Discipline: English

a short summary On who you are not supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt or herbert Hoovera short summary On who you are not supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt or herbert Hoover

You will need to write a short summary On who you are not supporting Franklin D.  Roosevelt or herbert  Hoover (minimum of 250 words) detailing the campaign promises  and proposed solutions of the candidate Include a brief analysis of why the candidate’s  proposals were or were not successful.  Short Answer: ______ / 10 points    Meets length requirement […]

Structured engagement in play activities with peers could improve disadvantaged children’s ability to become active socially, distinctly observing their interactions and communication behaviours.Structured engagement in play activities with peers could improve disadvantaged children’s ability to become active socially, distinctly observing their interactions and communication behaviours.

Essay Plan  Instructions INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: Broad Topic: Select the same topic you used for the annotated bibliography Narrow Topic: Identify the key concepts/terms in the broad topic. Narrow down each concept/term to focus your essay. Remember you are developing only three points or main ideas so be very specific in narrowing the topic. Type […]

The Revolutionary Ideas of Olympe de Gouges: Discomfort and Impact in “The Rights of Women”The Revolutionary Ideas of Olympe de Gouges: Discomfort and Impact in “The Rights of Women”

The essay: look at some of the readings in the books and think about the ways that ideas can cause real trouble for writers. What ideas can you see as being problematic and causing others to be uncomfortable? We’ve already seen a few, like Olympe de Gougest’s “Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female […]

Analytical Argument Essay / Should Single-use Plastics be Banned?, Should the United States Require Mandatory National Service?, Should Sanctuary Cities Receive Federal Funding?Analytical Argument Essay / Should Single-use Plastics be Banned?, Should the United States Require Mandatory National Service?, Should Sanctuary Cities Receive Federal Funding?

Analytical Argument Essay   Required Assignment Topic For this assignment, you need to select one of the approved topics below.  Should Single-use Plastics be Banned?  Should the United States Require Mandatory National Service? Should Sanctuary Cities Receive Federal Funding?   Overview and Purpose The purpose of this essay is to analyze various arguments (for, against, and anything […]

Create an Annotated Bibliography on one of the classic arguments below in preparation for EssayCreate an Annotated Bibliography on one of the classic arguments below in preparation for Essay

Prepare an Annotated Bibliography which shows four sources from the GMC Library’s English/Literature databases.  Create an Annotated Bibliography on one of the classic arguments below in preparation for Essay  David Foster Wallace, “Consider the Lobster” (ethics of food choices) Link: http://www.columbia.edu/~col8/lobsterarticle.pdf  Henry David Thoreau, “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” Link: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/71/71-h/71-h.htm  Jonathan Swift, “A Modest Proposal” Link: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1080/1080-h/1080-h.htm Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a […]

The annotated bibliography: MLA formatted documentation and summary of three secondary sources.The annotated bibliography: MLA formatted documentation and summary of three secondary sources.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Avwb9T5aK5RDvGLdLAKcL7ODdZkHHgfaTf-p-KNRjuo/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S0DTg64glSH4P4N-iB3TH-EgK8cBVr45gVyhRf3-y4Y/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kxZCDvEQUutozkIIjcDOstaxRWbSXENQgiPNnyQkP0g/edit?usp=sharing

The role of celebrities in advertising, specifically products focusing on our appearance.The role of celebrities in advertising, specifically products focusing on our appearance.

This assignment will involve a deeper inquirey into the topics we’ve examined      this semester and connect them into unifying theme of “individualism in the        United States”. You will need to find, use, and cite critical sources outside of           those in our text. It can be as […]

Is it possible to pursue a high- demand career and successfully raise a family at the same timeIs it possible to pursue a high- demand career and successfully raise a family at the same time

Incorporate three sources Provide evidence from the sources chosen to support the main argument and subarguments. Incorporate sources into full-sentence outline Create complete sentences instead of just topics, bullet points, or fragments. Incorporate quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from the sources that support the main points. Please add these underneath the arguments in the outline Include […]

“The Mermaids of Beloved: Exploring Female Sexuality, Seduction, and Patriarchal Control”“The Mermaids of Beloved: Exploring Female Sexuality, Seduction, and Patriarchal Control”

Examine the role of the mermaid in Beloved. You might consider the role this “female” monster plays in relation to Karen Hollinger’s argument about the need for men to control the power of female sexuality. Or you might consider the point that Sophia Kingshill makes about how the mermaid has served as a symbol of […]

Write about how your identity has been shaped by art or education. Your paper should consider the needs and expectations of your audience as you develop a thesis and employ at least one anecdote as an illustration of your ideas.Write about how your identity has been shaped by art or education. Your paper should consider the needs and expectations of your audience as you develop a thesis and employ at least one anecdote as an illustration of your ideas.

This is the assignment I didn’t get a high grade on, and my professor wants me to rewrite it according to her instructions. The topic I have chosen is a healthy lifestyle and education. Audience Consider who would benefit from your unique perspective of how identity is shaped via higher education or the arts. What […]