Discipline: Ethics

Mill, Kant, and Aristotle. Which of the three philosophers has the most defensible position and why?Mill, Kant, and Aristotle. Which of the three philosophers has the most defensible position and why?

Argumentive paper 1000 word minimum (the word count does not include either the Works Cited page, or titling information). A Works Cited page that follows proper MLA Guidelines. Papers that fail to include a Works Cited page will incur a 10-point penalty. Direct textual evidence must be used to support your position. By “direct textual evidence,” I mean […]

2 essays at a minimum of 1000 wirds. both on a different topic exprssiong for or against something2 essays at a minimum of 1000 wirds. both on a different topic exprssiong for or against something

have to do two essay assignments both on 2 different topics in a for or against  1. is to assert in your contributing post(s) whether you believe a state (such as Texas, through the Texas Advance Directives Act) violates a patient’s right to life when it authorizes a hospital to refuse a patient life-saving treatment on […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of CompetenceAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of Competence

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of professional judgementAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of professional judgement

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application if PerserveraAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application if Perservera

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of CourageAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of Courage

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

As a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of CompassionAs a CPA in Public Practice or Industry or the CEO/Entrepreneur of a business, what is the role/application of Compassion

You need to Review a journal article about the value, (not a dictionary definition and no Wikipedia). You must cite your source (quote a scholarly article as evidence for or justification for your opinion). Author names Title of article Title of Journal Volume and issue number Date of publication Page numbers or URL and the […]

Ethical Audit – Deploying AI to optimize healthcare at St. John’s Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.*Ethical Audit – Deploying AI to optimize healthcare at St. John’s Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.*

Instructions   Below you will read about a case study involving introducing the use of AI technologies to improve healthcare outcomes at a (fictional) hospital in the United States.   You have been tasked as an AI Ethics Consultant to perform an ethical audit of a set of AI systems deployed in the hospital in […]

Technological Neutrality. Why does it have to be a yes/no question? Why not just Sometimes Yes?Technological Neutrality. Why does it have to be a yes/no question? Why not just Sometimes Yes?

Topic : Technological Neutrality. Why does it have to be a yes/no question? Why not just Sometimes Yes? This week’s reading, “An Engineer Considers Technological (non) Neutrality”, reviews the ethics literature around the “neutrality” versus “value-ladenness” of Technology. The author gives examples of the pros/cons of one view being more dominant than the other, and […]

Paper Topic: The influence of science fiction on modern technology – Virtual realityPaper Topic: The influence of science fiction on modern technology – Virtual reality

The required elements: Your paper should contain the following elements. Specific content for each section was outlined BY YOU in Assignment 3: The Outline. Be sure to incorporate any feedback I gave you on the outline in particular.   Start with an introduction: this should be 3-5 sentences that summarize the main idea behind your […]