Discipline: English

Provide a moral critique of Wonder Woman. Write an argument answering this question: does this person truly fit your standards of a “hero”?Provide a moral critique of Wonder Woman. Write an argument answering this question: does this person truly fit your standards of a “hero”?

Source Requirements: You are required to use three sources in this essay. The first source should be your primary source, which is the superhero Wonder Woman (a comic book or movie). You must quote from this primary source at least 2-3 times. The second source should be an article or media from our unit (you have nine options listed […]

Select a person, place, or thing to observe. Ideally, your subject should be something that contains enough details that you can use the full range of your senses (sight, sound, smell tasteSelect a person, place, or thing to observe. Ideally, your subject should be something that contains enough details that you can use the full range of your senses (sight, sound, smell taste

Select a person, place, or thing to observe. Ideally, your subject should be something that contains enough details that you can use the full range of your senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch). You might also consider selecting something that you are unfamiliar with so that you will see it with fresh eyes. (Choosing a […]

How did the monumental struggles of the Greek heroes define effective leadership?How did the monumental struggles of the Greek heroes define effective leadership?

minimum 1500 words. Must have title (different than one provided) , thesis, in text citations In the ancient readings assigned in this class, what lessons do the Ancient Greeks teach us about the importance of personal character in a leader. How does the character of a leader effect the maintenance of a well functioning society and […]

Critical Reading and Thinking with the Toulmin Method: “The value of a college education?”Critical Reading and Thinking with the Toulmin Method: “The value of a college education?”

“I am worried since we often find ourselves reading so much miscellaneous, unprofessional, and bizzare materials–especially online by using a smartphone –and we have gradually lost the ability of careful reading and thinking!  Many of us simply read to spot what we need to capture, without a genuine comprehension and interpretation–How about you?   Please pay […]

SaturdayDiscussion Forum Three: Rhetorical Analysis–Post by Thursday, Respond by SaturdaySaturdayDiscussion Forum Three: Rhetorical Analysis–Post by Thursday, Respond by Saturday

Rhetorical analysis involves critical thinking about how – and how well – an author presents an argument and persuades his or her audience. This week, you are going to practice analyzing rhetoric by examining the rhetorical appeals an author has used to persuade readers and by determining whether or not they were effective. Directions for […]

Reflecting on the Writing Process Planning Drafting Revising How does reading make you a better writer, and what kind of reading do you need to do before and during the academic writing process?Reflecting on the Writing Process Planning Drafting Revising How does reading make you a better writer, and what kind of reading do you need to do before and during the academic writing process?

At the beginning of the chapter on Planning, Ken Macrorie claims that “good writing is formed partly through plan and partly through accident.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Relate Macrorie’s idea to your own writing experiences. How might you improve the way you plan your writing? Drafting – Patricia T. O’Connor says, “All […]

Reading Response #2: “Representation and Toys” by The Accessible Stall with Kyle and EmilyReading Response #2: “Representation and Toys” by The Accessible Stall with Kyle and Emily

“Now for my Final Takeaway, my final takeaway is we’re coming somewhat far in the  disability toy diversity situation…We have so much further to go, we have so much  more to do. And I really hope that by the time I have children hypothetically, if that’s a  thing I’m going to do, that whether that kid has a […]

writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful.writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful.

Essay Organization: The Personal Narrative is organized with a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should read like a story–with an exposition, a rise action, a climax, a falling action and a resolution or denouement.  While the Personal Narrative is certainly less formal than other academic essays, the point or moral of the story (i.e. the thesis) should be very clear to the reader. Transitions: The Personal […]

Week Four, Part Two Please answer one of the questions from below, with at least one substantial paragraph, specifically detailing the text and pointing to particular page numbers. Make sure your writing does not repeat that of your peers.Week Four, Part Two Please answer one of the questions from below, with at least one substantial paragraph, specifically detailing the text and pointing to particular page numbers. Make sure your writing does not repeat that of your peers.

Please answer one of the questions from below, with at least one substantial paragraph, specifically detailing the text and pointing to particular page numbers. Make sure your writing does not repeat that of your peers. 1. How does Douglass detail slaves being treated as less than human? 2. What specific effect did learning to read […]

Week Four, Part One Who were Garrrison and Phillips and what’s the purpose of Garrison’s and Phillips’s preface and introductory letter?Week Four, Part One Who were Garrrison and Phillips and what’s the purpose of Garrison’s and Phillips’s preface and introductory letter?

Who were Garrrison and Phillips and what’s the purpose of Garrison’s and Phillips’s preface and introductory letter? Give specific examples to substantiate your claim. Your response should point to specific parts of what you’ve read and contain at least one substantial and thoughtful paragraph. You may use verbatim quotations from the text and cite them. […]