Discipline: Ethics

Law enforcement, evolution of social norms, ethics and the defintion of morality in criminal justice across the last 100 years.Law enforcement, evolution of social norms, ethics and the defintion of morality in criminal justice across the last 100 years.

Write a research paper on law enforement, evolution of social norms, ethics and the defintion of morality in criminal justice across the last 100 years. How ethics , integrity, professionalism and values intersect to influence piblic trust in the justice syetm. 6 scholarly sources

In your opinion, is euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide ever morally permissible? Are there some situations in which one might be acceptable but not the other?In your opinion, is euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide ever morally permissible? Are there some situations in which one might be acceptable but not the other?

As for practical issues such as length, footnoting, etc. here are some guidelines: Double space using a 12pt. Times New Roman Font; The essay should be a minimum of 6 full pages, preferably seven (7).  There will be large point reductions for any essay less than 6 full pages. There should not be any need […]

Differences between Christian and Non-Christian Sexual & Gender Ethics PositionsDifferences between Christian and Non-Christian Sexual & Gender Ethics Positions

300-600 words. Now that you have read your assigned reading for sexual and gender ethical issues, and have gained a better understanding of how various ethical systems might approach these issues, write a thread that explains how a one of the Christian ethical systems might process the issue and how a non-Christian ethical system might […]

Consider the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Is the use of GMOs in food production ethical? In your answer, consider both health and environmental concerns.Consider the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Is the use of GMOs in food production ethical? In your answer, consider both health and environmental concerns.

Your task is to write a paragraph (maximum length of one page double spaced) that analyzes one of the following environmental ethical issues. You choose which issue to write about; in this assignment, reflect deeply on a topic that matters to you. You must argue your position with ethical theory and also show how your […]

exploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researchedexploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researched

·       Review the article, Three Key Principles To Guide Ethical Decision-Making In The Digital EraLinks to an external site.. ·       Review the article, The Rise Of Ethical Leadership In Modern Business EnterprisesLinks to an external site.. You have determined that change is inevitable and subject to numerous variables attributing to the success or failure of the change process. The Final […]

write a 7-page essay in APA that answers the following questions: What the topic is about? Why this topic interests you? What are the major findings from the scholarly sources you found? How will you apply your research to your academic or career goals?write a 7-page essay in APA that answers the following questions: What the topic is about? Why this topic interests you? What are the major findings from the scholarly sources you found? How will you apply your research to your academic or career goals?

Essay must be over the topic ethics and leadership and four of the references must be the ones listed below! write a 7-page essay covering ETHICS AND LEADERSHIP in APA that answers the following questions: What the topic is about? Why this topic interests you? What are the major findings from the scholarly sources you […]

Write an essay exploring a recent (within the last three months) news event that illustrates the intersection of society and technology.Write an essay exploring a recent (within the last three months) news event that illustrates the intersection of society and technology.

Please AI is not allowed for this assignment, as the professor has developed tools to discover To sum up… Here is the outline I suggest that you use when writing this paper: Background on article topic Introduce details of current article topic at hand Analyze one viewpoint regarding the topic, including class terms as appropriate. […]

Do we have a moral obligation to donate some of our money to save other people’s lives?Do we have a moral obligation to donate some of our money to save other people’s lives?

Case Study: Creating an Ethics Case Study [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required resources for the week, complete the Week 2 content in the PHI208: Ethics & Moral ReasoningLinks to an external site. interactive, watch the UtilitarianismLinks to an external site. video, and review […]

After watching the short “What not to do in counseling” under this week’s learning materials, answer the following questions essay style…After watching the short “What not to do in counseling” under this week’s learning materials, answer the following questions essay style…

After watching the short “What not to do in counseling” under this week’s learning materials, answer the following questions essay style: -Identify 3 behaviors of this counselor that were unethical.  -Include at least 2 moral principles that were violated.  -Identify behaviors of the counselor that were ethical? If so, identify these behaviors. -Identify the most […]