Discipline: English

Persuasive Essay about the maternal mortality of black women compared with other race.Persuasive Essay about the maternal mortality of black women compared with other race.

 Have a definite, identifiable thesis.   Cite three sources in a works cited page according to MLA format.  You will include page numbers and have at least 4 pages. You will have a strong introduction and conclusion.   Use logic, reason, and argument to show the superiority of your position. You will be specific and concrete as […]

many of the ingredients in our food supply are not good for us. What should be done about this?many of the ingredients in our food supply are not good for us. What should be done about this?

Use signal phrases to set up each quote. See link under directions for Essay Summarizing, quoting, and paraphrasing must be documented using MLAOrganization of argument must be clear. A balance of your ideas and ideas from your sources must exist Counterarguments must be summarized, discussed, and refuted (responded to) Logical fallacies must be avoided; authors’ logical fallacies must […]

An essay that analyzes how the couple’s different experiences, beliefs, and perspectives on race create a tension in the marriage that culminates in their disagreement over telling their “UFO story” and ultimately the unraveling of their marriageAn essay that analyzes how the couple’s different experiences, beliefs, and perspectives on race create a tension in the marriage that culminates in their disagreement over telling their “UFO story” and ultimately the unraveling of their marriage

Compose an essay that more fully analyzes how the couple’s (Bessie or Bernie from The Hull Case by Peter Ho Davies) different experiences, beliefs, and perspectives on race create a tension in the marriage that culminates in their disagreement over telling their “UFO story” and ultimately the unraveling of their marriage. To further explain and analyze your […]

Identify 3 elements of fiction used by each author and cite an example of their useIdentify 3 elements of fiction used by each author and cite an example of their use

Make sure you possess copies of the writing samples by Hemingway, Wolfe, and Early handed out in class. Identify 3 elements of fiction used by each author and cite an example of their use. You may format in outline style using the authors’ names as category headings. What to look for? Figurative language includes dozens […]

ARGUMENTATIVE RESEARCH PROBLEM PROPOSAL/ Im using poverty as my research problemARGUMENTATIVE RESEARCH PROBLEM PROPOSAL/ Im using poverty as my research problem

Review this video ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/7nm2h9cccci1pne/collab-recording.mp4?dl=0)  and sample theses document ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/ag7vvf2znwfglma/Sample%20Theses%20for%20Argumentative%20Research%20Papers.pdf?dl=0 ) for an overview of this discussion assignment and review the support provided in the announcement for this week. Regardless of the final project you select, everyone will need to propose a research project. Identify a contemporary social problem, ( poverty)  which involves exploring two to three related topics (these are […]

the commercial i want this essay to be about is the dunkin commercial that was promoted in the super bowl in 2024 https://youtu.be/Ve2miT5iF2M?si=0ojZRJpBdL7F1P1Vthe commercial i want this essay to be about is the dunkin commercial that was promoted in the super bowl in 2024 https://youtu.be/Ve2miT5iF2M?si=0ojZRJpBdL7F1P1V

Be 4 pages long and formatted according to MLA guidelines ● Introduce and summarize the commercial’s argument clearly and concisely ● Focus a thesis that identifies elements of the commercial’s rhetorical strategy ● Explain how the rhetorical strategies work (how they are meant to impact the viewer) ● Explain how the rhetorical strategies support the […]

Analyze how Washington Irving short stories, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle,” use folkloric elements (myths, legends, superstition) as the primary stylistic feature of his fiction.Analyze how Washington Irving short stories, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle,” use folkloric elements (myths, legends, superstition) as the primary stylistic feature of his fiction.

Analyze how Washington Irving short stories, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle,” use folkloric elements (myths, legends, superstition) as the primary stylistic feature of his fiction. In particular, you might focus on how his fiction’s celebration of myth signals broader cultural anxieties about the dramatic changes taking place in America society in […]

My topic is based on lack of representation of people with disabilities who are also people of color in the media.My topic is based on lack of representation of people with disabilities who are also people of color in the media.

For this assignment, I need to annotate 10 sources that will help me prove my argument which is the lack of representation of people with disabilities who are also people of color in the media. You may need to make historical references and make use of historical sources.  For most others, unless you need to […]

Put together a plan for an entire season of practice and training for a sport and level of your choice. Your assignment should total around 8-9 pages and include three parts: soccer is my chociePut together a plan for an entire season of practice and training for a sport and level of your choice. Your assignment should total around 8-9 pages and include three parts: soccer is my chocie

Put together a plan for an entire season of practice and training for a sport and level of your choice. Your assignment should total around 8-9 pages and include three parts: OVERVIEW OF SEASON (1-2 PAGES) 1) Research a collegiate or high school sport calendar (corresponding to the sport you’ve chosen). 2) Using this calendar […]

Choose one excerpt from from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi, or Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto and perform a close reading analysis to answer the questionChoose one excerpt from from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi, or Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto and perform a close reading analysis to answer the question

Please see attached instructions. My assignment will be checked for AI.  The Duchess of Malfi, or Horace Walpole’s The Castle of