A. Instructions Begin by choosing a topic for your comparison/contrast essay. You are free to select your own topic, or you may use one of the sample topics listed below. However, you should choose a topic that you have some personal knowledge of so that you have sufficient points of comparison or contrast to discuss […]
Discipline: English
Write an analytical essay that shows your understanding of how a topic is discussed in Seven Fallen Feathers and your overall understanding of the issues and discussions from class.Write an analytical essay that shows your understanding of how a topic is discussed in Seven Fallen Feathers and your overall understanding of the issues and discussions from class.
Requirement: One of your analytical paragraphs MUST be based on chapter 4. You can choose any other chapter that we have read as a class to write your other paragraph. You must incorporate ONE scholarly secondary source (not including Seven Fallen Feathers text) using primary or secondary sources from online databases or scholarly article sites […]
First, complete the reading for today’s assignment. You will read three short poems, and you will also watch the authors read the poems in a YouTube video. Next, complete the reading response following the steps below.First, complete the reading for today’s assignment. You will read three short poems, and you will also watch the authors read the poems in a YouTube video. Next, complete the reading response following the steps below.
Reading Response #2 First, complete the reading for today’s assignment. You will read three short poems, and you will also watch the authors read the poems in a YouTube video. Next, complete the reading response following the steps below. Reading #1: Watch and read “Hair” Reading #2: Watch and read “Dinosaurs in the Hood” Reading […]
Build an analytic argument on the Frankenstein 1931 film adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Romantic gothic fiction FrankensteinBuild an analytic argument on the Frankenstein 1931 film adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Romantic gothic fiction Frankenstein
Use MHRA style guidePlan: Intro Intro to the Adaptation + novel – highlight their significance in lit + cinema, emphasizing their portrayal of Gothic elements => Introduce the original critical argument early on Overview of Gothic Aesthetics in Lit & film – Define Gothic Romantic fiction – outlining its key characteristics in lit, including elements […]
I have a text and lecture slides ( you need to link the text to a concept or theory in lecture ) you’ll have two question each question one paragraphI have a text and lecture slides ( you need to link the text to a concept or theory in lecture ) you’ll have two question each question one paragraph
Please read the text and answer these two questions in two paragraphs only: Paragraph 1 1-Question: How does this text link to a key concept, theory, approach or debate raised in the lecture(s)? Action: Explain the text’s position/key arguments and compare this to the key ideas in the lecture(s). (We recommend you spend 250-300 […]
reflection writing about the feedback on my pervious assignment by answering questionsreflection writing about the feedback on my pervious assignment by answering questions
Here is the feedback: What you have done well: You have identified some key ideas related to the topic of multiculturalism and the possible tensions between the rights of the group and the rights of women. You have read texts related to the concepts. Your language is suitably academic. However: In the second part, […]
TED. (2016, January 25). What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness / Robert Waldinger [Video].TED. (2016, January 25). What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness / Robert Waldinger [Video].
The Signature Assignment for this course combines all the concepts you have explored in this term. In this assignment, you will choose one of the TED Talks below and form a response based on the provided guidance. As you respond to the questions, you will be expected to connect the concepts covered in this course […]
Although some countries are different from one another, they share some surprising similarities.Although some countries are different from one another, they share some surprising similarities.
Although some countries are different from one another, they share some surprising similarities. (2) Some may think that Brazil and the United States have very little in common because they are in different hemispheres. (3) On the contrary, the two countries share many similarities. (4) One important similarity between Brazil and the United States is […]
In Homegoing, many of the characters persevere through hardships. Choose three characters that exemplify perseverance. Support your arguments with specific evidence from the novel.In Homegoing, many of the characters persevere through hardships. Choose three characters that exemplify perseverance. Support your arguments with specific evidence from the novel.
Here are links to what you will need in order to complete the essay. The slideshow explains in depth how to do Point, Evidence, Analysis, and Link for each peal structure (link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Bo_rmAyGa0ATNhJdgNPDjNLW5y2Mtdpy1pioTFdckSs/edit#slide=id.g533c7385a6_0_4). My essay consists of two peal cycles per paragraph. Im not sure how many words it should be because there is no […]
Prompt: In Barry Hannah’s “Water Liars,” what is different about the last story told (the one by the visitor/stranger)?Prompt: In Barry Hannah’s “Water Liars,” what is different about the last story told (the one by the visitor/stranger)?
Attachements inclue the story and work cited that will be used! You MUST use the story link given to you for this essay. This link should also be used in the WC page. The PDF itself has only three pages, but use the numbering printed on the pages of the actual story. You must use […]