Discipline: English

American Literature- Incidents in the life of a slave girl- Harriet Jacobs and Charlotte Perkins GilmanAmerican Literature- Incidents in the life of a slave girl- Harriet Jacobs and Charlotte Perkins Gilman

MLA FORMAT Make sure it is double- spaced with correct margins on the sides and bottom (1 inch; 2.54 cm). Come up with an original title for your essay, include page numbers,   Essay Topic: The Problematization of Freedom and Independence in the American Renaissance: A Comparative Analysis of Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of […]

Macbeth is fully aware of and guilt-ridden about his evil (“I have supped full with horrors” (5.5.13), yet in the next lines (the famous “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…” speech (5.5.19-28), he speaks about the futility of life.Macbeth is fully aware of and guilt-ridden about his evil (“I have supped full with horrors” (5.5.13), yet in the next lines (the famous “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…” speech (5.5.19-28), he speaks about the futility of life.

Upload as Word document or PDF ONLY. Do Not Use Google Docs or Google Drive. Macbeth is fully aware of and guilt-ridden about his evil (“I have supped full with horrors” (5.5.13), yet in the next lines (the famous “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…” speech (5.5.19-28), he speaks about the futility of life. Assignment 2: Write a one to one-and-a-half (1 – […]

Write and essay showing the positive and negative aspects/sides of the use of social mediaWrite and essay showing the positive and negative aspects/sides of the use of social media

English 1500 Diagnostic Essay Topic: Write (type) an essay showing the positive and negative aspects/sides of the use of social media. Directions: Your essay needs to include an introduction paragraph, at least two body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Do your best —if you write a complete essay, you will receive full credit. This essay […]

“What are the most effective ways to implement mitigation strategies for global warming for automotive industries and manufacturing industries?”“What are the most effective ways to implement mitigation strategies for global warming for automotive industries and manufacturing industries?”

  “How does climate change and mitigation strategies affect automotive industries and manufacturing industries”  or  “What are the most effective ways to implement mitigation strategies for global warming for automotive industries and manufacturing industries?”  Or something related to the subject utilizing my found sources of annotated bibliography.

Some people who experience a brush with death reveal that their lives have changed for the better. What do you think often changes in their lives, and how might it relate to Artibello’s essay?Some people who experience a brush with death reveal that their lives have changed for the better. What do you think often changes in their lives, and how might it relate to Artibello’s essay?

A symbol is an object that we can see; it is often used by a writer to represent something we can’t see—something that is difficult but important to understand. Retired college philosophy professor John Artibello shows how a poem rich with symbolism by the Indian poet Tagore can help us to discover the road to […]

Reflect on the different kinds of Holocaust memorials that Smith discusses in his article (the Stolpersteines, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Jewish Museum Berlin, the House of the Wannsee Conference, etc.)Reflect on the different kinds of Holocaust memorials that Smith discusses in his article (the Stolpersteines, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Jewish Museum Berlin, the House of the Wannsee Conference, etc.)

Prompt: Reflect on the different kinds of Holocaust memorials that Smith discusses in his article (the Stolpersteines, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Jewish Museum Berlin, the House of the Wannsee Conference, etc.) Consider the following questions:   What in your opinion makes a good memorial?  How closely do you think the […]

‘Cultural objects are never objective. It is crucial to ask whose perspective is dominant.’ Discuss.‘Cultural objects are never objective. It is crucial to ask whose perspective is dominant.’ Discuss.

The essay should treat elements of any language (including English) and/or cultural form or artefact (literature, visual art, cinema, material culture, etc). The essay’s word count, including all footnotes and references but excluding the bibliography, should be up to the requested word count.  There should be considerable use of examples in the essay: contemporary, historical […]

where should medical professionals draw the line between the legality and morality with assisted suicide?where should medical professionals draw the line between the legality and morality with assisted suicide?

Write a 10 page research paper answer the following question: where should medical professionals draw the line between the legality and morality with assisted suicide.  i have provided 6 topic sentences each sentence should be answered within a half of a page you can so provide 2 more topic sentences of your own that you may […]

How do Cyber Attacks Impact Different Sectors of Economy in Terms of Financial Losses and Operational Disruptions ?How do Cyber Attacks Impact Different Sectors of Economy in Terms of Financial Losses and Operational Disruptions ?

Tell us your personal story that brought you to this topic (for some of you this will be very brief–for others, your story will be longer) Tell us the problem or issue that brings people to the discussion of this topic (why it is significant) Tell us what your paper will cover and your research […]

• Social media has been shown to have a negative impact on mental health, especially the mental health of children and teens. What is the best strategy for adults to use to protect children from the negative effects of social media?• Social media has been shown to have a negative impact on mental health, especially the mental health of children and teens. What is the best strategy for adults to use to protect children from the negative effects of social media?

This researched argument will be a persuasive essay that synthesizes (puts together) different points of view based on reading multiple sources and multiple types of sources.  The paper should assert an opinion that your research supports.  Remember that this is a researched argument—not a book report—hence the need for your OWN opinion.