Discipline: English

AP Language and Composition (highschool) The great Gatsby, I will include the FULL instructions for this assinment in the attatchment files below.AP Language and Composition (highschool) The great Gatsby, I will include the FULL instructions for this assinment in the attatchment files below.

In this essay, write for the side of either one, whichever you believe to answer the question better. Here are to 2 links with overviews of the films, make sure you use some textual evidence or movie dialouge for EVIDENCE for whichever you pick to follow, you may also argue for both. heres the link […]

Identify a social, environmental, or political problem that is of local, national, or global concern.Identify a social, environmental, or political problem that is of local, national, or global concern.

A.  Write a causal analysis essay (suggested length of 3–7 pages). In your essay, do the following: 1.  Address an appropriate topic. 2.  Provide an effective introduction. 3.  Provide an appropriate thesis statement that previews two to four causes. (Note: Be sure to focus only on the causes of the problem; do not consider effects or solutions.) 4.  Explain […]

discuss whether you believe that technology has had a positive or negative impact on students’ educational experiences.discuss whether you believe that technology has had a positive or negative impact on students’ educational experiences.

Here are a few things to think about as you craft your writing sample (you don’t need to write about all of these things): • How much technology should be used in education? • Does technology get in the way of or enhance learning? • Have all students benefitted equally from increased technology usage in […]

mans inhumanity to man & what it means to be a good person (in relation to WWII and world)mans inhumanity to man & what it means to be a good person (in relation to WWII and world)

Directions: Write a paper and present your findings that explores a topic related to WWII and the world. You will write a formal research paper on a topic that connects to World War II and, in a balanced essay, connect that topic to the current world we’re living in. Holistic Grading Rubric Here For the […]

Week 3: Discussion – Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? 11 unread reply.11 reply.Week 3: Discussion – Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? 11 unread reply.11 reply.

This week’s reading identified four main types of audiences that technical writers often need to address:  Experts  Technicians  Executives  Nonspecialists  For this discussion, review the characteristics of each audience type. Next, let’s examine these audience-types in the context of a professional healthcare environment.   Who are the experts, technicians, executives, and Non specialists that nurses most […]

Write an essay in which you compare the characters Oedipus and Willy Loman, explaining which is the superior tragic figure and why.Write an essay in which you compare the characters Oedipus and Willy Loman, explaining which is the superior tragic figure and why.

*4+ direct quotes (use the significant quotes handouts from both plays). Example: According to Willy, “Man is not a piece of fruit* (Miller, 1.1.82). *When citing specific details other than direct quotes, be sure to explain where this takes place. Example: In the stage directions at the beginning of Act I, we learn that Linda […]

First draft- Research paper What are the psychological consequences of cyberbullying on social media platforms?First draft- Research paper What are the psychological consequences of cyberbullying on social media platforms?

Throughout a college or professional career, students are often required to write a research paper which supplies information from the viewpoint and labor of others, and hence, must be properly formatted and adequately documented. Beginning with prewriting and continuing through the various steps of the process, students will develop skills in writing a research paper […]

Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? No unread replies.No replies.Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? No unread replies.No replies.

Discussion – Audience Types: Who do You Communicate with at Work? This week’s reading identified four main types of audiences that technical writers often need to address:  Experts  Technicians  Executives  Nonspecialists  For this discussion, review the characteristics of each audience type. Next, let’s examine these audience-types in the context of a professional healthcare environment.   Who […]

Initial Thoughts on PBS’s “The Definition of Art” and “What Makes a Masterpiece”Initial Thoughts on PBS’s “The Definition of Art” and “What Makes a Masterpiece”

For our first Mini Essay, you’ll focus on responding to a video about art. This homework assignment will help you to think about the possible videos early and gather your thoughts before we start writing the Mini Essay. Complete the following: 1. Watch PBS’s “The Definition of Art.” (https://www.pbs.org/video/the-definition-of-art-3jxymu/) Then, share your initial thoughts about and/or reactions […]