Discipline: English

Exploring Identity and Social Critique in Dickens’ Oliver Twist: Recognition and Suffering as Narrative TechniquesExploring Identity and Social Critique in Dickens’ Oliver Twist: Recognition and Suffering as Narrative Techniques

Write a essay with direct quotes from charles dickens oliver twist, and both articles. The topics are character development and identity, social critiquem narrative techniques.  my theisis is In Tini Mogea’s article, “A study of Oliver Twist Inferiority on Charles… Suffering as Reflected in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist,” and Michal Peled Ginsburg’s “Dickens and the Scene […]


INSTRUCTIONSYou will complete both PART 1 AND PART 2:PART 1: BAD NEWS LETTER. (10 marks) Construct an Indirect/badnews letter with three paragraphs. Create a company name and logo or letterhead at the top of your letter. Remember to use correct letter format (not email format) in which the address bars arecompletely different from email address […]

compare and contrast the way Sonia Nazario presents similar ideas in a biography and an editorial.compare and contrast the way Sonia Nazario presents similar ideas in a biography and an editorial.

Write a comparative essay in which you compare and contrast the way Sonia Nazario presents similar ideas in a biography and an editorial. Support your comparison with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient evidence from both texts. Apply MLA guidelines to properly cite the evidence used in your essay. Be sure your essay uses formal and objective […]

Prompt: Locate and watch a professional video advertisement via YouTube. Then, in a short essay of 600 words or more, analyze and critique the advertisement’s use of rhetorical appeal(s).Prompt: Locate and watch a professional video advertisement via YouTube. Then, in a short essay of 600 words or more, analyze and critique the advertisement’s use of rhetorical appeal(s).

 Rhetorical Analysis   Required Length: 600 words Required Sources: 1 (a YouTube video advertisement) Style: MLA  Prompt: Locate and watch a professional video advertisement via YouTube. Then, in a        short essay of 600 words or more, analyze and critique the advertisement’s use of                 rhetorical appeal(s). NOTE: Do not […]

the signs and symptoms Pre-eclampsia and how it can affect a woman during pregancythe signs and symptoms Pre-eclampsia and how it can affect a woman during pregancy

Hello, here are the instructions for the annotated bib. My subject for the assigment is  “the signs and symtoms of Pre-eclampsia and how it effects pregant women”. it should be 5 sources (i attached three sources to use. the other two you can choose. perferbly peer review journals, .gov, or .edu sources) annotate each source […]

Write a multi-paragraph essay about A Person Who Inspired You. Make it about Carlos Slim and he influeced you to be in the buisness world as a fellow mexican.Write a multi-paragraph essay about A Person Who Inspired You. Make it about Carlos Slim and he influeced you to be in the buisness world as a fellow mexican.

Write a multi-paragraph essay about A Person Who Inspired You. How have you been inspired to think or behave in a certain way by a book character, movie character, musician, friend, or family member? What attributes convinced you this person was worth admiring and why? Your essay should clearly explain why this person inspires you to think or […]

Perspectives on Disciplinary Writing: Assignment in a Sentence: Explain your progression and understanding of academic writing over the course of the semester.Perspectives on Disciplinary Writing: Assignment in a Sentence: Explain your progression and understanding of academic writing over the course of the semester.

Assignment in a Sentence: Explain your progression and understanding of academic writing over the course of the semester.  This project will explain how you have revised your comprehension of academic writing and research in order to create an individual philosophy of writing grounded in the practices and values of your chosen field. You may accomplish […]

Internet analysis based on the CIA/ cocaine conspiracy, uses two internet sources.Internet analysis based on the CIA/ cocaine conspiracy, uses two internet sources.

Internet Sources Evaluation For this essay you will explore the importance of analyzing internet sites as well as conduct an in-depth analysis of two websites related to your research topic. In class we will discuss many of the evaluative tools we use when determining the reliability of internet sites, including design elements, author/creator credentials, dates, […]

Documented research essay on Macbeth.* The paper should be (5) full pages in length (with an additional Works Cited page) with an introduction, body paragraphs, quotations from the play and from 2-3 scholarly journalDocumented research essay on Macbeth.* The paper should be (5) full pages in length (with an additional Works Cited page) with an introduction, body paragraphs, quotations from the play and from 2-3 scholarly journal

Macbeth has committed terrible crimes, with Lady Macbeth by his side, urging him on. Like Richard III, Macbeth (directly and through the hiring of killers) has murdered kings, close friends, children, and others in pursuit of his ambitions. However, as critics have noted, Macbeth is not considered a “villain,” in the same league as Richard, […]

Your Persuasive Speech Topic is as follows: Should or not churches be allowed to pay taxes? Why or why not?Your Persuasive Speech Topic is as follows: Should or not churches be allowed to pay taxes? Why or why not?

In your speech presentation, you must be convincing.   You must have an introduction, middle and a conclusion.conduct research on your topic and reference at least 2 sources. I don’t think churches should pay taxess because of all they do for the community and churches don’t really make a profit but i need evidence to […]