Discipline: English

Summary Rough Draft and Summary Final Draft of “A Liberalism of Heart and Spine”Summary Rough Draft and Summary Final Draft of “A Liberalism of Heart and Spine”

Summary Rough Draft Summary Rough Draft Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction of author and source USING A PATTERN 3 pts No errors in the pattern 0 pts Errors in the pattern 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExpression of Gates’ thesis 3 pts Gates’ main claim is expressed clearly at […]

What impact does the increasing use of internet slang in digital communication have on language skills among English Students?What impact does the increasing use of internet slang in digital communication have on language skills among English Students?

Works Cited Abdu M. Talib Al-Kadi1 Rashad Ali Ahmed2. EVOLUTION of ENGLISH in the INTERNET AGE . 31 Apr. 2018, d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/57797228/Evolution_of_English_in_the_Internet_Age-libre.pdf?1542554959=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DEvolution_of_English_in_the_Internet_age.pdf&Expires=1726869775&Signature=CkSO4ce3n5qpiF1Iqxxm6qO~b7DBs0cGX~GhcA097GYqjqgmA-0y46912MiaqjKV3UkwYHTw9EU6HvcHsRqH6ifea3UzJmoAzfqdxVj1-l-rByEp1lyY-FmF-77nCiBXQgd0J~mYdxxRBKXwZyofRJi6GkcnzmCJ5UFxGrPbjEBu41UqT9wQSQ38SDOL53bcQmPXFPJrcy6bTJhNb7lv-BI49jstAT3Dk1YwIBvvIzVY0wQvb5qoRt0NTHpwfj8ZurZyfk2RneIqdLur7ph6~LNeNg~S23RErr6YFychyaAV7Ex5T~3zl5NLO0WFDQ5b6CyChEDA-V2qWweC3U8viA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA. Al-Sharqi, Laila, and Irum Saeed Abbasi. “The Influence of Technology on English Language and Literature.” English Language Teaching, vol. 13, no. 7, 2020, pp. 1–7, eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1259632. “Always On.” Google Books, 2024, books.google.pl/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ElE77vJqSFcC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=what+impact+does+the+increasinf+use+of+internet+slang++in+digital+communication+have+on+language+skills+among+engilsh+students&ots=QfLZ884aZ9&sig=anDg7QbaI9g9ENwJ1bOKyk6Nt0c&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false. Accessed 23 […]

An Account of an Argument, and use of Evidence and Rhetorical Strategies for “The Self as Hero,” Joseph CampbellAn Account of an Argument, and use of Evidence and Rhetorical Strategies for “The Self as Hero,” Joseph Campbell

 I dropped the PDF to the instructions and the PDF to Joeseph Campbell’s “The Self as a  hero”.  1. Write an academic introduction, purpose statement, and conclusion.   2. Construct an account of Campbell’s argument: major, important, or interesting claims, supporting claims, and reasons. Identify and discuss Campbell’s most important claim and how sub-claims support a […]

Discuss the idea(s) developed by Alice Munro in the short story “Gravel” about the ways in which the feelings of satisfaction and regret influence an individual’s actions.Discuss the idea(s) developed by Alice Munro in the short story “Gravel” about the ways in which the feelings of satisfaction and regret influence an individual’s actions.

Critical/ Analytical Response to Literary Texts Based on the Summative Annotation Assignment you completed in the The Short Story section, please use the same short story you used for annotation to respond to the assignment below. The Assignment Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the ways in which […]

Approaches to writing a connection to place + The role of the storyteller–due Sunday 8pmApproaches to writing a connection to place + The role of the storyteller–due Sunday 8pm

*Discussion Post Guidelines*–First write an original post of your own (aim for at least about 500 words) that addresses the questions below. Then, be sure to respond meaningfully to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Response posts should pick up on the conversation or conversations begun by the original poster by agreeing, disagreeing, offering […]

3. Agree or disagree: Most students are in too big of a hurry to be done with their education that they frequently fail to learn what will serve them well in the rest of their professional and personal lives.3. Agree or disagree: Most students are in too big of a hurry to be done with their education that they frequently fail to learn what will serve them well in the rest of their professional and personal lives.

For your first essay, we are going to get the state-required research paper accomplished. This assignment has three primary objectives: to evaluate your abilities 1) to create a reasonable and valid thesis statement, 2) to support that thesis statement with reasonable and credible evidence for which you have appropriately evaluated and acknowledged the original sources, […]

what are some advantages to living in a polytheistic world? What are some disadvantages?what are some advantages to living in a polytheistic world? What are some disadvantages?

Topic 1: Based on your reading of Gilgamesh, what are some advantages to living in a polytheistic world? What are some disadvantages? Support your claims with evidence from the text.   write a 550 to 600-word essay All papers must be in MLA format (12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and have one-inch margins).  Papers must conform to formal essay rules; therefore, […]