Discipline: English

how rap and hip-hop with other types of modern music influence and fight social problems.how rap and hip-hop with other types of modern music influence and fight social problems.

This research paper willl look at how rap and hip-hop with other types of modern music influence and fight social problems. I am especially interested in how these types of music can be used to talk about racism in the system, social justice, and economic injustice. Does artists address economic injustice within their songs. 3 […]

An Analysis of the “American Dream” in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great GatsbyAn Analysis of the “American Dream” in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby

Write a research paper 7-10 pages about The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The topic is listed below. Use the provided references and citations. Use Research topic provided and outline. Paper should include Thesis and Purpose, Analysis, Research and Documentation, MLA formatting, Outline. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby How does Gatsby represent the American […]

Biden’s Student Debt Relief Program Is Excellent, but Student Loans Suck to Begin WithBiden’s Student Debt Relief Program Is Excellent, but Student Loans Suck to Begin With

Directions- Research question-What structual changesin funding of higher education are required to address the problem of student borrowing in the USA? In this journal assignment, you will start by reiterating your topic and research question and identifying your audience. Then, you will share two sources from your independent research and examine them for bias. Specifically, […]

C.A.S.E. Response to Position & Rights of Women in Sargent Murray & Truth readingsC.A.S.E. Response to Position & Rights of Women in Sargent Murray & Truth readings

1) Read Judith Sargent Murray – “On the Equality of the Sexes” – p. 385-394 –   Vol. 1   2) Read Sojourner Truth – Speech to the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio   – p. 737-738 – Vol. 1   3) Complete a 500- word response in C.A.S.E. format on the position and rights of  […]

Examine the concept of the Old South and The New South, using “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. What does it tell us about changes in everything from landscape, racial attitude, treatment of women, etc….?Examine the concept of the Old South and The New South, using “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. What does it tell us about changes in everything from landscape, racial attitude, treatment of women, etc….?

The essay should be at least 900 words in length. Use Times New Roman, Font Size 12 Do not use first person in this essay. (I, Me, We, Us, etc…) You must use evidence (quotations from the story) to support your discussion. Quotations must be cited with MLA style parenthetical citations. You will need a […]

Summary Response Essay – The Psychological Impact of Repetitive Concussions in SportsSummary Response Essay – The Psychological Impact of Repetitive Concussions in Sports

Essay Topic: The Psychological Impact of Repetitive Concussions in Sports For this project, there needs to be an article that takes a different view on the topic. For example, if a student is arguing that college athletes should be paid, they would want to look for an article that argues against that position. Or the article […]

Examining the Religious Philosophy in Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler Analysis EssayExamining the Religious Philosophy in Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler Analysis Essay

***DO NOT BID IF YOU HAVE NOT READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS ENTIRELY AND UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT OR IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO READ AND RESEARCH FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.***  Text: Parable of the Sower – Octavia Butler (find attachment below) Prompt: Write an in-depth analysis of the religious philosophy in Parable of the Sower, more specifically […]

Writing Instructions for non specialist audience: How to clean and change your ostomy bag at home (DOCUMENT)Writing Instructions for non specialist audience: How to clean and change your ostomy bag at home (DOCUMENT)

Assignment Instructions: Writing clear and concise instructions is crucial in healthcare environments to ensure consistency and safety in task execution. For this assignment, you’ll create a set of instructions for a healthcare-related task targeting nonspecialists, such as new nurses or family caregivers. Your instructions should include both text and visuals, guiding users through the process […]

MLA Research Paper about “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, by Robert FrostMLA Research Paper about “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, by Robert Frost

This research paper in MLA format, must be about the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening“, written in 1922 by Robert Frost, and published in 1923 in his New Hampshire volume.  It’s for the subject ENC 1101: English Composition I  Directions: Feel freee to choose the title, specific approach, and general strategy, as long as […]

In Beowulf, is Grendel an actual monster, a wicked man, or a symbol of immorality?In Beowulf, is Grendel an actual monster, a wicked man, or a symbol of immorality?

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1956n49AjOqNRSe8FUTNjloyWKCqfYnW3B6dZTciZDTI/edit#heading=h.n724g8kibeqd  How to cite a source   https://theorem.nebraska.edu/Files/Courses/MISC001001/Course%20Introduction%20Template/Citing%20Internet%20Resources.pdf  Essay, Option 1 In Beowulf, is Grendel an actual monster, a wicked man, or a symbol of immorality? To figure out this question, think about what Grendel represents. What values did people admire in the time of Beowulf and how does Grendel differ from those values? Use evidence […]