Discipline: English

Research “a rose for emily” the historical time in which the story was written who and/or what the author was writing to, historical sources AND the story equally,Discuss the contemporary significance.Research “a rose for emily” the historical time in which the story was written who and/or what the author was writing to, historical sources AND the story equally,Discuss the contemporary significance.

Format: 4-6 pages 12pt font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, and one inch margins with a proper MLA 8 Works Cited page. Utilization of first person can reduce your paper by up to 10%. Assignment for Historical Paper:  Choose an author and select a story of your choice.  Nothing outside what we have read in […]

Exploring Ambition. Power, and Consequences: A Comparative Analysis of “Dracula” and “Macbeth”Exploring Ambition. Power, and Consequences: A Comparative Analysis of “Dracula” and “Macbeth”

In what ways do Bram Stoker’s Dracula” and William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth explore themes of ambition, power, and the consequences of unchecked desire? Analyse the characters of Count Dracula and Macbeth, their motivations, actions, and ultimate fates, considering the cultural contexts in which these works were written. How do these literary works reflect the anxieties and […]

Argument : for or against the implementation of Campus Carry legislation such as Texas Senate Bill 411.2031-2032Argument : for or against the implementation of Campus Carry legislation such as Texas Senate Bill 411.2031-2032

  Prompt: Argue for or against the implementation of Campus Carry legislation such as Texas Senate Bill 411.2031-2032. While your research should be supported by external sources, an argumentative essay should also reflect your opinion. Consider the following questions: ■ Do guns on campus make you feel safer or less safe?  ■ Would you personally […]

What is the central/primary purpose of The Yellow Wallpaper? Is the purpose important or meaningful?What is the central/primary purpose of The Yellow Wallpaper? Is the purpose important or meaningful?

Charlotte Perkins Gillman:  “The Yellow Wallpaper” The essay shall be in MLA format. This essay should be on “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman. The essay should be on themes that are found in Gillman’s works.  You should explain how a particular theme is treated or developed in  Gillman’s works. You should write an essay of at least four to six full […]

Write a response to the article “I’m a Congressman Who Codes. A.I. Freaks Me Out” published in The New York Times in January 2023. You can discuss a quote, make a personal connection, argue for or against a point, and so onWrite a response to the article “I’m a Congressman Who Codes. A.I. Freaks Me Out” published in The New York Times in January 2023. You can discuss a quote, make a personal connection, argue for or against a point, and so on

Response Essays. Your response can be positive, negative or both. You can respond to one or more of the following: • Ideas in the article. • The way the article is written. • The topic. • The personality of the writer. • How this relates to your own experiences. • How this reminds you of […]

How successful were the early labor unions such as the Knights of Columbus, the American Federation of Labor, and the International Workers of the World?How successful were the early labor unions such as the Knights of Columbus, the American Federation of Labor, and the International Workers of the World?

Assignment Write a four to five-page Research Paper on one of the topics below. Typed, using APA, MLA, or Chicago style. The cover page, abstract, and works cited pages are not counted as part of the four to five-page essay. Papers must have at least five in-text citations, including one block quote. Papers will be […]

Explain how the major wireless technologies are used today Describe various applications of wireless communications technologyExplain how the major wireless technologies are used today Describe various applications of wireless communications technology

Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the American Psychological Association (APA). Students are encouraged to read/understand the Basics.  You are employed by The Baypoint Group (TBG), a company of 50 consultants that assists organizations and businesses with issues involving network planning, design, implementation,and problem solving. […]

Social Cohesion in Europe and the Influence of wine on the Cultural identity of Europe and more specifically FranceSocial Cohesion in Europe and the Influence of wine on the Cultural identity of Europe and more specifically France

Style Sheet and Guidelines for the EssayThe essay should be about 2500 words in length. Use double or 1,5 spacing. Leave awide margin. Proofread your essay carefully. There should be no grammatical orspelling mistakes. As papers can and sometimes do get lost, you should always keep acopy.When writing on one (or more) of the course’s […]

Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment: What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now?Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment: What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now?

Familiarize yourself with the strategies of research and produce an original five page minimum persuasive research essay using only the Rasmussen College library to find varied academic resources/databases. Choose five current, varied (by type), and credible sources to use in writing to support your topic which should result in a five page essay that persuades […]