Discipline: English

In “Awakening,” Siddhartha takes personal inventory of the events in his life. What realization has Siddhartha come to that will best benefit him on his quest to find the Self?In “Awakening,” Siddhartha takes personal inventory of the events in his life. What realization has Siddhartha come to that will best benefit him on his quest to find the Self?

Please use this template & incorporate the information, I have attached some reading material as well. Through Siddhartha’s personal realization or awakening, he has become aware of certain beliefs that have kept him from achieving his goal. These beliefs are… (State the claim). To begin with, he acknowledges… (Reason). When and individual… (Explanation)  In addition, Siddhartha realizes… (Reason). A person must… (Explanation) More importantly, Siddhartha has […]

Informative speech about Atlantic Guitar Fish (Pseudobatos lentiginosus) (was previously called Rhinobatos lentiginosis)Informative speech about Atlantic Guitar Fish (Pseudobatos lentiginosus) (was previously called Rhinobatos lentiginosis)

It will be a 03:30 to 04:00 minute informative speech about Atlantic guitar fish. There should be an intro, 4 bodies, and a conclusion. Each body should have at least one credible source. We cannot use wikipedia or any type of encyclopedia. First two bodies should talk about physical description and behavioral description. And the […]

Argumentative Research Essay with MLA Documentation PDF document against lottery ticketsArgumentative Research Essay with MLA Documentation PDF document against lottery tickets

Length is 650 – 900 words.2. You must use MLA documentation within the body of your essay and create a Works Citedpage.3. Write in the third person.4. As always, the essay will be graded on grammar, punctuation, word choice, and writing skills.Please slow down and proofread MLA IN–TEXT CITATIONS are required. Failure to correctly use […]

Has short video-sharing platforms like TikTok improved or hindered the quality and efficiency of communication among its users?Has short video-sharing platforms like TikTok improved or hindered the quality and efficiency of communication among its users?

I will give the topic question and rubrics for the essay below along with the pdf of the articles from where the essay is to be written.   NOTE: There must be only at least 5 sources of evidence, 3 will be given already as a PDF and the rest 2 must be searched online […]

Write an Analysis on the Final Section of Joan Didion’s Essay “Goodbye to All That.”Write an Analysis on the Final Section of Joan Didion’s Essay “Goodbye to All That.”

Often in literature, a character’s tragic flaw leads to his or her downfall. Think about a literary character who displays a tragic flaw, such as pride, selfishness, greed, or envy. Consider how this tragic flaw leads to the character’s downfall and why it is important to the literary selection as a whole.  Be sure to cite […]

Analysis of Rhetorical Political Cartoon – “At Last A Perfect Soldier” by Robert MinorAnalysis of Rhetorical Political Cartoon – “At Last A Perfect Soldier” by Robert Minor

Identify the intended goal of the rhetorical political cartoon (At Last A Perfect Soldier by Robert Minor) Identify examples of where the cartoon uses ethos, pathos, and logos. Write a individual paragraph for each one. Explain how the different appeals either worked together or clashed, and provide examples from the piece to support your explanation. […]

The short story “A Rose For Emily” by William Faulkner and apply Marxist criticismThe short story “A Rose For Emily” by William Faulkner and apply Marxist criticism

Here is the whole essay prompt.  The short story I chose was “A Rose For Emily” and to use Marxist criticism.  Please make the essay in MLA format, and it has to be at least 1000 words.   For the first essay, I’d like you to choose any ONE of the first five short stories we’ve read (or will have read […]

feminist approach, psychological approach, biographical approach, and formalist approachfeminist approach, psychological approach, biographical approach, and formalist approach

  Examine the role of women in various stories from the novel. What does this novel teach you about the role of women in American society? What types of roles do men/women have in the text? Do any stereotypical characterizations of men/women appear? What are the attitudes toward women held by the male characters? (Feminist […]

Think about how you use strategic thinking in your academic, personal, and professional life. Read the overview and complete all parts of this worksheet.Think about how you use strategic thinking in your academic, personal, and professional life. Read the overview and complete all parts of this worksheet.

Think about how you use strategic thinking in your academic, personal, and professional life. Read the overview and complete all parts of this worksheet. Overview Reflect on the following psychological concepts and strategies you have been learning about in the first 2 weeks of this course: ·         Attitude ·         Big 5 personality traits ·         Definitions […]

Ilka, at the beginning of the novel “Her First America” by Lore Segal, is prepared “to think ill” of America. Discuss her feeling in terms of both the novel and Stories from the Kindertransport (2000) film.Ilka, at the beginning of the novel “Her First America” by Lore Segal, is prepared “to think ill” of America. Discuss her feeling in terms of both the novel and Stories from the Kindertransport (2000) film.

Write a carefully argued paper of 7-8 pages or more. Support your argument with references to the text, but avoid overlong quotations. Every paper must have an original title. Make sure to have an overall argument or thesis and support it with references to the text, but don’t fill up seven pages with long quotations. Avoid […]