Discipline: English

Please provide a personal statement explaining how this scholarship will impact your educational pursuit. You may include your academic achievements, financial need, extra-curricular activities, and community service or volunteer work.Please provide a personal statement explaining how this scholarship will impact your educational pursuit. You may include your academic achievements, financial need, extra-curricular activities, and community service or volunteer work.

Please provide a personal statement explaining how this scholarship will impact your educational pursuit. You may include your academic achievements, financial need, extra-curricular activities, and community service or volunteer work. Personal Statement for a scholarship. The main ides is in the file attached. I just need a better written version. 

This essay wants you to think about the way evidence is used in two different professional styles, MLA and APAThis essay wants you to think about the way evidence is used in two different professional styles, MLA and APA

This is a short essay max 500 words please read to attached files – this is very important.    This means that you may opt out of two of the four short essay opportunities; this is also one from each group. Short essays cannot be handed in late, and I will only mark the first […]

Response paper Swap characters from any two of these week 1-2 stories into the other’s story, in that character’s place. How would either or both of these stories change as a result, and why?Response paper Swap characters from any two of these week 1-2 stories into the other’s story, in that character’s place. How would either or both of these stories change as a result, and why?

This is a RESPONSE paper  Choose a character for 2 of the listed stories  “Miss Brill” https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1429/1429-h/1429-h.htm#chap09 “A Rose for Emily” https://archive.org/stream/ARoseForEmily1930/A_Rose_for_Emily_djvu.txt “Young Goodman Brown” http://www.gutenberg.org/files/512/512-h/512-h.htm#goodman Your analysis should contain at least ONE direct quote and ONE paraphrase from the text (with MLA in-text citations as necessary), and your paper should include an MLA-formatted Works […]

these are the essays More ROom by Judith Ortiz coffer and What fullness is by roxane gaythese are the essays More ROom by Judith Ortiz coffer and What fullness is by roxane gay

The essay must be persuasive and have a clear thesis statement that states the argument. The essay must be 6-8 paragraphs in length, contain real world analysis and contain quotes/ support from 2 texts listed with the prompt you select. The quotes must be in the body of the essay in MLA parenthetical format. Support […]

Comparative essay between Doris Lessing′s ″The Golden Notebook″ and Mary McCarthy′s ″The Groves of Academe”Comparative essay between Doris Lessing′s ″The Golden Notebook″ and Mary McCarthy′s ″The Groves of Academe”

72 Sentence essay comparing Doris Lessing’s “The Golden Notebook” and Mary McCarthy’s “The Groves of Academe” using a lens (choose from attached file labeled “lenses”) Intro – 3 Sentences 6 body paragraphs (11 sentences per paragraph)  (3 quotes per paragraph) body paragraphs in point proof analysis format (see image below) Conclusion – 3 Sentences = […]

Write an essay in which you explore what kind of writer you are and what makes you this kind of writer.Write an essay in which you explore what kind of writer you are and what makes you this kind of writer.

Write an essay in which you explore what kind of writer you are and what makes you this kind of writer. To do this, find a central focus for your essay, for instance, one word that might best describe the kind of writer you are. You may want to consider your specific strengths and weaknesses as a […]

Writing the introductory paragraphs of the methodology chapter + the pilot study sectionWriting the introductory paragraphs of the methodology chapter + the pilot study section

I need an expert who is qualified in academic writing and has a previous experience in writing the research methodology chapter. For this order, I need him/her to write introductory paragraphs for the methodology chapter and about the PILOT STUDY section of the methodology chapter. Based on the provided work, I will consult the writer […]

Write the memo for the internal audience of your company. Before you write, reflect on the purpose and audience(s) of your document, and think about tone (see Chapter 2). When discussing Olofsson’s ideas, you must cite her work in MLA formatWrite the memo for the internal audience of your company. Before you write, reflect on the purpose and audience(s) of your document, and think about tone (see Chapter 2). When discussing Olofsson’s ideas, you must cite her work in MLA format

Write the memo for the internal audience of your company. Before you write, reflect on the purposeand audience(s) of your document, and think about tone (see Chapter 2). When discussing Olofsson’s ideas, you must cite her work in MLA format (giving page numbers.)  The memo should introduce the reason for writing to the staff and summarize […]

Recently there has been a spike in California’s homeless population, what can be done to solve the problemRecently there has been a spike in California’s homeless population, what can be done to solve the problem

write a debatable thesis in response to this prompt, support it in 7 paragraph essay, offering a solution to this essay. About 3 typed page: double spaced in 12 pt TNR font. typed in MLA format. A skeletal outline based on structure of an essay, using Roman numerals to list only the main parts of […]

You will choose an event from your life that has stuck in your memory and is either significant to you or represents a turning point of some sort.You will choose an event from your life that has stuck in your memory and is either significant to you or represents a turning point of some sort.

You will choose an event from your life that has stuck in your memory and is either significant to you or represents a turning point of some sort. You may choose to write about major milestones, but you can also consider small moments and events. Then, you will write a short story about the event […]