Discipline: English

what are some advantages to living in a polytheistic world? What are some disadvantages?what are some advantages to living in a polytheistic world? What are some disadvantages?

Topic 1: Based on your reading of Gilgamesh, what are some advantages to living in a polytheistic world? What are some disadvantages? Support your claims with evidence from the text.   write a 550 to 600-word essay All papers must be in MLA format (12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and have one-inch margins).  Papers must conform to formal essay rules; therefore, […]

Comparative Analysis of T. Paine’s “Common Sense” and J. Edwards “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God”Comparative Analysis of T. Paine’s “Common Sense” and J. Edwards “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God”

I need to write a term paper for a bachelor’s course on America’s early history.  I want to have a comparative paper of both “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine and “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards. This paper should be around 4500 to 5500 long and citated in MLA style […]

For this assignment you will “read” a collection of “visuals” of your choosing that focus on democracy as a value. Your paper will be four pages of text and also will include those pictures in the essay form.For this assignment you will “read” a collection of “visuals” of your choosing that focus on democracy as a value. Your paper will be four pages of text and also will include those pictures in the essay form.

For this assignment you will “read” a collection of “visuals” of your choosing that focus on democracy as a value. Your paper will be four pages of text and also will include those pictures in the essay form. Your analysis (MLA format: double-spaced, 1’’ margins, New Times Roman 12 pt) should be written with a […]

How does Orwell’s “catalogue of swindles and perversions” prove his argument that the English language is declining, and do you support his arguments in the context of English in 2024 (rather than when published in April 1946)?How does Orwell’s “catalogue of swindles and perversions” prove his argument that the English language is declining, and do you support his arguments in the context of English in 2024 (rather than when published in April 1946)?

How does Orwell’s “catalogue of swindles and perversions” prove his argument that the English language is declining, and do you support his arguments in the context of English in 2024 (rather than when published in April 1946)?   Reference Orwell, G. (2013). Politics and the English Language. Penguin Classics. https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/politics-and-the-english-language/Links to an external site. 

How do parents and early childhood educators communicate to support children’s language development, and how does this affect children’s outcomes?How do parents and early childhood educators communicate to support children’s language development, and how does this affect children’s outcomes?

First, The discourse community is the relationship between teachers and early childhood educators. Next, the research question is How do parents and early childhood educators communicate to support children’s language development, and how does this affect children’s outcomes? The ultimate “deliverable” of this assignment is a report. The genre of the report usually uses a straightforward structure, often with sub-headings. […]

Select a completed built project* and discuss the coordination of multiple systems within the building shell/envelope. *The type of project (Commercial, healthcare, hospitality, residential etc.) to be approved by InstructorSelect a completed built project* and discuss the coordination of multiple systems within the building shell/envelope. *The type of project (Commercial, healthcare, hospitality, residential etc.) to be approved by Instructor

  In an essay of approximately 1000 words, study one building in which you find an interesting coordination between systems. Introduce the building (designers, location, functions, age, etc.) There should be at least three systems of your choice (fire separation, structure, plumbing, acoustics, etc.) in this study. Explain: What were the potential conflicts between the […]

what I want my legacy to be and how can the program jag (jobs for America’s graduate) can helpwhat I want my legacy to be and how can the program jag (jobs for America’s graduate) can help

In this journey that I follow I have always admire for my legacy to be something thats aspirational, mindful, and influential. Leaving an aspiration legacy involves striving for high ideals and values that inspire others to reach their own potential which is one of the many things that Jag can help achieve. Another thing of […]

Compose a literacy narrative based on one event or aspect of your experience with reading/writing/learning.Compose a literacy narrative based on one event or aspect of your experience with reading/writing/learning.

A literacy narrative is a unique style of essay in which information can be written and shared in personal and stylistic ways. A “literacy narrative” is about your experience with reading/writing/learning. Essay 1 allows you to practice the moves of the narrative genre that we have learned in class. Assignment Details Compose a literacy narrative based on one event or aspect of your experience with reading/writing/learning. The narrative should meet […]

Reading & Discussion 9: Outliers Chapter 1 “The Matthew Effect” and “Brainology”Reading & Discussion 9: Outliers Chapter 1 “The Matthew Effect” and “Brainology”

In your first Discussion post, identify an idea or ideas expressed in both “The Matthew Effect” and “Brainology” that interest you. Choose one of the topics below: you can explain the idea, and in-so-doing cite examples of it from your life experience and education; or you can argue for it, giving reasons, examples, and information in support of the idea; […]

research essay on a topic that can be argumentative example(going into work vs working from home) but can’t use that thesisresearch essay on a topic that can be argumentative example(going into work vs working from home) but can’t use that thesis

Touchstone 3.2: Draft an Argumentative Research Essay ASSIGNMENT: Using your outline and annotated bibliography from Touchstones 1.2 and 2.2, draft a 6-8 page argumentative research essay on your chosen topic. As this assignment builds on Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography, that Touchstone must be graded before you can submit your research essay draft. Although unrelated by topic, […]