Discipline: English

Should U.S. Hospitals Recruit Foreign Nurses to Compensate for The Nurse ShortageShould U.S. Hospitals Recruit Foreign Nurses to Compensate for The Nurse Shortage

In your Con Essay, you will review arguments on the opposing side of the issue; that is, you will discuss all the arguments that support the “no” answer to the research question. THIS IS NOT AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY. Simply describe at least three arguments (reasons) why people support this side. These reasons should come from […]

Love PSA For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic.Love PSA For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic.

Love PSA  For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic. This unit has been about love, so this assignment will involve the same.  What issue are […]

In what ways do the interviews with Taiye Selasi and Chinua Achebe reflect the differences between African writers?In what ways do the interviews with Taiye Selasi and Chinua Achebe reflect the differences between African writers?

Taiye Selasi argues in “African Literature Doesn’t Exist,” “To call me an African novelist is first to invent some monolithic Africa, and second to restrict me—my characters, their color— from overstepping its bounds. We imply that I have something important in common with all other African authors, who, together with me, produce African literature. The […]

A family member or close friend, who is not a Christian, is dealing with weight issues. It has affected their personal image, they feel depressed, and want to give up. In 2-3 pages,A family member or close friend, who is not a Christian, is dealing with weight issues. It has affected their personal image, they feel depressed, and want to give up. In 2-3 pages,

A family member or close friend, who is not a Christian, is dealing with weight issues. It has affected their personal image, they feel depressed, and want to give up. In 2-3 pages, explain how you would help your friend in their struggles from a loving, non-judgmental, Christian perspective. Be sure to comply with the […]

For this assignment, you must individually write a well-supported, well-organised, thesis-driven argumentative essay (between 900-1100 words) exploring the complexities of personal identity. ​For this assignment, you must individually write a well-supported, well-organised, thesis-driven argumentative essay (between 900-1100 words) exploring the complexities of personal identity. ​

Assignment due Monday, April 1, 2024 by 11:00pm Assignment: Thesis-Driven Essay 900-1100 words ​ The Thesis-Driven Essay represents 24% of the final grade and includes the following LOs: #thesis, #organisation, #evidencebased, #composition, #sourcequality, #professionalism. ​ For this assignment, you must individually write a well-supported, well-organised, thesis-driven argumentative essay (between 900-1100 words) exploring the complexities of […]

Mulholland, The Deeper Journey, Chapters 1, 2 (35 pages, regular reading) (CO #1,3,4) Mulholland, Invitation to a Journey, Chapters 3,4,5,6,7 (44 pages, regular reading) (CO #1,3,4)Mulholland, The Deeper Journey, Chapters 1, 2 (35 pages, regular reading) (CO #1,3,4) Mulholland, Invitation to a Journey, Chapters 3,4,5,6,7 (44 pages, regular reading) (CO #1,3,4)

Write a 1-2 page Reading Response based on at least 3 key ideas drawn from the assigned readings   and/or assigned video links (in video resources) for the week. Responses should not be simply summaries, but reflect some thoughtful engagement with the materials. Readings  Mulholland, The Deeper Journey, Chapters 1, 2 (35 pages, regular reading) (CO #1,3,4) Mulholland, Invitation to a […]

Exploring the impact of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) diagnostics for disease detection and patient outcomes.Exploring the impact of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) diagnostics for disease detection and patient outcomes.

Final Report Instructions: Write a five-page, single-spaced technical report exploring the impact of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) diagnostics for disease detection and patient outcomes. Ensure that the report is tailored to a realistic audience, preferably as outlined in the Proposal. Include at least two new visuals. Additionally, incorporate one visual already provided in the Progress […]

Persuasive/Analytical Essay on how Mean Girls teaches its audience about social mores/valuesPersuasive/Analytical Essay on how Mean Girls teaches its audience about social mores/values

This is an essay about a movie that teaches society about social mores and values. I am using the movie Mean Girls (2004). The body paragraphs MUST make claims about strategy, use direct references to particular moments in the film, and use at lease two secondary ones (not the film but from the other allowed sources) […]

Research Essay: Comparing and ContrastingProfessions Within One Major (Mechatronics Technology)Research Essay: Comparing and ContrastingProfessions Within One Major (Mechatronics Technology)

Research Essay: Comparing and Contrasting Professions Within One Major (Mechatronics Technology) Prompt/Overview ·         The goal of a comparison and contrast essay is not to simply identify similarities and differences between two concepts/objects. If you are trying to decide between buying two cars, for example, you will compare/contrast them both in order to determine which car […]