Discipline: English

Cultural Representation :The effects of social media potrays limited cultural representation on MexicansCultural Representation :The effects of social media potrays limited cultural representation on Mexicans

Assignment: The research essay will focus on a specific ARGUMENTATIVE topic you choose based off our discussions.  How does the lack of cultural representation in media contribute to stereotypes and reinforce systemic biases, and what role can increased representation play in challenging and dismantling these stereotypes?  Community discourse assignment. Still using the argumentative format, choose […]

Discuss how Wright and Baldwin (or Hughes) appreciate and represent the struggles of African Americans.Discuss how Wright and Baldwin (or Hughes) appreciate and represent the struggles of African Americans.

Do not write in the text box! Submit your essay as a Word Attachment (.doc or .docx extension) or PDF! DO NOT WRITE IN TEXT BOX! SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY AS A WORD ATTACHMENT!! Requirements: In this essay, you will demonstrate your understanding of literary research by supporting a thesis and integrating and documenting sources/quotes from your textbook […]

Defined the concept of American dream based on your own family experience and culture backgroundDefined the concept of American dream based on your own family experience and culture background

Defy the concept of American dream based on your own families experience and culture Background, I would need to argue for a pacific set of criteria that distinguish my definition from the traditional definition of the portrayed in American media in history, using personal and adults and family history to support my argument addressing my […]

Does the increasing use of AI in photography Does the increasing use of AI in photography (e.g., for post-processing and creation of images) threaten the integrity of the art form?Does the increasing use of AI in photography Does the increasing use of AI in photography (e.g., for post-processing and creation of images) threaten the integrity of the art form?

https://mastersof.photography/photography-blog/ai-in-photography-2/#:~:text=Ethical%20and%20Authenticity%20Concerns%3A&text=The%20authenticity%20of%20a%20photograph,the%20credibility%20of%20visual%20documentation. https://viewer-ebscohost-com.nvc.idm.oclc.org/EbscoViewerService/ebook?an=3912076&callbackUrl=https%3a%2f%2fresearch.ebsco.com&db=nlebk&format=EB&profId=ehost&lpid=&ppid=&lang=en&location=https%3a%2f%2fresearch-ebsco-com.nvc.idm.oclc.org%2fc%2fpeypwa%2fsearch%2fdetails%2fm6goxoq47n%3fdb%3dnlebk&isPLink=False&requestContext=&profileIdentifier=peypwa&recordId=m6goxoq47n Please provide a work cited page as well. There has to be at least six sources 

Argument Essay (Con Stance: “Has influencer culture hurt the way people build genuine connections?”)Argument Essay (Con Stance: “Has influencer culture hurt the way people build genuine connections?”)

Instructions are on the file i linked but id like to HIGHLY suggest the following: 1. Please cite only from the source i gave you which ive linked as well and be sure to SPECIFIALLY QUOTE from the article when trying to cite something. ONLY 1 SOURCE WHICH IVE LINKED ALREADY! 2. Paper needs to […]

Write an essay between 300-500 words that answers one of the following prompts*: It is recommended that the essay is created in a word document and pasted into the text box below.Write an essay between 300-500 words that answers one of the following prompts*: It is recommended that the essay is created in a word document and pasted into the text box below.

Write an essay between 300-500 words that answers one of the following prompts*:  It is recommended that the essay is created in a word document and pasted into the text box below.  Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What […]

Should the federal government cancel (completely or partially) student loan debt?Should the federal government cancel (completely or partially) student loan debt?

Please note: This is a research-based essay that must focus on one of the controversial topics below.  In addition, all research questions / topics MUST integrate at least two quotations from the required article. Essays that do not incorporate two quotations from the required article will receive a score of zero (0).  2.  Do some […]

After reading/listening to Hamer’s Testimony in front of the DNC and Chisholm’s Speech before Congress on the ERA, choose ONE and evaluate it.After reading/listening to Hamer’s Testimony in front of the DNC and Chisholm’s Speech before Congress on the ERA, choose ONE and evaluate it.

Though it picked up greater momentum in the 1970s, the new wave of the women’s movement in the 1960s ushered in an era of conversation on, and demand for, gender equality. While the nation was grappling with civil rights on a racial front, the majority of the U.S. population continued to feel underrepresented, undervalued, and […]

Define or describe the third variable problem and the directionality problem. Explain the actions used in an experiment to avoid these two problems.Define or describe the third variable problem and the directionality problem. Explain the actions used in an experiment to avoid these two problems.

Question 1 Define or describe the third variable problem and the directionality problem. Explain the actions used in an experiment to avoid these two problems. Question 2Define extraneous variable and confounding variable. Describe two methods used to prevent extraneous variables from becoming confounding variables. Question 3 Explain why random assignment is used. Question 4 Explain why simulations and […]

What is the essence of religion? What makes religion so important to people? What benefits does religion have?What is the essence of religion? What makes religion so important to people? What benefits does religion have?

Some of you have asked about the research paper.  It will be worth 1/4 of your grade–so please take it seriously.   You will earn points for writing a research paper, due at the end of the semester, at the same time as the last day of the final exam.  Here are the instructions for the […]