not need to be in APA formatting, and can be in bullet points. No in-text citation or references are required.  Discussion Questions What one contribution do you feel […]