Discipline: Ethics

Ethical debate (privacy and technology) – use this as the topic or if you want to use something else that would be easier for you to writeEthical debate (privacy and technology) – use this as the topic or if you want to use something else that would be easier for you to write

This assignment is the first step in a three part project. You only need to focus on part one at this point. Each step will build on earlier steps. However, it is not a matter of providing a rough draft of all or even part of the entire project here in week three. That is, […]

Choose ONE contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issueChoose ONE contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue

https://youtu.be/JdtWu4Cqx1Y?si=vW3UHHa4NlhO9t2H Use this link to watch the lecture (8 mins long) and use the powerpoint attached as both sources in following these intructions:  Read Chapter 5 and watch Week 3 Lecture. Choose ONE contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue […]

Assignment 6 – Submit Fracking Wastewater Analysis of Ethics Matrix A, B, and C and the Stakeholder MatrixAssignment 6 – Submit Fracking Wastewater Analysis of Ethics Matrix A, B, and C and the Stakeholder Matrix

Conduct an analysis of how the various issues presented for Fracking Wastewater  on the documents attached on that impact specific stakeholders.   The best way to approach this perhaps is to use and apply the concepts in the matrices: the Stakeholder Matrix followed by Ethics Matrix 2a, 2b, and 2c.  Then, draw relevant connections between each of […]

Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue.Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue.

You must pick a moral issue that you strongly support and apply the utilitarian claims to back up your arguments.  You must apply the Four major points of Utilitarianism and apply Bentham’s Felicific Calculus  and apply the utilitarian claims.

For the one required response post, you will view and respond to one peer VoiceThread created in Week 6 that differs from your poll choice topic. The response post should comment on a minimum of 2 slides. I will provide link to powerpoint to respond to.For the one required response post, you will view and respond to one peer VoiceThread created in Week 6 that differs from your poll choice topic. The response post should comment on a minimum of 2 slides. I will provide link to powerpoint to respond to.

Responses should include scholarly resources/references to support your responses that are less than 5 years old. Citations should be made verbally and the reference provided as a text response.  Answer these questions for your response post Share a thorough reflection of your peer’s VoiceThread presentation adding new thoughts and content related to your peer’s reporting of their workplace ethical issue regarding the DECISION-MAKING PROCESS on SLIDE 5. Provide new thoughts, ideas, and challenges […]

Ethical Influence of Small Start-ups on Sustainable Practices in the Healthcare IndustryEthical Influence of Small Start-ups on Sustainable Practices in the Healthcare Industry

In June 2023, the private healthcare company Bupa launched their eco-Disruptive challenge aimedto encourage, “Bupa employees, entrepreneurs and start-ups come together to tackle sustainabilitychallenges within our business and the health sector.” Eco-Disruptive is Bupa’s global talent andinnovation programme, developed to improve sustainability within healthcare. Its goals are MissionZero, Mission Accelerate, Mission Regenerate (Bupa.co.uk).Dragon, Deborah Meaden […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of Due ProcessAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of Due Process

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of CooperationAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of Cooperation

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

Why is Critical Pacific Islands & Oceania Studies important for everybody to know, not just Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders?Why is Critical Pacific Islands & Oceania Studies important for everybody to know, not just Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders?

Academic Blog Post  Length: at least 800 words (not including references)  What Makes a Strong Blog Post? Funny or interesting title  An initial paradox, controversy, anecdote  Common, typical experience as evidence, with some insightful, unusual twist Credible evidence supporting your claims, with links to journal articles and other sources  Relevant photos/video clips/visual images of data  […]

For the one required response post, Reflect on your peer’s ethical issue and presentationFor the one required response post, Reflect on your peer’s ethical issue and presentation

Reflect on attached pdf poster ( provided here: https://mylearning.suny.edu/d2l/le/1061246/discussions/posts/13949661/ViewAttachment?fileId=73862767)  Provide a thoughtful and thorough discussion with new thoughts, ideas, and interpretations on at least two of the required elements (ex: pros/cons, ethical principles, social determinants of health/bias, justice, and social responsibility). 2.     Reflect on the course. Consider questions such as: What did you learn? What was the most valuable? How did the course challenge your own […]