Discipline: Environmental science

Utilizing Comamonas testosteroni, a natural plastic-eating bacteria, offers an innovative solution to combat plastic pollution and promote environmental sustainability.Utilizing Comamonas testosteroni, a natural plastic-eating bacteria, offers an innovative solution to combat plastic pollution and promote environmental sustainability.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the all five of the following sections according to the information in the outline. I. TITLE: Add on a separate page by itself the following information. Your name Panther ID# Course title Date II. INTRODUCTION: Create a heading entitled “Introduction”. Start with an attention-grabbing statement. A short story, an example, a statistic or […]

Describe your personal and/or career goals after graduating from UIUC and how your selected first-choice major will help you achieve them.*Describe your personal and/or career goals after graduating from UIUC and how your selected first-choice major will help you achieve them.*

The following content is my information, and I hope you can write an essay that fits the topic of the paperwork based on the information on the school’s website, as well as my information. Thanks! i am a high school boy from China. I would like to pursue a career in ecological management and restoration […]

Please answer all questions, I have posted my questions in the instructions sectionPlease answer all questions, I have posted my questions in the instructions section

1. Characterize and discuss possible threats posed by future pandemics or biological incidents? 2. Is the US prepared, and what is being done through legislation or policy to address this threat? 3. After registering for the ‘Notify NYC’ emergency alert app, you will submit 200 words on ease of use and usefulness of app 4. […]

Executive Branch contributions towards environmental stewardship: ecosystem sustainabilityExecutive Branch contributions towards environmental stewardship: ecosystem sustainability

Students will create a post to address an environmental topic (specific for each discussion) and then respond to at least 2 additional student posts. Please be respectful and provide constructive feedback, thoughts, or ideas.  Class, Your last discussion will compare environmental records from the former pres. Obama administration, the ex-pres Donald administration, and the current […]

Big Picture Idea… Present a sustainability issue. Review two articles. Present an argument.Big Picture Idea… Present a sustainability issue. Review two articles. Present an argument.

The topic must be narrowed down and related to environmental sustainability. A: Informative Introduction Opening sentence is a broad statement that sets the stage for the paper Paragraph introduces and explains topic Contains multiple sentences that explain the background of the issue Concluding sentence does not add new information Concluding sentence leads into the rest […]

ENV100 Environmental Issues in the Developing World Assignment 1 – Systems ThinkingENV100 Environmental Issues in the Developing World Assignment 1 – Systems Thinking

Find an environmental news article from 2024 online, and write a response using the system thinking approach. You need to copy and paste the news link, and write the APA citation (with the web link) of your news after the title and before the first paragraph. Summarize the news you found (it doesn’t need to be […]

Course Project Submission – International Aquaculture Development Plan – Snow CrabCourse Project Submission – International Aquaculture Development Plan – Snow Crab

What you’re doing: You have been preparing for the project throughout the last 5 weeks. Your project should be a written assignment in which you are developing an international development project in a country for either algae production or crustacean production. The project is broken into 5 sections addressing certain aspects of the course outcomes […]

The assignment about Short manuscript, please check the attached document and rubric as will for assignment 1 week 5. Please note that Rubric for online activities can be found in section 2.1The assignment about Short manuscript, please check the attached document and rubric as will for assignment 1 week 5. Please note that Rubric for online activities can be found in section 2.1

Please check the attached document and the instructions given by our instructor. Choose only one topic from the list below .1. The population increase can be the cause and the solution of ourenvironmental problems. 3. as a family living in UAE (local / expat) Do you consider your lifestylesustainable? Explain your sustainable and unsustainable practices. 4. In your opinion, what is the most important cause of environmentalproblems in MENA region? Explain. 5. Can technology be the problem and the solution to our environmentalproblems? Explain.

It is becoming increasingly important to improve spatial resolutions of soil maps as a fundamental information layer for studying ecological processes and to tackle land degradation.It is becoming increasingly important to improve spatial resolutions of soil maps as a fundamental information layer for studying ecological processes and to tackle land degradation.

It is becoming increasingly important to improve spatial resolutions of soil maps as a fundamental information layer for studying ecological processes and to tackle land degradation. There is growing interest in the use of remote sensing technologies to assist the identification and delineation of spatial variation in soils. This paper investigates whether selected properties of extensively weathered, low fertility […]

Find a scientific or news article from a credible source that describes the relationship between human activities and one or more of the following planetary boundariesFind a scientific or news article from a credible source that describes the relationship between human activities and one or more of the following planetary boundaries

Find a scientific or news article from a credible source that describes the relationship between human activities and one or more of the following planetary boundaries: Biosphere integrity Novel entities Atmospheric aerosol loading Ocean acidification Biogeochemical flows Freshwater use Land-system change In your own words, explain the relationship between human activities and the planetary boundary/ies addressed in […]