Discipline: English

“The Gendered Gaze: Analyzing Advertisers’ Construction of Gender in Media and Its Capitalistic Implications”“The Gendered Gaze: Analyzing Advertisers’ Construction of Gender in Media and Its Capitalistic Implications”

Read Hesse-Biber’s essay in Part VIII and review Lorber’s essay in Part I. Also look back over the essays that discuss masculinity and men. Then, either watch commercials that appear on a stereotypical “woman’s show” (soap operas, daytime talk shows, a women’s sporting event, etc.) and a stereotypical “man’s show” (sports, news, an action show, […]

APA PAPER/PERSUASIVE PAPER(REASEARCH PAPER) “What steps can and should be taken to ensure that every patient is receiving fair and ethical treatment?”APA PAPER/PERSUASIVE PAPER(REASEARCH PAPER) “What steps can and should be taken to ensure that every patient is receiving fair and ethical treatment?”

Please write an essay in response to one of the following questions: Should doctors be responsible for determining who receives life saving treatment? What steps can and should be taken to ensure that every patient is receiving fair and ethical treatment? In order to develop your answer to your question, please use evidence from – […]

What are your thoughts on House Bill H.R.5, the Equality Act, and its proposed federal mandates regarding gender identity?What are your thoughts on House Bill H.R.5, the Equality Act, and its proposed federal mandates regarding gender identity?

Given your readings this week, what are your thoughts on House Bill H.R.5, the Equality Act, and its proposed federal mandates regarding gender identity? Specifically, what are your thoughts on items such as: The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, […]

These are 3 assignments Dystopia Forum, Fallacy Forum and Forum on English LanguagesThese are 3 assignments Dystopia Forum, Fallacy Forum and Forum on English Languages

Dystopia Forum 100 pts • Not Submitted Submission & Rubric > Due Jun 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM Reminder Add due date reminder notifications about this assignment on this device. + Submission Types Discussion Comment Description The world of Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian world. A dystopia is a frightening, nightmarish, dysfunctional, violent society set […]

Research Question – Why has social media resulted in a “zombie” state of people?Research Question – Why has social media resulted in a “zombie” state of people?

Using research from CTC data bases in addition to other credible data bases, please secure 5 sources that you might/plan to use to answer your Research Question… I have attached an example of an Annotated Bibliography and the same example can be found inside the folder. The Annotated Bibliography suggest research information that you might/plan […]

Why Should We Combine Psychotherapy and Pharmacology in the Treatment of Major Depressive DisorderWhy Should We Combine Psychotherapy and Pharmacology in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder

Hello! I have to write a persuasive essay and mine is about “Why Should We Combine Psychotherapy and Pharmacology in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder”. Below is links to the websites that I would like to be used in my paper. I also want information to be pilled out from the links with the APA […]

It has been noted that Elizabeth Barrett Browning was defiantly voicing her opinions on social and political oppression in her works. What evidence of that do we find in “The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point” and “The Cry of the Children”?It has been noted that Elizabeth Barrett Browning was defiantly voicing her opinions on social and political oppression in her works. What evidence of that do we find in “The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point” and “The Cry of the Children”?

https://go-gale-com.proxy196.nclive.org/ps/i.do?p=LitRC&u=nclive&id=GALE|H1420072647&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon file:///Users/jessicahenson/Downloads/A_COMPARATIVE_ANALYSIS_OF_THE_.pdf file:///Users/jessicahenson/Downloads/Publishing_and_Reading_Our_EB.pdf https://www.proquest.com/docview/196898923?OpenUrlRefId=info:xri/sid:summon&accountid=14996&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals file:///Users/jessicahenson/Downloads/Witness_Narratives_and_Working%20(1).pdf

Bibliography on Should the US government enact stricter regulations for tech companies developing Artificial Intelligence?Bibliography on Should the US government enact stricter regulations for tech companies developing Artificial Intelligence?

In a 1000 word essay, answer the following question: Should the US government enact stricter regulations for tech companies developing Artificial Intelligence?   Your essay should have a thesis, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a works cited page.  Your essay should use the Issues & Controversies article and other outside sources to support your claim. […]