Discipline: English

Character Analysis on the story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins GilmanCharacter Analysis on the story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Character Analysis Length: approximately 750 words (5 or 6 paragraphs)  I. CONTENT             Choose any character from any story from our short fiction textbook/reader (The World’s Greatest Short Stories) and write an argumentative analysis of that character.  If you work with a main character, consider focusing on the change in that character or on the significance of a […]

How does Shakespeare use the tragic hero to express the theme of the play, The Tragedy of Macbeth?How does Shakespeare use the tragic hero to express the theme of the play, The Tragedy of Macbeth?

Once you complete the Beginning Steps for the essay, you need to decide on the best essay structure for you. I suggest using parts of Aristotle’s definition of the tragic hero along with an echo of the prompt in your thesis statement. As you write your S of Os and TSs, remember to focus on theme and […]

analytical thesis about the story’s meaning (theme), and using passages from the text develop an argument in support of that interpretation.analytical thesis about the story’s meaning (theme), and using passages from the text develop an argument in support of that interpretation.

This analytical thesis is from the short story “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver ! PLEASE READ THE attached document to fully understand what needs to be done.  MUST be 3-4 pages, MLA format doubled spaced , and a works cited page.  Literary analysis, also known as literary criticism, can be defined  as a close reading and […]


Touchstone 3: Informative Essay Revision   BEFORE YOU START Consider revisiting the Unit 3 tutorial The Purpose of Revising. You might find it helpful to use the revising strategies to manage your time, to catch mistakes by reading aloud, to revise by asking questions about your own writing, and to make final revisions by printing out […]

Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? 6 6 unread replies. 6 6 replies.Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? 6 6 unread replies. 6 6 replies.

This week’s reading identified four main types of audiences that technical writers often need to address:  Experts  Technicians  Executives  Nonspecialists  For this discussion, review the characteristics of each audience type. Next, let’s examine these audience-types in the context of a professional healthcare environment.   Who are the experts, technicians, executives, and Non specialists that nurses most […]

What are the consequences of not “seeing the light”? Have some Christian values been inculcated by Langston? How do these values play in his life?What are the consequences of not “seeing the light”? Have some Christian values been inculcated by Langston? How do these values play in his life?

in a two to three page essay, answer the following questions. Please use quotations from the stories where appropriate.  Please organize your analysis into paragraphs, and provide evidence (quotes) with paragraph numbers of where they can be found. attach is story pdf.

The United States has two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats. What are some of the difference and similarities in their beliefs? (Stick to three elements.)The United States has two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats. What are some of the difference and similarities in their beliefs? (Stick to three elements.)

  Writing Assignment 2 – A Short Expository Research EssayENGL 110C Assignment: Write a 1,200-word expository research essay Deadlines: Feb. 18 Length: 1,200 words Description: An expository essay is a type of writing “that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea […]

For this discussion topic, you will post four sources that you consider possible sources for your research project. At least two of these should be scholarly journal articles.For this discussion topic, you will post four sources that you consider possible sources for your research project. At least two of these should be scholarly journal articles.

For this discussion topic, you will post four sources that you consider possible sources for your research project. At least two of these should be scholarly journal articles. For each source, please post your answers to the following: Provide an APA-style reference citation for the source. Remember that you can use CiteFast if you wish. What […]

Analytical Summary about “Some People Are Just Born Good Writers” by Jill ParrotAnalytical Summary about “Some People Are Just Born Good Writers” by Jill Parrot

EGL-1010 Essay 1: Analytical Summary  100 points Assignment: You are tasked with providing an overview of an article dispelling a popular myth about writing. Your audience includes the instructor, classmates, and any writer in general. Your job is to give them an overview that summarizes the article and then analyze its main points. Select three […]

Literacy narrative about a time in high school when you were asked to read a book or write an essay and what you learned from that experience.Literacy narrative about a time in high school when you were asked to read a book or write an essay and what you learned from that experience.

Instructions It is now time to create your narrative/descriptive essay final draft and turn. Your final draft should be at least three total pages in length. Remember, you are painting a picture in the reader’s mind with descriptive words. Make sure you look over the rubric before submitting your final draft. Upload your final draft in .doc […]