Discipline: English

What is a specific profession you find interesting enough to write about for the entire semester?What is a specific profession you find interesting enough to write about for the entire semester?

please dont use AI or garmmer checker to support the argment please include an outsied souce form .Org or .Gov  the eassy tipe is Diagnostic eassy. Profesors direction To see how comfortable you are as a writer at the beginning Get some “long writing” out of the way ASAP, so it’s less intimidating moving forward Make […]

Reading & Discussion 3: Personal Experience Essays: “Meeting John Doe” & “We Were Just Doing 0ur Jobs, Sir”Reading & Discussion 3: Personal Experience Essays: “Meeting John Doe” & “We Were Just Doing 0ur Jobs, Sir”

In your post, state what you consider to be the merits of the essay (what it does well, what works) e.g. the introduction or “hook,” the author’s voice, the use of dialogue, the richness of the details, the story’s structure and narrative sequence, suspense, emotion, the use of time, vocabulary and word  choice, etc.. Meet […]

Do you think the mothers in “I Stand Here Ironing” and “Everyday Use” are responsible for how their daughters turn out?Do you think the mothers in “I Stand Here Ironing” and “Everyday Use” are responsible for how their daughters turn out?

Do you think the mothers in “I Stand Here Ironing” and “Everyday Use” are responsible for  how their daughters turn out?  In your post, explain by using specific examples from both stories to back up your claim.  Discussion must be (200-250 words).  If you think that additional details or information about a particular story might […]

a) Introduction- Introduce yourself and explain what you are going to discuss in youra) Introduction- Introduce yourself and explain what you are going to discuss in your

4) Final Project – Final Submission – To be turned in on Friday Please complete a 500 – 750-word essay. The number of words is not as important as the content. Don’t worry about the word Essay as I am only marking you on delivery. a) Introduction- Introduce yourself and explain what you are going […]

Set of instructions for a website (with description of the application of personas)Set of instructions for a website (with description of the application of personas)

  Writing Assignment #2 Set of Instructions for a Local Website and Description of Accommodating Your Personas Summary of the Assignment: • Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how to accomplish a task on a website at a local institution. You will also write a brief description of […]

In 500-words, compare and contrast the two protagonists in the stories. As points of comparison, you might discuss handicaps, lifestyles, socioeconomic levels and attitude toward life.In 500-words, compare and contrast the two protagonists in the stories. As points of comparison, you might discuss handicaps, lifestyles, socioeconomic levels and attitude toward life.

In 500-words, compare and contrast the two protagonists in the stories. As points of comparison, you might discuss handicaps, lifestyles, socioeconomic levels and attitude toward life.

Prompt: What are four problems college students face and what are solutions to try to overcome the problems?Prompt: What are four problems college students face and what are solutions to try to overcome the problems?

1. Create a works-cited list identifying four challenges faced by college students and suggest strategies to address them. Organize your essay around these challenges, incorporating insights from interviews with two college students (documenting their names and interview dates) alongside personal experiences and reputable sources. Ensure the essay is not solely based on the interviews. Use […]

The Relationship Between the Transparency of Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence and Spelling Proficiency.The Relationship Between the Transparency of Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence and Spelling Proficiency.

What is the structure of a seminar paper?   ·       Font: Times New Roman ·       Size: 12 – double spaced ·       References: 10-15 A seminar paper must include the following components, which must appear in a sequential order:   1.     Title: States your topic exactly in the smallest possible number of words.   2.     Student’s […]

Ryan Eng110 Tips for Communicating in My Field of Study – Item 1 of the PortfolioRyan Eng110 Tips for Communicating in My Field of Study – Item 1 of the Portfolio

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Item 1 of the Portfolio:  Tips for Communicating in My Field of Study (due in week 3) For Item 1 of the Portfolio, you simply look at the portion of your initial post in the week 2 discussion in which you reflected about the […]

Marquez MGMT310 Week 6 Paper: Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?Marquez MGMT310 Week 6 Paper: Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?

Week 6 Paper Topic:  Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation? PLEASE read all instructions carefully: Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports.  Why?  What does research tell you? As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following: What […]