Discipline: English

The Cost of Dreams: Parental Expectations and Rebellion in Amy tan’s “Two Kinds”The Cost of Dreams: Parental Expectations and Rebellion in Amy tan’s “Two Kinds”

Topic Amy Tan, “Two Kinds”: “Turn off TV,” she called from the kitchen five minutes later. I didn’t budge. And then I decided. I didn’t have to do what my mother said anymore. I wasn’t her slave. This wasn’t China. I had listened to her before and look what happened. She was the stupid one. […]

Poetry Assignment for: “The Road Not Taken”, “We Real Cool”, “Cinderella”, “Digging”, “When My Brother was An Aztec”Poetry Assignment for: “The Road Not Taken”, “We Real Cool”, “Cinderella”, “Digging”, “When My Brother was An Aztec”

Instructions: 1. Identify the subject and theme for each of the poems assigned (they are below). 2. Locate 3-4 lines in each poem that you feel best express or reflect the subject and theme. Be sure to write the lines and give line numbers. 3. Write an analytical paragraph for each poem in which you […]

Capturing the Border: photography throughout the US-Mexico and Canada-US Borders”​Capturing the Border: photography throughout the US-Mexico and Canada-US Borders”​

–  5  pages double-spaced, not including titles or works cited. – I have 3 main summary key points:  Resilience, Socio-Political Context, and Complex Reality – My method is a photography Analysis from this source: The Guardian. “Immigrants Flee US for Canada – in Pictures.” The Guardian, 14 July 2017, www.theguardian.com/us-news/gallery/2017/feb/16/refugees-us-to-canada-immigration-photos.  ( you can put more sources that […]

Do the “best” universities provide the best opportunities? (See BR: Gladwell, “Little Fish in a Big Pond” pp. 440-448)Do the “best” universities provide the best opportunities? (See BR: Gladwell, “Little Fish in a Big Pond” pp. 440-448)

Write an essay of ~1800 words. Choose 1 of the prompts below. The essay rough draft is due: 7/30/24 by 11: 59 pm. (25 points). This assignment is mandatory. (That means all of you need to do it) The essay must be word-processed. 1800 -2000 words = about 6 full pages with 1″ margins on […]

Annotated Bibliography on 2 articles discussing the short story “Young Goodman Brown”Annotated Bibliography on 2 articles discussing the short story “Young Goodman Brown”

Here are the instructions for the asssignment provided by the teacher: This week you read “Young Goodman Brown.”  I’ve provided two articles over that short story that you are going to review and write an ann. bib. over. Don’t worry, you don’t have to read and memorize them to complete this. Since a bib. is […]

respond to each classmate separate each one one page flow the instruction fallow the instructionrespond to each classmate separate each one one page flow the instruction fallow the instruction

 Response Requirements Please respond to 2 of your classmates. In your response, you may:  each person one page and flow instruction 1.      Ask a probing question or ask your classmate for a clarification or an explanation of a point made in the post. 2.      Agree or disagree (respectfully) and explain why. 3.      Expand on your […]

After reading Love in L.A. (pages 111-113) by Dagoberto Gilb answer the following question in 200 words and reply to two of your classmates: Why do you think Marianna gives Jake her information at the end of the story?After reading Love in L.A. (pages 111-113) by Dagoberto Gilb answer the following question in 200 words and reply to two of your classmates: Why do you think Marianna gives Jake her information at the end of the story?

After reading Love in L.A. (pages 111-113) by Dagoberto Gilb answer the following question in 200 words and reply to two of your classmates:  Why do you think Marianna gives Jake her information at the end of the story?

The trend I have chosen to write about is the growing need for family law services, driven by the changing definition of American families/society and increasing legal difficulties.The trend I have chosen to write about is the growing need for family law services, driven by the changing definition of American families/society and increasing legal difficulties.

Use this outline to write paper: Name__Briana Arredondo_________ CM107 Unit 6 ME-SEARCH Chart What is the trend? The trend I have chosen to write about is the growing need for family law services, driven by the changing definition of American families/society and increasing legal difficulties. When did it occur? This trend has been increasing for […]

Do the pros outweigh the cons of police officers being required to wear body cameras?Do the pros outweigh the cons of police officers being required to wear body cameras?

Assignment Requirements: The paper should present a thesis that is specific, manageable, provable, and contestable—in other words, the thesis should offer a clear position, stand, or opinion that will be proven with research. You need to research and cite from at least five sources. You must use at least 4 different types of sources. At least one […]