Discipline: English

Although some countries are different from one another, they share some surprising similarities.Although some countries are different from one another, they share some surprising similarities.

Although some countries are different from one another, they share some surprising similarities. (2) Some may think that Brazil and the United States have very little in common because they are in different hemispheres. (3) On the contrary, the two countries share many similarities. (4) One important similarity between Brazil and the United States is […]

In Homegoing, many of the characters persevere through hardships. Choose three characters that exemplify perseverance. Support your arguments with specific evidence from the novel.In Homegoing, many of the characters persevere through hardships. Choose three characters that exemplify perseverance. Support your arguments with specific evidence from the novel.

Here are links to what you will need in order to complete the essay. The slideshow explains in depth how to do Point, Evidence, Analysis, and Link for each peal structure (link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Bo_rmAyGa0ATNhJdgNPDjNLW5y2Mtdpy1pioTFdckSs/edit#slide=id.g533c7385a6_0_4). My essay consists of two peal cycles per paragraph. Im not sure how many words it should be because there is no […]

Prompt: In Barry Hannah’s “Water Liars,” what is different about the last story told (the one by the visitor/stranger)?Prompt: In Barry Hannah’s “Water Liars,” what is different about the last story told (the one by the visitor/stranger)?

Attachements inclue the story and work cited that will be used! You MUST use the story link given to you for this essay. This link should also be used in the WC page.  The PDF itself has only three pages, but use the numbering printed on the pages of the actual story.   You must use […]

Unveiling Identities: A Bicultural Postcolonial Analysis of Randy Ribay’s ‘Patron Saints of Nothing’Unveiling Identities: A Bicultural Postcolonial Analysis of Randy Ribay’s ‘Patron Saints of Nothing’

Write a literary criticism in a bicultural postcolonial lens about Randy Ribay’s Patron Saints of Nothing.  Specifications: 1. MLA Citation format 2. document format IMRAD (abstract, Intro, methodology (lit review and theoretical framework, results and conclusion) 3) please add 10 references of accessible online journals 4) some references attached Thesis: Randy Ribay uses the main […]

an opinion essay about achieving professional successes without sacrificing personal life.an opinion essay about achieving professional successes without sacrificing personal life.

About 3 pages. I wanted to write an opinion essay about achieving professional successes without sacrificing personal life. “It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or […]

Write an essay of up to 3000 words in length. Discuss the theme of faith and doubt in relation to the expression of identity and belief in Victorian Britain.Write an essay of up to 3000 words in length. Discuss the theme of faith and doubt in relation to the expression of identity and belief in Victorian Britain.

Use the following two Victorian texts for primary texts:   Ameenah (Emily) Lincoln, The Convert′s Passion: An Anthology of Islamic Poetry from Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, edited by Brent D. Singleton (Wildside Press, 2009), ‘La Illa ha, Illa Llah!’, ‘Hope Delusive!’ (pp. 49-51). Nineteenth-Century Religion, Literature and Society, gen. ed. Naomi Hetherington (2020). Use at […]

Research paper regarding the novel “Sea Witch” by Sarah Henning that uses evidence from the primary and secondary sources to analyze the power in strong relationships and how they affect the characters motivations and the overall plot of the story.Research paper regarding the novel “Sea Witch” by Sarah Henning that uses evidence from the primary and secondary sources to analyze the power in strong relationships and how they affect the characters motivations and the overall plot of the story.

Final product should demonstrate lots of direct evidence/quotations from the novel and other supporting sources. Perhaps explain the role gender plays into these relationships, how strong friendships can make you blind to whats right in front of you. The research paper should aim to unravel the dynamics of strong relationships within the narrative, dissecting their […]

Nothing is more exciting than fresh ideas, so why are areas of knowledge often so slow to adopt them? Discuss with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.Nothing is more exciting than fresh ideas, so why are areas of knowledge often so slow to adopt them? Discuss with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.

Make an argumentative essay stating that in history, the pursuit of objectivity to grapple with historical biases and narratives that silence certain voices makes subjectivity worthy of condemnation. However, subjectivity plays a crucial role in art and is essential for artistic expression. It allows artists to convey their unique perspectives, emotions, and experiences through their […]

Discuss the relationships between parents and children in Romeo and Juliet. How do Romeo and Juliet interact with their parents? Are they rebellious in the modern sense ? How do their parents feel about them?Discuss the relationships between parents and children in Romeo and Juliet. How do Romeo and Juliet interact with their parents? Are they rebellious in the modern sense ? How do their parents feel about them?

Essay topic: Discuss the relationships between parents and children in Romeo and Juliet. How do Romeo and Juliet interact with their parents?Are they rebellious in the modern sense? How do their parents feel about them? I. Introduction A. Hook -question, personal anecdote, interesting fact, in themiddle of the story B. Intro to subject- 2-3 sentence […]

prewriting and developing key points that you plan to include in your essay, then drafting a body paragraph.prewriting and developing key points that you plan to include in your essay, then drafting a body paragraph.

I have the readings and my paper attached Discussion Overview Writers often face the challenge of too many ideas swirling around their heads when they sit down to draft an essay or another document. The swirling ideas can lead to writer’s block or a disorganized draft. This discussion will help you bring order to an […]