Discipline: English

Exploring College Students’ Perception of the Effectiveness of Their Coping Styles for Dealing with StressExploring College Students’ Perception of the Effectiveness of Their Coping Styles for Dealing with Stress

Submit: Brief Summary of the main points of the article (75-150 words), Brief Discussion of how this author does/does not follow the IMRaD format (50-100 words) Criteria If the Summary demonstrates that you have read the assigned reading carefully and if the Discussion shows thoughtful analysis of the structure/strategy of the article, you will earn […]

Compare and contrast the journey of self-discovery for two characters in the book. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the comparison and contrastCompare and contrast the journey of self-discovery for two characters in the book. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the comparison and contrast

Your literary analysis should be between 2 ½ and 3 pages (600 to750 words), not including the Works Cited page, should be doublespaced in Times New Roman 12-point font and must meet thefollowing criteria:  The book is below in the attached files, and along with the instructions, a big tip will be left for you […]

Writing an essay about how Eugene Adichke’s past played a part in his perception of feminism and inability of family to recover from abuse.Writing an essay about how Eugene Adichke’s past played a part in his perception of feminism and inability of family to recover from abuse.

Process:  Writing Using your essay outline, write a formal literary essay.  Revising Revise the essay and turn in the final copy to the Google dropbox.  Expectations: Your essay must include an introduction with the thesis, two body paragraphs (minimum of 2 quotes each) and a conclusion. The essay must be typed on a shared doc […]

Exploring Differences between British and American Drama and Comedies (Post by Jan 16)Exploring Differences between British and American Drama and Comedies (Post by Jan 16)

Read the following article I published with Paul Elsam a British Author and Actor. He conducted a dramaturgical workshop with cast members in late 2013  prior to my directing Private Fears in Public Places.    After reading the article reflect on two differences between Brit and US drama that you were unaware of, or want to explore in […]

In a thesis-driven and well-organized essay, respond to the following question: How does Los Angeles sell itself today through commercial texts, and what important elements of the city do these commercial representations leave out?In a thesis-driven and well-organized essay, respond to the following question: How does Los Angeles sell itself today through commercial texts, and what important elements of the city do these commercial representations leave out?

In order to fully address this prompt, you will need to do three things: Examine how L.A. sells itself through dominant narratives by summarizing and analyzing “Journey Beyond the Stars.” Choose either the Westside or South L.A. to explain the specific dominant narratives of that area (utopia ordystopia). You may want to bring in examples […]

How and why did modernist artists use literature to try and achieve freedom from existing political, social, or aesthetic restraints? – Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer & Zora Neale Hurtson’s Dust Tracks on a RoadHow and why did modernist artists use literature to try and achieve freedom from existing political, social, or aesthetic restraints? – Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer & Zora Neale Hurtson’s Dust Tracks on a Road

How and why did modernist artists use literature to try and achieve freedom from existing political, social, or aesthetic restraints?  Please answer the question in relation to Zora Neale Hurston’s Dust Tracks on a Road and Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer. Since these texts deal with different experiences and forms of using self-censorship, it would give me the opportunity […]

How can public school systems better support kids who have endured childhood trauma?How can public school systems better support kids who have endured childhood trauma?

You will be using your research presentation to write a research paper. Because your paper is on an issue of national or global importance, you should be making at least one claim, although several may be argued.Links to an external site. This paper should not just be a recitation of your findings. You should be using […]

You’ll now begin writing your own argumentative essay by crafting a strong argument. You’ll go through the process of learning about a topic, analyzing information on that topic, making a strong claim on the topic, supporting that claimYou’ll now begin writing your own argumentative essay by crafting a strong argument. You’ll go through the process of learning about a topic, analyzing information on that topic, making a strong claim on the topic, supporting that claim

You’ll now begin writing your own argumentative essay by crafting a strong argument. You’ll go through the process of learning about a topic, analyzing information on that topic, making a strong claim on the topic, supporting that claim with evidence, and drafting an argument essay. You’ll see an example of this process on the topic […]

Write your own annotations and 3-sentence summaries for “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” by Alice Walker and the excerpt from When I was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago.Write your own annotations and 3-sentence summaries for “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” by Alice Walker and the excerpt from When I was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago.

Write your own annotations and 3-sentence summaries for “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” by Alice Walker and the excerpt from When I was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago.

How does J. Cole use racial representation to explore the pervasive themes of systemic racism and oppression in the US, in his album “4 Your Eyez Only”?How does J. Cole use racial representation to explore the pervasive themes of systemic racism and oppression in the US, in his album “4 Your Eyez Only”?

Focus on these 3 songs from the albumn – Change, Immortal and Neighbors and focus on the use of literary and  rhetoric devices in each song and how he uses them to portray themes of systemic racism and oppression in the US. I need an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. I am in 12th grade […]