Discipline: English

Technology Addiction – Teen & Young Adult and Benefits of Technology for Your TeenTechnology Addiction – Teen & Young Adult and Benefits of Technology for Your Teen

we need to write an argumentative essay on whither technology is good or bad for teens Im going that its good, The emergence of modern technology has made a life-changing impact on human society all over the world. Naturally, in this age of technology, it would be rather unnatural for our little ones to be averse […]

You are proving to your professor and your classmates that you are a member of a first-responders SHSM discourse community.You are proving to your professor and your classmates that you are a member of a first-responders SHSM discourse community.

You are proving to your professor and your classmates that you are a member of a FIRST-RESPONDERS SHSM discourse community. use logos, pathos and ethos to prove that u are a part of the essay. the essay must be in first person.  “Events such as ice storms, terrorist attacks, SARS and COVID outbreaks as well as […]

1 Read “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Coffer (pgs. 913 – 919). 2 Write a reader response to this work (at least 200 words) by answering the following questions.  Please number your answers to correspond with the questions.1 Read “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Coffer (pgs. 913 – 919). 2 Write a reader response to this work (at least 200 words) by answering the following questions.  Please number your answers to correspond with the questions.

 1 Read “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Coffer (pgs. 913 – 919). 2 Write a reader response to this work (at least 200 words) by answering the following questions.  Please number your answers to correspond with the questions. 1 A strong memoir includes VIVID DETAILS to bring the past back to […]

part 1 Bluebook Journal entry #4, part 2 Expository Essay, part 3 Discussion Topic: Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family” (two due dates: Friday, Sept. 13th, and Sunday, Sept. 15th)Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family”part 1 Bluebook Journal entry #4, part 2 Expository Essay, part 3 Discussion Topic: Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family” (two due dates: Friday, Sept. 13th, and Sunday, Sept. 15th)Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family”

part 1 instructions Bluebook Journal entry #4 Introduction In general, the purpose of all Bluebook Journal entries is to give students a low-stakes opportunity to practice writing well-developed paragraphs similar to those that will be included in future essays. This assignment in particular gives students a chance to work on the following skills associated with […]

Assess the Needs of the Diverse Learner through Student Identity Development TheoriesAssess the Needs of the Diverse Learner through Student Identity Development Theories

For this assignment, you must present the information that you have learned about changing demographics across higher education and provide an application of student development theories from this week’s readings to your own institution’s (or aspirational institution’s) demographics in supporting the holistic and intersectionality of students’ success.  For Part 1 of this week’s assignment, you […]

Skriv en debatterende artikel, hvor du undersøger og diskuterer, om den nuværende litteraturkanon for danskfaget er meningsfuld og bør fastholdes eller ej.Skriv en debatterende artikel, hvor du undersøger og diskuterer, om den nuværende litteraturkanon for danskfaget er meningsfuld og bør fastholdes eller ej.

I din undersøgelse skal du anvende relevante tekstnedslag og særligt fokusere på: at diskutere, om den nuværende litteraturkanon for danskfaget er meningsfuld og bør fastholdes eller ej, idet du inddrager hovedsynspunkter og argumenter fra Den litterære kanon styrker den fælles kultur og generelle dannelse (tekst 4a), Den litterære kanon sikrer kvalitetstekster (tekst 4b) og Danskfagets litteraturkanon […]

How Does Seeing Unhealthy Love Affect Mental/Emotional Development Throughout Early & Adult Life StagesHow Does Seeing Unhealthy Love Affect Mental/Emotional Development Throughout Early & Adult Life Stages

This is an article evaluation research essay rough draft so it does not have to be perfect but it has to be in MLA format. I linked some articles that I have found related to mental health development and toxic/unhealthy relationships. You may use these articles or if you have other ideas you vmay use […]

Effects of Acadmic related Mental Health Issues: Academic performance, social relationships, overall well-being.Effects of Acadmic related Mental Health Issues: Academic performance, social relationships, overall well-being.

ANALYSIS ESSAY #1 PROMPT:  Focusing on the question, What’s College For?, analyze how students weigh out the advantages and disadvantages or the causes and effects of a college education or an issue related to college.  One of the sub-topics below will give you an limited aspect to dive into with research and opinion–they say/I say in […]

To complete this week’s work with verbs, please use the links regarding verbs that you’ll find in your grammar/mechanics study guide in Modules.To complete this week’s work with verbs, please use the links regarding verbs that you’ll find in your grammar/mechanics study guide in Modules.

I’d like you to have a clear understanding of: the difference between action verbs and “to be” (or “linking”) verbs the difference between helping and “to be” (or “linking”) verbs the difference between active voice and passive voice. Verbs carry the energy of a sentence. While you certainly don’t have to write every sentence with […]