This assignment is mandatory for Grade Group A and B (not required for Grade Group C) and participants must earn a “Complete”. Hello students, the first Forum Discussion was more of a practice run for you all. This is your first of several Forum Discussion assignments that are designed to build your critical thinking, research […]
Discipline: Ethics
If male guardianship undermines autonomy, does a moral agent have an ethical duty to oppose or dismantle it?If male guardianship undermines autonomy, does a moral agent have an ethical duty to oppose or dismantle it?
PLEASE ALSO SEE ATTACHED FILE TO SEE HOW TO WRITE THE ACADEMIC ESSAY. IT’LL TELL YOU THE ORDERS AND EVERYTHING. TOPIC “ Male Guardianship” THESIS QUESTION IS “If male guardianship undermines autonomy, does a moral agent have an ethical duty to oppose or dismantle it?” 1,500-2,500 words. Each Paragraph should NOT be any longer than […]
Research on Give a general overview of what has been happening in recent years with regards to abortion bans.Research on Give a general overview of what has been happening in recent years with regards to abortion bans.
5-6 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, MLA. • All research papers should include at least five references (two readings from class and three from outside of class). At least two of your sources should be journal articles and/or books/book chapters. • All papers must make connections to the theme of the class and what we have […]
Write an Essay about why Nietszsche ethical theory is the best and relate that to 3 other authors theories.Write an Essay about why Nietszsche ethical theory is the best and relate that to 3 other authors theories.
What is the best ethical theory discussed in the course, and why? As part of your essay, you ought to respond to or incorporate challenges presented by at Hume, Rawls and Dostoevsky do not use any other outside sources except for those pdfs right here. Objective: The principal objective for this paper is to form […]
Interview with Coach or Athlete or SMP/Athletic Administrator (Final Written Paper)Interview with Coach or Athlete or SMP/Athletic Administrator (Final Written Paper)
You will conduct an approx. 30-minute interview with an experienced sports coach or college/professional athlete or sports management professional or high-school/college athletic administrator of your choice focusing on specific ethical issues and dilemmas referenced in the “Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals” required text. You will present your chosen individual with selected CASE STUDIES from […]
Is it ethically permissible for the non-profit College Board to sell students’ SAT data to colleges for additional revenue and for colleges to buy this data to boost their own exclusivity? Why, why not, under what conditions?Is it ethically permissible for the non-profit College Board to sell students’ SAT data to colleges for additional revenue and for colleges to buy this data to boost their own exclusivity? Why, why not, under what conditions?
Please read the recent WSJ article and watch theCBSN video. write a 500-word reflection piece. The topic for this extra-credit option concerns a Wall Street Journal publication regarding the College Board and its handling of SAT takers’ data. The question you may address in your reflection piece is this: Is it ethically permissible for […]
Ethical Responsibility in the Workplace: Responding to Harassment Through Hegel and LevinasEthical Responsibility in the Workplace: Responding to Harassment Through Hegel and Levinas
Writing a philosophy paper calls for exercising a different ‘skill set’ than writing a paper for other academic disciplines. Writing a philosophy paper in the area of ethics is an even more demanding task because doing so entails that you exercise not only the general skills of careful and logical thinking but that you take […]
6-2 Short Paper: How Culture and Ethical Frameworks Affect Perceptions of War, Conflict, and Peace6-2 Short Paper: How Culture and Ethical Frameworks Affect Perceptions of War, Conflict, and Peace
Overview In this week’s required resources, we have explored situations when using force or warfare is justified for particular reasons. We have also considered how peace can be achieved and how it can be sustained in the long term. This assignment will help you express your opinion about a question related to war, conflict, neutrality, […]
Ethics and Moral Theory. Reflection topic from the book A Concise Introduction to Ethics Russ Shafer-LandauEthics and Moral Theory. Reflection topic from the book A Concise Introduction to Ethics Russ Shafer-Landau
Main Task- The topic I chose is Kantian Ethics . please follow the rules Select any one specific topic or concept from the course that, more than any others, changed your way of thinking about ethics, and explain how it changed your way of thinking. If you found more than one topic or concept equally […]
Discuss the ethical and legal implications of Federal legislation surrounding Medical Abortion procedures. (Roe v. Wade)Discuss the ethical and legal implications of Federal legislation surrounding Medical Abortion procedures. (Roe v. Wade)
Background Information surrounding the ethical dilemma. • Applicable Policy, theories and legal terminology. • Ethical Dilemma and the persuasive take you are defending or proposing. • Conclusion and final recommendations for change or policy. • The Paper should be in APA Format, 12 Pt font, 1.5-2 spacing, 1- inch margins. Text should be Times New […]