Discipline: English

four paragraph Research Essay about something visual such as a famous painting, monument, statue, state park, national park or a movie.four paragraph Research Essay about something visual such as a famous painting, monument, statue, state park, national park or a movie.

INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: Background w/Who, What, When, Where, and Why on Subject + Thesis w/Main Points BODY PARAGRAPH: Full discussion of 1st Main Point w/Specific Example at least 3 sentences long BODY PARAGRAPH: Full discussion of 2nd Main Point w/Specific Example at least 3 sentences long CONCLUSION: Summarize the key elements of the essay and add […]

response paper on “comedy of errors” by willian shakespear/ frances donals introduction to the playresponse paper on “comedy of errors” by willian shakespear/ frances donals introduction to the play

This response paper is for “comedy of errors” and also France’s dolans introduction to the play. After reading France’s dolans introduction to the play answer these questions.  1. Consider what aspects of her essay point to ideas of queerness in the most expansive meaning of the word. She discusses in particular the problems of “sameness” […]

After reading the two articles included in this week’s activities, choose ONE and write an informal paragraphAfter reading the two articles included in this week’s activities, choose ONE and write an informal paragraph

After reading the two articles included in this week’s activities, choose ONE and write an informal paragraph (approximately 250 words) that considers the following two questions: Do you agree or disagree with the articles main points as presented? Do you think the article made good use of rhetoric to elicit that response?Who do you think […]

Final Essay: Compare and Contrast Cultural Review– Women Talking and Don’t Worry, DarlingFinal Essay: Compare and Contrast Cultural Review– Women Talking and Don’t Worry, Darling

Final Essay: Compare and Contrast Cultural Review– Women Talking and Don’t Worry, Darling Before you begin these essay instructions, make sure you have watched both films carefully, using the film analysis worksheet to think critically about each one. Also, be sure to scroll all the way through these instructions before you start. Rubric attached above  […]

Siddhartha believes there is a flaw to the Buddha’s theory. Is there a flaw, or is what Buddha achieved un-teachable, and Siddhartha is confusing the theory with a path to finding the Self?Siddhartha believes there is a flaw to the Buddha’s theory. Is there a flaw, or is what Buddha achieved un-teachable, and Siddhartha is confusing the theory with a path to finding the Self?

The discussions are like mini essays, so the response should be 300 to 400 words. Directly answer the question, provide logical reasons, support those reasons with explanation and evidence from the text. Take a stand and make a point so a discussion between your classmates can occur. A simple summary of the chapter will not […]

What are the oncoming effects of the widespread legalization of sports betting and gambling, and how do they relate to addiction or problem gambling?What are the oncoming effects of the widespread legalization of sports betting and gambling, and how do they relate to addiction or problem gambling?

POSSIBLE SOURCES https://journals.humankinetics.com/downloadpdf/view/journals/ssj/7/3/article-p271.pdf  https://youtu.be/Pm5bTZRhncY?si=UR3Bo2E6JJskhFPH https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1057/s41302-020-00182-4.pdf https://scholarship.law.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1256&context=sportslaw https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/s12889-022-13164-2.pdf INSTRUCTIONS https://docs.google.com/document/d/15sGgCDS9K9N5ktr4Whb2VFAycfkZnTBjfzOUsVbXlBo/edit

Write a critical Anaylisis and book review about “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs”Write a critical Anaylisis and book review about “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs”

Please include your Works Cited or Sources page at the end of your paper. The title page and Works Cited page do NOT count toward the 1400 word minimum. You may use MLA, APA or Chicago style formatting. The paper must be proofread !! Over 30% plagiarism will result in an F IN THE COURSE […]

(language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) and you will write an essay where you discuss your perspective. You will use the ideas and information from the summary-response and the quote log to write your case study.(language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) and you will write an essay where you discuss your perspective. You will use the ideas and information from the summary-response and the quote log to write your case study.

Connection to other Course Assignments The Case Study Project is the culminating assignment, where you will tie together all of the information and ideas from the course. All of the reading, writing, thinking, and discussing that you have done over the past several weeks have led up to this assignment. Content Describe a “real life” […]

You will read 2 speeches and determine which speaker has the more effective argument.You will read 2 speeches and determine which speaker has the more effective argument.

After analyzing Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” and Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death”, determine and defend which speech is more effective due to the use of figurative language, rhetorical appeals and rhetorical devices. Provide textual evidence from both speeches to strenthen your argument. The first body paragragh is Rhetorical Appeals. The second […]

Why were these three incidents of dishonesty so fatal to the careers of the administrators involved? Can these incidents be explained? Can you synthesize them? Dissimilarities? Use all the sources and include all of them in the source list.Why were these three incidents of dishonesty so fatal to the careers of the administrators involved? Can these incidents be explained? Can you synthesize them? Dissimilarities? Use all the sources and include all of them in the source list.

For the essay, read these sources . . . from Academic OneFile . . . Vivian Yee and Peter May, “Coach’s Rhodes Claim under Review by Yale,” The New York Times, 18 November 2011. Peter May, “Caught in Lies, Yale Football Coach Resigns,” The New York Times, 22 December 2011. Nick Anderson, “University of South […]