Discipline: English

Summary, Analysis, and Evaluation My topic is on the negative effects of social media on young children ages 6-12 years oldSummary, Analysis, and Evaluation My topic is on the negative effects of social media on young children ages 6-12 years old

 Begin your research… To complete your research paper you will need to review current peer-reviewed resources aligned to your topic. This portion of your paper is called the Literature Review and will include information from (at least) four peer-reviewed articles you will summarize, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize. Prior to completing this assignment, you will first conduct research […]

Speech Analysis (MLA format) of Ronald Reagan’s Address at the Berlin Wall “Tear Down This Wall”Speech Analysis (MLA format) of Ronald Reagan’s Address at the Berlin Wall “Tear Down This Wall”

Please, I need a mini 4 paragraphs speech analysis of Ronald Reagans Address at the Berlin Wall “Tear down this Wall” (MLA format). This should be made by answering the questiond my teacher wants answered. I will send the page with the requirements. Also on a separate page I need bullet points for a 2-4 […]

Assignment 2 – Research topic proposal about The impact of Artificial Intelligence on education in the UAEAssignment 2 – Research topic proposal about The impact of Artificial Intelligence on education in the UAE

You will propose a research topic for their upcoming Literature Review paper, outlining your thesis statement, main discussion points, and existing research and follow the rubric. Instructions:Prepare a proposal that includes the following four parts. Each section should be clearly labeled and presented in a cohesive manner. Part 1: Proposed Research Topic Clearly state the […]

rite a reflection of the Civil Rights Movement as you’ve developed your knowledge at the Midterm stagerite a reflection of the Civil Rights Movement as you’ve developed your knowledge at the Midterm stage

rite a reflection of the Civil Rights Movement as you’ve developed your knowledge at the Midterm stage.  (: Invisible Soldiers: African Americans in WWII, YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-9qxVjtbHA)  the book.   The 20th Century Civil Rights Movement: An Africana Studies Perspective Christian

Cultural non fiction essay with 4 sources. Not heavily political or health topicsCultural non fiction essay with 4 sources. Not heavily political or health topics

Write a 2000 word minimum draft of an essay on a contemporary cultural issue. You will be writing about this issue to explore, entertain, inform, but not to rant, preach, or disparage. You are taking us through your own learning process on this topic, and the most important element is your first person narrative voice that acts […]

Provide details about the change in progression through secondary/high school -250 words maxProvide details about the change in progression through secondary/high school -250 words max

This is what has been written thus far.   This must be 250 words or less. Two versions:  Version 1: When covid began I realized the best use of my spare time was to progress through school at a faster pace. This caused me to skip my 8th-grade year and go directly into high school at […]

The chapter begins with a discussion on verbal following and verbal following skills. What is verbal following, and why are those skills important in social work?The chapter begins with a discussion on verbal following and verbal following skills. What is verbal following, and why are those skills important in social work?

The chapter begins with a discussion on verbal following and verbal following skills. What is verbal following, and why are those skills important in social work? What does it mean to “seek concreteness” in social work? Describe concreteness and the importance of it. What is the difference between an open-ended and a closed-ended response? Give […]

Please answer two of the questions below with at least one substantial paragraph each, specifically detailing the text and pointing to particular page numbers. Make sure your grammar and mechanics are professional and college-level.Please answer two of the questions below with at least one substantial paragraph each, specifically detailing the text and pointing to particular page numbers. Make sure your grammar and mechanics are professional and college-level.

1) Who was Sandy and what do we know about him? What do you suspect and why? Can you prove, with evidence from the text, what you suspect? Why or why not? 2) How did both slaveowners or masters and slaves themselves use Christianity toward their own ends? How is this paradoxical?  3) What surprises […]

provide some context for understanding the experience, cause(s), effect and adive of the problem faced by the studentsprovide some context for understanding the experience, cause(s), effect and adive of the problem faced by the students

Prompt: Starting with a situation that you have struggled with, that you anticipate strugglingwith, or a situation that you know someone has struggled with, identify a problem that a collegestudent is likely to face and offer them advice about how to overcome that problem. Your essayshould: focus on one specific problem that’s relevant for a […]

“I am the People, the Mob” by Carl Sandburg (1916) “America I Sing Back” by Allison Adelle Hegde Coke (2014)“I am the People, the Mob” by Carl Sandburg (1916) “America I Sing Back” by Allison Adelle Hegde Coke (2014)

Substantial analysis and implementation of a poem from the “historical” listing and from the “modern” listing. Analysis of poetic elements needed to support your interpretation of each poem. The conclusion contains all the following: restated thesis (in new words), summary of main points, relate poem to broader themes in life (so what, who cares) ( […]