Discipline: English

(Based on Chapter 1 of The Art of Public Speaking (13th edition) by Dr. Stephen E. Lucas.)(Based on Chapter 1 of The Art of Public Speaking (13th edition) by Dr. Stephen E. Lucas.)

(Based on Chapter 1 of The Art of Public Speaking (13th edition) by Dr. Stephen E. Lucas.) In Chapter 1, you learned that the greatest fear is public speaking. You also learned that there are ways to control it and even overcome the fear. Using the information from the chapter and at least one outside source, write a […]

How can social workers apply liberatory consciousness framework to understanding privilege and oppression?How can social workers apply liberatory consciousness framework to understanding privilege and oppression?

1. How can social workers apply the liberatory consciousness framework to understanding privilege and oppression? 2. This week, you were introduced to the liberatory consciousness framework. For this  week’s discussion, find one current event or news item related to stigma, discrimination, or oppression. Make sure that you are evaluating the source & its origins and the author for potential […]

Students are required to write a three-page summary (double-spaced) on chapter 5, “Wet Nurse for Sale or Hire,” pages 113-125Students are required to write a three-page summary (double-spaced) on chapter 5, “Wet Nurse for Sale or Hire,” pages 113-125

Students are required to write a three-page summary (double-spaced) on chapter 5, “Wet Nurse for Sale or Hire,” pages 113-125, in They Were Her Property. Students must highlight the important points, conflicts, and illustrations concerning enslaved women and their owners in a narrative style.  Students must demonstrate they read all of the material, using their own unique […]

CROSSING THE STREAMS: applied Storr’s chapter,this time we’ll focus on the lives of us what happens in Castillo’s story story?CROSSING THE STREAMS: applied Storr’s chapter,this time we’ll focus on the lives of us what happens in Castillo’s story story?

CROSSING THE STREAMS: Combining Texts to Form a Brilliant Analysis We’ve read, discussed, and responded in writing to a couple of short pieces: Will Storr’s “The Invisible Actor at the Centre of the Universe” and Ana Castillo’s “Christmas Story of the Golden Cockroach”. Now we’re going to use our recent discussion of how one informs […]

C-E-C paragraph about Anne Bradstreet’s poem A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public EmplymentC-E-C paragraph about Anne Bradstreet’s poem A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Emplyment

Write a paragraph based on the CLAIM-EVIDENCE-COMMENTARY method.  Follow the example  paragraph on the Anne Bradstreet poem “Here Follows Some Verses on The Burning of Our House.”  (You don’t need to color-code yours.)   Use a T-A-G sentence as the first sentence of your paragraph . It will orient your reader to the poem that you […]

In your opinion, why is it important to know the audience and the purpose for which you write an essay?In your opinion, why is it important to know the audience and the purpose for which you write an essay?

Discussion Question: Purpose and Audience Discussion Question: Purpose and Audience Objective: to examine the ways in which establishing a purpose and envisioning an audience can guide the way that a writer constructs an essay The terms purpose and audience are key elements in the writing process. Thinking about your assignment in terms of the rhetorical situation can […]

The chapter begins with an overview of the phases in helping process. What are these phases? Briefly describe each.The chapter begins with an overview of the phases in helping process. What are these phases? Briefly describe each.

The chapter begins with an overview of the phases in helping process. What are these phases? Briefly describe each. Differentiate between the precontemplation stage and the contemplation stage. Explain each in contrasting them. What is meant by the structure of the interview? How should interviews that social workers conduct be structured?

Reading & Discussion 5: Personal Experience Essays: “Working at Wendy’s” & “Salvation”Reading & Discussion 5: Personal Experience Essays: “Working at Wendy’s” & “Salvation”

First Posting: For your first post, choose either “Working at Wendy’s” or “Salvation.” Use at least 150+ words (more are encouraged) in this first post. Your first post should cover at least three of the five things listed below. In your discussion post identify the three or more) topics you have chosen. In your discussion post identify the three (or more) topics you […]

How can we provide universal health care to all Americans without sacrificing quality of care or multiplying debt?How can we provide universal health care to all Americans without sacrificing quality of care or multiplying debt?

Introduce and describe the research question and topic. Discuss what you think about the topic, what else you need to learn, and what’s the plan to  acquire this new knowledge. Conclude by explaining why you chose the topic, why it’s important to readers, and how your research might contribute to greater understanding of the topic. […]