Discipline: English

Write an expository essay in which you describe how income is generated in multilevel marketing.Write an expository essay in which you describe how income is generated in multilevel marketing.

Your essay must be based on this prompt, and it should be supported by information that can be found in the “Multilevel Marketing” passage set. Your multiparagraph essay for an academic audience should: focus on your central idea; use evidence from multiple sources alongside your own analysis to develop your ideas; be organized and include […]

Pick a piece of literature from 1800-1900 (periods of Romanticism and Realism) and write a two-page paper.Pick a piece of literature from 1800-1900 (periods of Romanticism and Realism) and write a two-page paper.

Pick a piece of literature from 1800-1900 (periods of Romanticism and Realism) and write  a two-page paper. Again, use the topical pattern. In body, discuss author, storyline of literature and quotes, major themes. OR Reaction paper two pages to a piece of literature from the same period. Due Oct. 24 at 11:59pm

how the play macbeth shows Light/dark imagery compares to how the movie macbeth shows Light/dark imageryhow the play macbeth shows Light/dark imagery compares to how the movie macbeth shows Light/dark imagery

please use this in the beginning and there must be 3 quotes from the play showing Light/dark imagery Light/dark imagery has traditionally been incorporated into art and literature to signify good and evil. Shakespeare dealt with the nature of what constitutes good an evil in many of his works, but particularly in Macbeth. Macbeth and lady […]

The Decay of social connection/ Mental isolation in “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner this is a Cause and Effect Essay Outline/Writing: What motivates the authors to write? focusing on mental isolation and how it affected women at that time.The Decay of social connection/ Mental isolation in “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner this is a Cause and Effect Essay Outline/Writing: What motivates the authors to write? focusing on mental isolation and how it affected women at that time.

Attached is an example essay outline and English  Essay example… please provide credible reference from LIRN that complies with the story a medical issues of dealing with mental isolation and how it affected women during this time period. APA FORM  Part 1: Research Process      Step 1: Select your author and short story.  Step […]

“”The Reign of Beyoncé: A Journey Through Vocal Brilliance and Stage Mastery”.“”The Reign of Beyoncé: A Journey Through Vocal Brilliance and Stage Mastery”.

900-1000 words of content, a separate title page, a separate references page. Be sure to incorporate at least three (3) credible sources to support your research and stance on your subject. Please run your final essay through Turnitin. Your final essays will be checked for plagiarism. Please make sure your final score is 18% or […]

write an argumentative essay about Should College Athletes Be Paid? By Dylan Combs and Pay or No Pay: Which Is Best? By Sydney Joneswrite an argumentative essay about Should College Athletes Be Paid? By Dylan Combs and Pay or No Pay: Which Is Best? By Sydney Jones

  introduce your claim;  support your claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence from the texts;  acknowledge and address alternate or opposing claims;  organize the reasons and evidence logically; use words, phrases, and clauses to connect your ideas and to clarify the relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence; establish and maintain a formal style; […]

The increase of 1. political correctness, 2. “microaggressions,” 3. speech codes, 4. “safe spaces,” and 5. “cancel culture” on college and university campusesThe increase of 1. political correctness, 2. “microaggressions,” 3. speech codes, 4. “safe spaces,” and 5. “cancel culture” on college and university campuses

The increase of 1. political correctness, 2. “microaggressions,” 3. speech codes, 4. “safe spaces,” and 5. “cancel culture” on college and university campuses is not only disturbingly contrary to the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech and conscience, but they are all manifestations of an infantilism that is contrary to the once-stated goals of […]

Summary/Response Assignment Sheet about this article:Nuclear Power Is a Dead End. We Must Abandon It Completely.” by Paul HockenosSummary/Response Assignment Sheet about this article:Nuclear Power Is a Dead End. We Must Abandon It Completely.” by Paul Hockenos

Summary/Response AssignmentDue Date: September 15Overview:For this assignment, you should read the articles from one of the reading clusters available on theclass website and choose one to respond to in a formal essay. The summary/response assignmentasks you first to summarize the main points of the article you’ve chosen and then respond to oneor several of those […]

After watching the movie Spotlight, please answer one of the following questions with at least two substantial paragraphs.After watching the movie Spotlight, please answer one of the following questions with at least two substantial paragraphs.

After watching the movie Spotlight, please answer one of the following questions with at least two substantial paragraphs. 1) What factors made these cases so difficult to investigate, and why did it ultimately take The Boston Globe‘s “Spotlight” team to investigate this worldwide story? 2) In what ways can you see the reporters for The Boston Globe‘s “Spotlight” […]