Discipline: English

Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment: What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now?Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment: What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now?

Familiarize yourself with the strategies of research and produce an original five page minimum persuasive research essay using only the Rasmussen College library to find varied academic resources/databases. Choose five current, varied (by type), and credible sources to use in writing to support your topic which should result in a five page essay that persuades […]

Project 1: Business Letter (1 page) — After Read Pearson E-Textbook Chapters 1-2, 7 (due July 2, 2024)Project 1: Business Letter (1 page) — After Read Pearson E-Textbook Chapters 1-2, 7 (due July 2, 2024)

Project 1:  Business Letter (1 page) — Chapters 1-2, 7 (due July 2, 2024) For this assignment you are to write a formal letter of application – for a job or membership in an organization or a request for an interview.  Alternatively, a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine will be acceptable.  […]

Unit 2.5 – Assignment: Final Draft of the Rhetorical Analysis of Roger Eberts Go Gentle into that good nightUnit 2.5 – Assignment: Final Draft of the Rhetorical Analysis of Roger Eberts Go Gentle into that good night

essay example of rhetorical analysis final draft.  First Name Last Name Professor ENC 1101 27 March 202X Rhetorical Analysis of Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”  In the chapter “Shitty First Drafts,” published in the book Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life in 1995, author Anne Lamott attempts to ease her readers’ frustrations with […]

The United States government should legalize the teaching and discussions of Critical Race Theory.The United States government should legalize the teaching and discussions of Critical Race Theory.

The assignment is a 3 full page Argementative Essay that must include at least 3 In-Text Citations.  My approved Thesis Statement: Legalizing the teaching and discussions of critical race theory by the United States government would serve as a powerful and scholarly framework for analyzing systemic racism and social inequalities by highlighting the pervasive nature […]

Individual success comes from hard work and dedication. Discuss the potential impact of UBI on this foundational myth. Do you think UBI would serve primarily as a safety net, or might it radically alter our notions of what it means to succeedIndividual success comes from hard work and dedication. Discuss the potential impact of UBI on this foundational myth. Do you think UBI would serve primarily as a safety net, or might it radically alter our notions of what it means to succeed

It’s an essay about work and economy. Please answer these questions.  How important is income in our society? Bregman describes United States’ efforts in the 1960s and 1970s to eradicate poverty by establishing a Universal Basic Income (UBI). What can we learn from his history lesson, and what do you consider the most daunting challenges […]

Why did the Socialist Party fail in the end to attract large-scale support in the United StatesWhy did the Socialist Party fail in the end to attract large-scale support in the United States

 Assignment   Write a four to five-page Research Paper on one of the topics below. Typed, using APA, MLA, or Chicago style. The cover page, abstract, and works cited pages are not counted as part of the four to five-page essay. Papers must have at least five in-text citations, including one block quote. 

Illustration essay – Imagine that you had no TV, computer, cell phone, or video games for one week. Write an essay discussing some activities that you can do instead to keep you busy and out of trouble.Illustration essay – Imagine that you had no TV, computer, cell phone, or video games for one week. Write an essay discussing some activities that you can do instead to keep you busy and out of trouble.

Write a five-paragraph illustration essay (no less than 400  words) on one of the topics listed below. You may go over the word count, but remember that the more you write the more room there is for errors. You need an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your essay needs to be typed in 12-point, Times […]

Hurston-Sweat, The Red Convertible, Hills Like White Elephant, The Rose for EmilyHurston-Sweat, The Red Convertible, Hills Like White Elephant, The Rose for Emily

Elements of Fiction Characterization is a means by which writers present and reveal characters – by direct description, by showing the character in action, or by the presentation of other characters who help to define each other. Characters in fiction can be conveniently classified as major and minor, static and dynamic. A major character is […]

“The Gendered Gaze: Analyzing Advertisers’ Construction of Gender in Media and Its Capitalistic Implications”“The Gendered Gaze: Analyzing Advertisers’ Construction of Gender in Media and Its Capitalistic Implications”

Read Hesse-Biber’s essay in Part VIII and review Lorber’s essay in Part I. Also look back over the essays that discuss masculinity and men. Then, either watch commercials that appear on a stereotypical “woman’s show” (soap operas, daytime talk shows, a women’s sporting event, etc.) and a stereotypical “man’s show” (sports, news, an action show, […]