Discipline: English

Bibliography on Should the US government enact stricter regulations for tech companies developing Artificial Intelligence?Bibliography on Should the US government enact stricter regulations for tech companies developing Artificial Intelligence?

In a 1000 word essay, answer the following question: Should the US government enact stricter regulations for tech companies developing Artificial Intelligence?   Your essay should have a thesis, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a works cited page.  Your essay should use the Issues & Controversies article and other outside sources to support your claim. […]

write a research essay without headings (consist of background, terminology, literature review, research gap, present paper) in APA style with in-text citation about 1500 word focus on the impact of ChatGPT on English learners in writingwrite a research essay without headings (consist of background, terminology, literature review, research gap, present paper) in APA style with in-text citation about 1500 word focus on the impact of ChatGPT on English learners in writing

links to these sources: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10758-024-09744-3   http://dx.doi.org/10.54097/dvjkj706  http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICETSIS61505.2024.10459386  https://doi.org/10.30935/cedtech/13605  https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2023.2236469  https://doi.org/10.60087/jklst.vol3.n2.p62

Exploring the Role and Representation of Women in Victorian Literature: A Qualitative Study use APA styleExploring the Role and Representation of Women in Victorian Literature: A Qualitative Study use APA style

The Role of Women in Victorian Literature: Portrayals, Challenges, and Societal Impact**   **Abstract:** In this research, I explore how Victorian literature depicts women and their roles in society. By analyzing key works of fiction from the Victorian era, I aim to uncover the diverse portrayals of women, the challenges they faced, and the broader […]

If a social worker believes his or her religion is the one true religion, can that social worker fully accept their clients who are members of some other religious faith? If no do you think that person should seek a diffrent career?If a social worker believes his or her religion is the one true religion, can that social worker fully accept their clients who are members of some other religious faith? If no do you think that person should seek a diffrent career?

If a social worker believes his or her religion is the one true religion, can that social worker fully accept clients who are members of some other religious faith? If your answer is “no,” do you think that person should seek a different career? Do you believe that affirmative action programs should be (1) expanded […]

comparing Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen and Suicide in the trenches by Siegfried Sassoon (multimodal script)comparing Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen and Suicide in the trenches by Siegfried Sassoon (multimodal script)

Intructions: You are required to create a multimodal presentations script (to speak)  which explores the following question:  How does the poet use poetic forms and features to express his attitude and messages about war? Explore this statement by COMPARING Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen thats attached here to the poem ‘Suicide in the Trenches’ by […]

Write a profile essay about a significant person from the list of people provided.Write a profile essay about a significant person from the list of people provided.

As The Norton Field Guide says, “Profiles are written portraits” of a person, place, or event. Norton also says that “A profile presents a subject in an entertaining way that conveys its significance, showing us something or someone that we may not have known existed or that we see every day but don’t know much […]

In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in clasIn a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in clas

Judge the medical case studied in class during Week 8 in the Discussion Board. In the video, philosophers applied the three major ethical principles you learned in this class: Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics. In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical […]

This content of the paper must focus on one of the authors listed above and must include an analysis of at least one of her works that is included in the course textbookThis content of the paper must focus on one of the authors listed above and must include an analysis of at least one of her works that is included in the course textbook

This assignment requires you to read and research *one* of the female writersneed to research a female writer from norton anthology of english

write a five-paragraph essay in which you compare and contrast each argument in terms of objectivity and the types of evidence presentedwrite a five-paragraph essay in which you compare and contrast each argument in terms of objectivity and the types of evidence presented

Health care costs in the United States are on the rise. Some people say that a universal health care system would bring costs down and increase access to care. Others say it would be too expensive and would reduce the quality of care. Complete an internet search for two editorials from both sides of the […]