Discipline: English

The topic is a person’s identity can shape and define their meaning of life. In an essay of 350-400 words discuss the extent of how this statement is true for the protagonist TsotsiThe topic is a person’s identity can shape and define their meaning of life. In an essay of 350-400 words discuss the extent of how this statement is true for the protagonist Tsotsi

Include these in your essay  forge a new identity with street children. The need for basic survival forces him into at first, a life of petty crime. Later he builds a reputation as a ruthless gangster. • He chooses the identity of a Tsotsi when this name is declared over him by an irate shopkeeper. […]

3. Discuss motifs and images of failure and meaninglessness in “The Dead” and Endgame.3. Discuss motifs and images of failure and meaninglessness in “The Dead” and Endgame.

The Dead by James Joyce and Endgame by Samuel Beckett Can use any sources but need worl cited for each. Note that your essay must have a clearly defined thesis on the topic that you choose. That thesis should in turn be supported, over the course of the paper’s body, by ample, direct, and correct […]

Using research and information from Maus, explain why the mouse (or one of the other animal allegories – cat, dog, pig, frog, etc.) was used by Spiegelman as part of the animal allegory to portray Jewish people or a specific group.Using research and information from Maus, explain why the mouse (or one of the other animal allegories – cat, dog, pig, frog, etc.) was used by Spiegelman as part of the animal allegory to portray Jewish people or a specific group.

I need the conclusion for this. This is my presentation. No secondary sources. Just read my presentation and add conclusions for it. I need it before 10:00am. Hi guys, my name is Linh Tran. And today I’m gonna talk about “Why the mouse was used by Spiegelman (s pie gel ment) as part of the […]

Leadership Competencies for a remote/hybrid environment What are the key leadership competencies needed to manage remote or hybrid teams effectively, and how can leaders build and maintain team cohesion and trust in a virtual environment?Leadership Competencies for a remote/hybrid environment What are the key leadership competencies needed to manage remote or hybrid teams effectively, and how can leaders build and maintain team cohesion and trust in a virtual environment?

Leadership Competencies for a remote/hybrid environment What are the key leadership competencies needed to manage remote or hybrid teams effectively, and how can leaders build and maintain team cohesion and trust in a virtual environment? Criteria: Concepts are masterfully linked together in a clear and consistent manner. Style exceeds expectations. Proficient – Almost always demonstrates […]

Argumentative Research Essay on OJ Simpson being guilty for the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron GoldmanArgumentative Research Essay on OJ Simpson being guilty for the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman

– Argumentative research essay – Must use past tense – Essay structure must be in chronological order (i.e the start of the murder, OJs Simpson’s behavior after the murder, the trial of OJ Simpson) – Must include one counterargument – Must be 8-12 pages long (excluding works cited page), MLA format, 5 sources must be […]

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight builds upon a teaching put forward by The Odyssey.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight builds upon a teaching put forward by The Odyssey.

Papers are to be 4-5 pages in length, double spaced, 12 point font. Students are to use MLA citation guidelines when quoting, and no outside research. Discuss how Sir Gawain and the Green Knight builds upon a teaching put forward by The Odyssey. How does your text of choice comment on a teaching, or behavior, found within Homer’s […]

04.04 Staking Your Claim Assessment and Rubric In this assessment, you will compare two powerful speeches in American history while determining which04.04 Staking Your Claim Assessment and Rubric In this assessment, you will compare two powerful speeches in American history while determining which

04.04 Staking Your Claim Assessment and Rubric In this assessment, you will compare two powerful speeches in American history while determining which speech is more powerful based on rhetorical appeals, and rhetorical devices used in each speech to create an argumentative essay. Directions: Part A – Listen to the two Speeches. Part B – Read […]

are there additional obstacles that are put on folks because of their gender\gender roles, and do these obstacles prevent them from achieving success?are there additional obstacles that are put on folks because of their gender\gender roles, and do these obstacles prevent them from achieving success?

Essay 2 at a Glance _                                                                                                                                                In Essay 2, we are using the concepts presented in texts to help us formulate an argument about another concept or ideas. We will continue to work on carefully reading and understanding the texts, but this time, we’ll be choosing strong, specific examples to illustrate the connections we make […]

Drift essay about: “The age of criminal responsibility in the United Kingdom should be raised”. Use 7 specific sources.Drift essay about: “The age of criminal responsibility in the United Kingdom should be raised”. Use 7 specific sources.

Drift essay about: “The age of criminal responsibility in the United Kingdom should be raised”. Use Theese sourecs 1- Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility: lessons from the Scottish experience. 2- Exploring childhood, criminal responsibility and the evolving capacities of the child: the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales.3- The Minimum Age […]